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FawryPay-AVL android SDK

Accept popular payment methods with a single client-side implementation.

Before You Start

Use this integration if you want your iOS application to:

  • Accept cards and other payment methods.
  • Save and display cards for reuse.

Make sure you have an active FawryPay account, or create an account.

How Android SDK Looks Like

Download and test our sample application.

How it works

On this page, we will walk you through the Android SDK integration steps:

  1. InstallingFawryPaySDK.
  2. InitializeandConfigureFawryPayAndroidSDK.
  3. Override the SDK colors.
  4. Return payment processing information and inform your client of the payment result.

Step 1: Installing FawryPaySDK

This document illustrates how our gateway can be integrated into your iOS application in simple and easy steps. Please follow the steps in order to integrate the FawryPay iOS SDK in your application.

  1. Add the following repository to your (root) build.gradle
repositories { ...
maven { url '' } 
  1. And add the following to your (app) build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.fawry.fawrypay:avl:0.0.18' 
  1. Add the following to your Manifest.xml
tools:replace="android:allowBackup" />
  1. Finally add the following property to your

Step 2: Initialize AVL Android SDK

  1. Create an instance of
    • LaunchCustomerModel
    • LaunchMerchantModel
    • FawryLaunchModel

and pass the required parameters (Required and optional parameters are determined below).


customerName String optional - Name Name
customerEmail String optional -
customerMobile String optional - +0100000000
customerProfileId String optional - 1234


billTypeCodeWith Fees Int mandatory - 4433
billTypeCodeWith outFees Int mandatory - 3344
internationalBANs ArrayList [String] mandatory BANs related to the bank to use the billTypeCodeWithoutFees arrayListOf("51234 5","5506900
BANValidationSize Int mandatory - 6
onUsAvlFees Double mandatory - 5.0
offUsAvlFees Double mandatory - 7.0


merchantCode String required Merchant ID provided during FawryPay account setup. +/IPO2sghiethhN6tMC==
merchantRefNum String required Merchant's transaction reference number is random 10 alphanumeric digits. You can call FrameworkHelper.shared?.getMerchantReferenceNumber() to generate it rather than pass it. A1YU7MKI09
secretCode String required provided by support 4b8jw3j2-8gjhfrc-4wc4-scde-453dek3d


launchCustomerModel LaunchCustomerModel optional Customer information. -
launchMerchantModel LaunchMerchantModel required Merchant information. -
allow3DPayment Boolean optional - default value = false to allow 3D secure payment make it “true” -
skipReceipt Boolean optional - default value = false to skip receipt after payment trial -
skipLogin Boolean optional - default value = false to skip login screen in which we take email and mobile -
beneficiaryWalletNumber String mandatory - “01234567890”
avlValues Double mandatory - 7.00
billingAcct String mandatory - “01234567890”
avlInfo AVLInfo mandatory - “01234567890”
apiPath String optional - "fawrypay-a pi/api/"
  1. Calling Mode:
    • Payment Mode: Call launchAVL from CalllaunchAVLfromFawrySdk.launchAVL
activity Activity required The activity which will be the starting point of the SDK. -
_fawryLaunch Model FawryLaunchModel required Has info that needed to launch the SDK Example in step 3
_baseUrl String required Provided by the support team. Use staging URL for testing and switch for production to go live. ( (staging) ( (production)
_languages String required SDK language which will affect SDK's interface languages. FawrySdk.Langua ges.ENGLISH

Step 3: Override the SDK colors

If you want to change colors: - You need to know the ID of the color you want to change then add a color in your colors file in the host app with the same id but with the value you want

If you changed these colors it will change the main screen color in the payment fragment I made it black and red as an example in the host app, but you can change it to whatever you want. For example:

<color name="fawry_blue">#FF000000</color> 
<color name="fawry_yellow">#F44336</color> 
<color name="fawry_green">#FFEB3B</color> 
<color name="dim_text_color">#FFFFFFFF</color> 
<color name="fawry_black">#FFFFFFFF</color> 
<color name="fawry_white">#FFFFFFFF</color>
<color name="fawry_background">#809199</color>

and for logo you can add a png file in the drawable package and name it fawry_pay_logo.png and for fonts you can add fonts in your package with the names:


Callbacks Explanation:

There are 5 callbacks:

  1. onInit() { }

    • called before launching the flow successfully.
  2. onPreLaunch(onPreLaunch: FawryPreLaunch) { onPreLaunch.onContinue() }

    • called when the flow is launched.
  3. onFailure(error: String) { }

    • if the payment didn't pass.
    • if you enabled the receipt, this callback will be called after clicking the done button in the receipt.
    • if you disabled the receipt, this callback will be called upon the finish of the payment screen and the failure of the payment.
  4. onPaymentCompleted(msg:String,data:Any?){}

    • will be called only whether the payment passed or not. And it's called upon receiving the response of the payment either success or fail.
  5. onSuccess(msg:String,data:Any?){}

    • if the payment passed.
    • if you enabled the receipt, this callback will be called after clicking the done button in the receipt.
    • if you disabled the receipt, this callback will be called upon the finish of the payment screen and the success of the payment.