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Terraform module to add infrastructure-dependent resources to a kubernetes cluster


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This terraform module provision kubernetes resources that are highly coupled with the infrastructure and will change as the infrastructure changes.

Supports the creation of the following kubernetes resources:

  • namespaces
  • services and endpoints derived from external services
  • secrets derived from terraform execution
  • configmaps derived from terraform execution
  • fluxcd (version 1) instances


Bastion Dependency

Currently, this module requires the use of a bastion that can talk to the k8 masters' api (we depend on the artifacts generated by kubespray for this).

As time allows, we will likely change this in the future to instead scrape the infrastructure k8 manifests for either an s3 bucket or an etcd cluster.


Input Variables

  • namespaces: Array of namespaces to create
  • services: Array of external services with each entry having the following format:
    • name: Name the service will have internally in the kubernetes cluster
    • ips: External ips of the service. To circumvent an observed bug in Terraform (on version 0.12.28), this needs to be passed in a single coma-separated string.
    • headless: Whether kubernetes should load-balancer the service behind an intermediate ip (if false) or whether it should just handle dns and return all external ips dns queries on the service name (if true)
    • port: Port the external service can be reached at
  • secrets: Array of secrets with each entry taking the following format:
    • name: Name of the secret
    • namespace: Namespace of the secret
    • type: Type of the secret. Defaults to Opaque.
    • attributes: Map of key-value pairs defining the secret's attributes
  • configmaps: Array of configmaps with each entry taking the following format:
    • name: Name of the configmap
    • namespace: Namespace of the configmap
    • attributes: Map of key-value pairs defining the configmap's attributes
  • flux_instances: Array of fluxcd instances with each entry taking the following format:
    • namespace: Namespace of the flux instance. It should be pre-existing and contain a flux-git-deploy with an identity key containing a valid private ssh key for user
    • repository: Repository the flux instance should monitor
    • branch: Branch of the repository the flux instance should monitor
    • path: Directory path the flux instance should monitor
    • user: User the flux instance should access the git repository as
    • email: Email of the user the flux instance should access the git repository as
    • git_poll_interval: Interval at which the git repository should be polled for new commits. Defaults to '2m'.
    • garbage_collection: Determine if flux will garbage collect resources it created that are no longer present in the git reference repo. Defaults to 'true'.
    • image_pull_secret: Optional name of secret containing credentials to pull images from registries
    • image_pull_filename: File name of the configuration file containing the credentials to pull images
  • bastion_external_ip: ip the bastion can be sshed from
  • bastion_port: Port the bastion can be sshed from
  • bastion_user: User the bastion should be sshed as
  • bastion_key_pair: Ssh key that can be used to ssh on the bastion
  • artifacts_path: Path on the bastion where the kubectl binary and admin.conf file are located
  • manifests_path: Path where the kubernetes manifest files should be uploaded before getting applied. This path will get cleaned up afterwards.
  • kubernetes_installation_id: ID uniquely identified the kubernetes installation. Useful to set an ordering dependency and also to retrigger provisioning when the kubernetes installation changes.
  • kubernetes_namespace: Default namespace the generated resources should be created under if a more specific namespace is not specified. Defaults to 'default'
  • kubernetes_metadata_identifier: Metadata label that will be included in generated resources. When the module runs, pre-existing resources with this metadata field that are not present in the resources bring provisioned will be cleaned up. Defaults to source.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how the module might be used:

module "k8_v1_19_3_alpha_infra_conf" {
  source = "git::"
  namespaces = [
  services = [
      name = "keycloak-db"
      namespace = "default"
      ips = module.keycloak_postgres.ip
      headless = false
      port = "5432"
      name = "elasticsearch-workers"
      namespace = "default"
      ips = join(",", [for worker in module.elasticsearch_cluster.workers: worker.ip])
      headless = false
      port = "9200"
      name = "mongodb-replicaset-lectern-${var.namespace}-1"
      namespace = "default"
      ips = module.lectern_db.replicas.0.ip
      headless = true
      port = "27017"
      name = "mongodb-replicaset-lectern-${var.namespace}-2"
      namespace = "default"
      ips = module.lectern_db.replicas.1.ip
      headless = true
      port = "27017"
      name = "mongodb-replicaset-lectern-${var.namespace}-3"
      namespace = "default"
      ips = module.lectern_db.replicas.2.ip
      headless = true
      port = "27017"
  secrets = [
      name = "keycloak-db-credentials"
      namespace = "default"
      attributes = {
        username = "mydbadmin"
        password = module.keycloak_postgres.db_password
      name = "lectern-db-credentials"
      namespace = "default"
      attributes = {
        username = "mydbadmin"
        password = module.lectern_db.admin_password
      name = "flux-git-deploy"
      namespace = "flux-clin-qa"
      attributes = {
        identity = var.flux_private_key
      name = "flux-git-deploy"
      namespace = "flux-cqdg-qa"
      attributes = {
        identity = var.flux_private_key
  flux_instances = [
      namespace = "flux-clin-qa"
      repository = ""
      branch = "master"
      path = "qa"
      namespace = "flux-cqdg-qa"
      repository = ""
      branch = "master"
      path = "qa"
  bastion_external_ip = var.bastion_external_ip
  bastion_key_pair = var.bastion_external_keypair
  artifacts_path = "/home/ubuntu/${var.namespace}/k8-v1.19.3-alpha/kubespray-artifacts"
  manifests_path = "/home/ubuntu/${var.namespace}/k8-v1.19.3-alpha/infrastructure-manifests"
  kubernetes_installation_id =


Terraform module to add infrastructure-dependent resources to a kubernetes cluster







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