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A Cryptocurrency within a peer to peer system

This cryptocurrency project is built using TypeScript and Node.js. It provides a robust platform for blockchain interactions, including creating and managing wallets, performing transactions, mining blocks, and maintaining a peer-to-peer network. The project follows a modular architecture with a clear separation of concerns, making it scalable and maintainable.

API Endpoints

Blockchain Endpoints

  1. Get All Blocks

    • GET /api/blockchain
  2. Get Block By Hash

    • GET /api/blockchain/:hash
  3. Mine Raw Block

    • POST /api/blockchain/mineRawBlock
  4. Mine Block

    • POST /api/blockchain/mineBlock
  5. Mine Block With Transactions

    • POST /api/blockchain/mineTransaction

Transaction Endpoints

  1. Get Transaction Pool

    • GET /api/transactions
  2. Get Transaction By ID

    • GET /api/transactions/:id
  3. Get Unspent Transactions By Address

    • GET /api/transactions/unspentTxOuts/:address
  4. Get My Unspent Transactions

    • GET /api/transactions/myUnspentTxOuts
  5. Make Transaction

    • POST /api/transactions

Wallet Endpoints

  1. Get Wallet Balance

    • GET /api/wallet/balance
  2. Get Wallet Address

    • GET /api/wallet/address

P2P Communication Endpoints

  1. Get All Peers

    • GET /api/p2p/peers
  2. Connect To Peers

    • POST /api/p2p/join

Project Domain Design

Domain Entities

  1. Block

    • Represents a single block in the blockchain, containing transactions, an index, a timestamp, a difficulty level, a nounce, a hash and a previoushash linking it to the previous block.
  2. Transaction

    • Represents a cryptocurrency transaction, detailing the transfer of funds from one address to another.
  3. Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

    • Represents the unspent output of a transaction, which can be used as an input for new transactions.

Core Use Cases

  1. Blockchain Management

    • GetAllBlocks: Retrieves the complete blockchain.
    • GetBlockByHash: Fetches a specific block using its hash.
    • GenerateNextRawBlock: Mines a new raw block.
    • GenerateNextBlock: Mines a new block with transactions.
    • GenerateNextBlockWithTransactions: Mines a new block containing specific transactions.
  2. Transaction Management

    • GetTransactionById: Retrieves a specific transaction using its ID.
    • GetMyUnspentTxOuts: Fetches all unspent transaction outputs for the current user.
    • GetAllUnspentTxOuts: Retrieves all unspent transaction outputs in the system.
    • SendTransaction: Creates and sends a new transaction.
    • GetTransactionPool: Retrieves the current transaction pool.
  3. Wallet Management

    • GetWalletBalance: Gets the balance of the current user's wallet.
    • GetWalletAddress: Retrieves the address of the current user's wallet.
  4. P2P Communication

    • GetSockets: Retrieves all connected peers.
    • ConnectToPeers: Connects to new peers in the network.

Modular Architecture

  1. Controllers

    • Manage the HTTP requests and responses, invoking the appropriate use cases to fulfill client requests.
  2. Use Cases

    • Contain the core business logic, handling various operations related to blockchain, transactions, wallets, and peer-to-peer communication.
  3. Gateways

    • Interface with the underlying data structures and storage, providing necessary data to the use cases.
  4. Entities

    • Represent the core objects within the domain, such as blocks, transactions, and UTXOs.
  5. Framework

  • Includes the main application framework (Express.js) and WebSocket setup for handling HTTP requests and real-time communication.
  1. Utils
  • Utility functions and helpers that support various operations across the project.

Peer-to-Peer Network

The project includes a peer-to-peer network component that allows nodes to communicate with each other, share blockchain updates, and maintain network consensus. This is achieved through WebSocket connections, enabling real-time data exchange and synchronization.

Security and Integrity

The project ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain through cryptographic hashing and a proof-of-work consensus mechanism. Transactions are signed using private keys, and only valid transactions are added to the blockchain.