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This folder contains the scripts of the network generation and the set of php pages used that carry the analysis in the web interface.


LipEnz-BIOGRID.cys: Cytoescape file containing Biogrid information for the enzymes of the network Python script, Generates a more complete lipid pathway

Part1.php: Website part 1 contains UI

Part2.php: Website part 2 connects with the MySQL server and check the input lipids, handles errors

Part3.php: Website part 3 does final operations and generates the output files

stylesheet1.css: Style file, formats the php pages

MYSQL-SCRIPTS.sql: Contains the scripts done in the MYSQL server

How to:

The Python script contains the code to generate the human lipid network from the basic sif structure file.

This network information has to be introduce in the MYSQL server, all instructions of how to make the tables can be found on the MYSQL-SCRIPTS document.

The three php documents are the source code for the website, to run them one would need to setup a MySQL server and have a platform able to run php code. Part 1 displays the UI of the page and allows to input the data in to the text boxes. Part 2 checks for the metabolites that have been introduced, it checks whether they are on the network or not, to do this task it will connect to the MYSQL database and check certain nodes. Part 3 does the creation of the smaller network, the implementation of additional reactions and the scoring of the network.


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