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Releases: FenixUp/RestShell


21 Apr 18:04
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v1.2.0 Pre-release

Added Postman Import features!
Command line menu now offers the option to go to Postman Import and select from the list of JSON files.
Then the menu will prompt for which request to import from the Postman Export.
Note: Only imports one request at a time, and the imported JSON is not perfectly formatted pretty, but happy it works(crawls?) right now.
Import will create a new JSON file that matches RestShell's format and is ready to be ran by RestShell right away.

Added the MIT License to the Repo as well to make it a bit more official.


04 Apr 17:49
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v1.1.0 Pre-release
  • Now added a new command line menu to select the input JSON file, from a list of available JSON in the local directory.
  • Source scripts files have been moved into a local folder, to leave a cleaner working directory.
  • Added a Startup script to use in Powershell ISE.
  • Package is provided as a zip file now.

First Patch!

28 Mar 01:42
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First Patch! Pre-release

Fixed a display issue where Peek Response fails to display a payload that is less than 100 characters.

First Very Basic Release

26 Mar 08:55
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First release of this project ready for use. Only the most basic features are included.

  • POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE are all supported.
  • Request Body can be another file.

Trying out Git hub Release thing for the first time. There might be issues ^^'