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Releases: Farmith/D2RMIM

Feature Release

22 Nov 07:09
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  • 1.6.6 Feature release
    • New features:
      • Plugin System base now active, ExamplePlugin project added which will over time display available functionality
    • Improvements:
      • New structure for killing handles, now the wait time between client starts is about 0
      • Added breathingroom to audiomanager to lessen cpu intensity
    • Bugfixes:
      • Couple minor buggfixes slipped in

Minor release

19 Nov 20:16
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New features:

  • De-elevation of client exe and pre/post commands, they no longer run in elevated mode.
  • Ability to save a client windows x/y coordinates to the profile
  • Ability to select on a profile-basis if a client window should be muted when minimized
  • Functionality to restart a client window that crashes with a 15s grace timer


  • Cleanup of logging methods
  • Cleanup of UI
  • General refactoring on the code (Account => profile etc)


  • Setting coordinate x/y for a client window to 0 no longer disables fixed positioning
  • Miscelanious try-catch statements added to avoid crashes

And probably more..

Minor release

19 Nov 09:57
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  • 1.6.4 Minor release
    • New features:
      • Browse for game executable button now activated
      • Command-line arguments now implemented, usage:
      • Auto-refresh profile(s): MultiInstanceManager.exe --autorefresh <profile> <profileN>
      • Auto-restart after refresh: MultiInstanceManager.exe --autorefresh <profile1> --relaunch
      • Disable clearing of logs: MultiInstanceManager.exe --keeplogs
      • Everything: MultiInstanceManager.exe --autorefresh <profile1> --relaunch --keeplogs

Bugfix release

18 Nov 09:56
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Fixed bug with special characters in passwords
Fixed bug with Y coordinate not saving properly (used X instead due to an oversight)
Cleaned up reusable into function.

Buggfix release

17 Nov 10:41
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-	Bugfixes:
		* Fixed pre-launch commands (now working in experimental mode)
		* Fixed post-launch commands (now working in experimental mode)

-	New features:
		* Attempt for spawned processes to become de-elevated (in use for pre and post launch commands)

-	General improvements:
		* Moved .bincnf to .cnf (profile configuration files) in an attempt to solve a strange bug where some people perhaps see the .bincnf in the profile listing on the mainUI aswell
		* Changed logclears to be just separations for debug.log
		* Added a new logclear (empty) which is executed every time D2RMIM is started instead, for debug.log
		* Added full date + time additions to debug.log

Release 1.6.1 - Buggfixrelease

16 Nov 21:16
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  • Fix for wrong client executable being still referenced in the project.
  • Fix for wrong client installation path still referenced.
  • Fix for wrong command-line arguments still referenced.
  • Stability-fix for profile deletion.
  • Added removal of credentials upon removal of profile
  • Start of renaming of "Account" things to "Profile" in the cases where it really is "Profile" things and not "Account" things.
  • Added true-password mode for password-field in account-setup

Release 1.6 - Major overhaul

15 Nov 23:10
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  • 1.6
    • ** Major Revamp **

    • Buggfixes:

      • Fixed problem where setup of new accounts would take longer than needed, by removing handle-kill from procedure.
      • Fixed a hotkey problem that hotkeys were in numlock mode and were sending "drink potion" and other bad things to other clients.
      • Fixed a problem where setting window-title would sometimes fail because the handle wasn't yet created properly.
    • New features:

      • Added new UI/functionality to configure accounts on a per-account basis (Configure-button)
      • Added new functionality to enable/disable grouping of client windows in the taskbar on a per-client basis.
      • Added new functionality to manually choose installationpath/executable name of on a per-client basis.
      • Added new functionality to process/configure pre-launch commands to be executed before the client on a per-client basis.
    •   * Currently disabled
      • Added new functionality to process/configure post-launch commands to be executed after the client on a per-client basis.
    •   * Currently disabled
      • Added new functionality to process/configure 'command-line arguments' on a per-client basis.
      • Added new functionality to select client position on screen on a per-client basis.
      • Added new functionality to select/configure client Realm on a per-client basis.
      • Added new functionality to process/configure D2R Client 'Settings.config' on a per-client basis.
    • Improvements:

      • Added completely new functionality for handling a per-client based hotkey system that allows modifier keys: ctrl, shift, alt.
      • Added more Log functionality to catch unforseen errors.
      • Faster "skip intro videos" method added
      • Skip-intro videos now on a per-client basis configuration + uses other methods of skipping them to not lock up mouse.
      • Faster and more secure way of keeping track of handles.
    • ToDo:

      • Window positioner needs a "width" and "height" system to allow inactive windows to not take up so much space/resources,
        this task is in a "long term"-watch state as it needs many things to fall into place first.

Release 1.5.1 - Buggfix, Refactoring and minor feature release

10 Nov 12:45
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-	**Buffix & Refactoring release**
-	Buggfixes:
-	* Fixed problem with "Add Account" button not listening to current settings
-	* Fixed problem with "Launch" button only being able to launch one client 
-	* Fixed problem with "Refresh" button only being able to launch once
-	* Fixed problem with memory leak in handle manipulation
-	* Fixed problem with a few blocking calls
-	Refactoring:
-	* Created a slew of new helpers and shit to clean up this mess of a project and make things readable and debug-able
-	* Split up window features, process features, automation features and general logic
-	New functionality:
-	* Added auto-skipping of "videos" at the launch of the game client in Setup, Launch & Refresh-modes
-	* Added better closing mechanisms for launchers, client launchers, and clients.
-	* Added functionality to keep track of which EXE-name we are working with to kill the right thing with mutex/process handling
-	* Added task-functionality to launch button to follow same suite as Add and Refresh i.e block buttons untill done and not blocking UI thread

Release 1.5

10 Nov 00:28
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Major updates in this release:

  • Auto-login when adding accounts or refreshing tokens for existing accounts, you need to go through the "hassle" of setting up your accounts once each, after that it can auto-login for you, forever?
  • Keybinds have been adjusted a little, may be a little buggy but default 0-3 are activated to swap between client windows, where 0 is the first window and so on.
  • Additional configuration options (available in .config)
    • forceExitClients now listens to changes
    • saveCredentials can be used to bypass the hassle of manually logging in while refreshing as described above
    • gameExecutableName you can now use a non-standard executable name as long as it is next to the original installed one

... And some stability/usability updates aswell

Release 1.4.2 - With hotkey support

09 Nov 16:25
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