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i3-gaps dotfiles

This is my first attempt at creating a rice using i3-gaps, polybar and some other software but I think this these are messy and, since I had the oppurtinity, I started another rice well-thought and available at dotfiles-bspwm.

Probably I won't touch these files for long time so don't expect any upgrade :)


  • i3-gaps
  • picom-ibhagwan
  • polybar
  • rofi
  • feh
  • lightdm
  • kitty
  • flameshot
  • amixer
  • brightnessctl
  • neovim


I think I've spent more time on adding features to vim than any other config but now is really messy and I prefer starting again from scratch. It was also my first attempt at using it so many mappings may look horrible.


First attempt at ricing i3gaps