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Parse a zc.buildout versions file, and check if any updates are present.

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Buildout Versions Checker

Build Status - develop branch Coverage of the code

Parses a zc.buildout file containing a versions section of the pinned versions of the eggs, and checks if any updates are available.


If you use the practical convention to pin the versions of all the eggs used in your buildout into a file, you will find this package useful for checking if any newest version of the eggs are available on Pypi.

Here an example of a version file:

$ cat versions.cfg
Pillow                          = 2.0.0
pytz                            = 2012j
South                           = 0.8.1
django                          = 1.5
django-tagging                  = 0.3.1

Now let's execute the check-buildout-updates script:

$ ./check-buildout-updates
Pillow                          = 2.1.0
pytz                            = 2013b
South                           = 0.8.2
django                          = 1.5.2

You can now update the versions.cfg file accordingly to your needs.


usage: check-buildout-updates [-h] [--pre] [-s SPECIFIERS] [-i INCLUDES]
                              [-e EXCLUDES] [-w] [--indent INDENTATION]
                              [--sorting {alpha,ascii,length}]
                              [--service-url SERVICE_URL] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                              [-t THREADS] [-v] [-q]

Check availables updates from a version section of a buildout script

positional arguments:
  source                The file where versions are pinned (default:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Allowed versions:
  --pre                 Allow pre-releases and development versions (by
                        default only stable versions are found)
                        Describe what versions of a package are acceptable.
                        Example "package:>=1.0,!=1.3.4.*,< 2.0" (can be used
                        multiple times)

  -i INCLUDES, --include INCLUDES
                        Include package when checking updates (can be used
                        multiple times)
  -e EXCLUDES, --exclude EXCLUDES
                        Exclude package when checking updates (can be used
                        multiple times)

  -w, --write           Write the updates in the source file
  --indent INDENTATION  Spaces used when indenting "key = value" (default:
  --sorting {alpha,ascii,length}
                        Sorting algorithm used on the keys when writing source
                        file (default: None)

  --service-url SERVICE_URL
                        The service to use for checking the packages (default:
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout for each request (default: 10s)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Threads used for checking the versions in parallel

  -v                    Increase verbosity (specify multiple times for more)
  -q                    Decrease verbosity (specify multiple times for more)

Buildout integration

You can easily integrate this script into your buildout script to automaticly find and write the updates.

parts                   = evolution

recipe                  = zc.recipe.egg
eggs                    = buildout-versions-checker
scripts                 = check-buildout-updates=evolve
arguments               = '-w --indent 24 -s django:<1.8 buildout.cfg'

With this part into your buildout, a new script named ./bin/evolve will be created. It will check for the available updates of the eggs listed in the versions section of the versions.cfg file, then write the updates found.

Python compatibility

Buildout-versions-checker has been originally developed for Python 2.7, but has been ported and tested for Python 3.4 and more.

Since version 1.10.0, the project compatibility start from Python 3.7 and more.


  • packaging >= 16


Buildout-versions-checker also provides extra scripts for simplify the maintenance of yours versions files.


indent-buildout is designed for just (re)indenting your buildout files. Because the buildout files are sometimes mixed with spaces and tabulations which may affect viewing and editing.

$ ./indent-buildout buildout.cfg versions.cfg


find-unused-versions just check if your have not pinned eggs which are not used in your installation. For better results, run the script after a full and fresh install.

$ ./find-unused-versions


Parse a zc.buildout versions file, and check if any updates are present.






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