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Site Setup

Stephen Sabatini edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 12 revisions

** This was my process, may have been less than ideal **

Setting up the Dev site

Create a new database (use 'utf-8' encoding) on Shadowcat

Create a new directory in httpdocs/clients/ on Shadowcat

mkdir {new-site}
cd {new-site}
git clone bigtree

Move install.php, bigtree.sql into root directory Create link to core from root directory

ln -s bigtree/core core

Run the installer

Fill out the information with the database you created, choose Advanced Routing (in most cases)

Create a new repository on Fastspot's GitHub Init a new git repo

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'message'
git remote add origin{New-Site}.git
cd bigtree
git submodule init

If you want a different branch than master for BigTree

git checkout 4.2-devel

Set your .gitignore file up Example:


Setting up your local copy

Create an empty directory. Clone your repository into that directory:

git clone{New-Site}.git .
cd bigtree
git submodule init
git submodule update

If you want a different branch than master for BigTree

git checkout 4.2-devel

Check and make sure you've got the following that may be ignored by .gitignore:

  • cache (chmod 777)
  • core (ln -s bigtree/core core)

If you're having additional issues, try adding the following to site/index.php to show errors. Be sure to remove once you've figured things out.

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

Getting Grunt working

Start here: Basics:

Install NPM Install Grunt command line

npm install -g grunt-cli

Go to directory

cd {new-site}
npm install grunt

If you're doing this on Shadowcat for your dev site, user a super user:

  Password: {password}
npm install grunt

Get what you need from the Fastspot Boilerplate repository ( This will include a GruntFile.js and package.json You'll update settings inside of package.json

Getting Bower working

Install Bower if you haven't

npm install bower -g

Create a .bowerrc file inside of site and insert this:

    "directory": "components"

Install packages from inside site directory

bower install Roller

If on Shadowcat, use a super user and include --allow-root on end of command

  Password: {password}
bower install Roller --allow-root