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MHW GUI Editor

An editor for the MHW GUI files (.gui)

In its current state it is not much more than a glorified 010 Editor template with some convenience features such as a texture viewer and a proper object tree. (There are a couple more things ofc)




Set your chunk and nativePC directories in the settings menu (Tools > Options). This lets the editor load textures and display them. If a texture is present in your nativePC, then that texture will be displayed instead of the one in the chunk directory.

Note: "Chunk directory" refers to the directory where you extracted the chunks.

To start editing

File > Open > Select a .gui file


  • Editing of these GUI properties
    • Animations
    • Objects
    • Sequences
    • ObjectSequences
    • InitParams
    • Params
    • Instances
    • FontFilters
  • A texture viewer and parameter editor


Install the following packages using vcpkg:

./vcpkg install imgui[core,dx11-binding,win32-binding,docking-experimental] fmt spdlog --triplet=x64-windows-static

Then build the project in Visual Studio.


  • Allow editing the rest of the GUI properties
  • Allow inserting new objects without breaking the file
  • Allow inserting new textures without breaking the file
  • Add a preview window (maybe, would be cool but would need full understanding of the file)