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  1. Open the command line and cd to this directory.

  2. Create a virtual environment.

    On Unix:

    python3 -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate

    On Windows:

    py -3 -m venv venv
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install Flask
    pip install MySQL
    pip install MySQL-connector
  4. Set environment variables and run.

    On Unix:

    export FLASK_APP=app
    export FLASK_ENV=development
    flask run

    On Windows:

    set FLASK_APP=app
    set FLASK_ENV=development
    flask run

Note: This application will not initialize the MySQL database. The MySQL database must be initialized with data beforehand. Also note that the username and password are hardcoded in app/

How to get front-end of the application running

  1. Cd into the frontend directory.
  2. Run 'npm start'. The website should go live at http://localhost:3000/ Note: The front-end is not calling the backend APIs yet. The styling and API calls will be done in the following days.

Initializing the Database

  1. In the file, add your mysql username and password to the corresponding fields.
  2. Run the file by using the command python3
    • This file will generate database called CS348 and also the user, post and vehicle tables. These tables will be populated with data as well.
    • Ensure that userData.csv and vehiclesWithUserAdded.csv are in the same directory.
  3. Run the SQL commands contained in the file insert_posts.sql to initialize the posts table.

Features implemented so far

There are a total of 9 features implemented so far. A user will be able to create, edit, delete and modify a vehicle; the backend code can be found in app/ A user will be able to create, edit, and delete a post as well; the related backend code can be found in app/ A user will be able to find the average price of vehicles made by a manufacturer and a user will also be able to filter through posts based on price and manufacturer as well; the backend code can be found in app/ For ease of testing, an endpoint can be specifically be tested running the Python code in the Python HTTP Requests for Testing folder while the Flask server is running (Step 4 in the Installation). Alternatively, an HTTP request can be sent to http://localhost:5000/{specifc_endpoint_found_in_file} while the Flask server is running. In the future, the front-end will be integrated with the back-end.


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