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GitHub Action - CI

A GitHub Action integrated with the GitHub and CircleCI API.

Testing & Development

We are no longer testing the integration with CircleCI.


This GitHub Action provides tasks that interface with the GitHub and CircleCI API. You can use these tasks to build workflows. In a workflow step, the task parameter must reference the task name, followed by any parameters.

  - uses: alteryx/gh-action-ci@v3
    id: <step id>
      task: <task name>
      # ... parameters for the task

The returned value of a task is available in later steps from the output value.

steps.<step id>.outputs.value


This is a list of the available tasks:


Check whether the latest commit happened recently.

Parameter Description Required
repository The name of the public repository that contains the commit. Yes
branch The name of branch that contains the commit. The default value is the default branch of the repository. No
recent The period used to define whether a commit happened recently. The time value must be in a key-value pair format (i.e. weeks=1, days=1, hours=1, minutes=1, etc.) The default value is seven days. No

The returned value is a string data type that will either be True or False.


Check whether the latest workflow completed successfully.

Parameter Description Required
repository The name of the public repository that contains the workflow. Yes
branch The name of branch that contains the workflow. The default value is the default branch of the repository. No
workflow The name of the workflow to check for a successful status. Yes
token The token for making authorized requests to the CI provider's REST API. Only required for private repositories. No
ci The CI Provider for the task. The default value is github No

The returned value is a string data type that will either be True or False.


Create a dispatch event to run a workflow.

Parameter Description Required
repository The name of the repository that contains the workflow. Yes
workflow The file name of the workflow to dispatch. Only required for GitHub. No
token The token for making authorized requests to the CI provider's REST API. This can be a personal access token (PAT) with repo-scoped access for GitHub. Yes
ci The CI Provider for the task. The default value is github No

The returned value is a string data type. If the workflow was dispatched to run, the value will be True, otherwise False.

Example - CircleCI Scheduler

This workflow uses the tasks to schedule project builds in CircleCI on recent commits to Featuretools.

# circleci-scheduler.yml

    # At 05:00 PM UTC
    - cron:  '0 17 * * *'

name: CircleCI Scheduler
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check for successful workflow status in CircleCI.
        uses: alteryx/gh-action-ci@v3
        id: is_workflow_success
          task: is_workflow_success
          repository: ${{ github.repository }}
          token: ${{ secrets.CIRCLE_TOKEN }}
          ci: circleci

      - name: Check for recent commit to Featuretools.
        if: ${{ steps.is_workflow_success.outputs.value == 'True' }}
        uses: alteryx/gh-action-ci@v3
        id: is_recent_commit
          task: is_recent_commit
          repository: alteryx/featuretools
          recent: days=7

      - name: Trigger project build in CircleCI.
        if: ${{ steps.is_recent_commit.outputs.value == 'True' }}
        uses: alteryx/gh-action-ci@v3
          task: run_workflow
          repository: ${{ github.repository }}
          token: ${{ secrets.CIRCLE_TOKEN }}
          ci: circleci

To install this workflow, add the file above to the following location in your repository.

└── workflows
    └── circleci-scheduler.yml

Then, add CIRCLE_TOKEN as a secret in your repository settings.