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Notification thoughts Kai

Kai W edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 18 revisions

Notification DOKU

  • Maybe the notification contains the message?

Response code: 200 { {access-control-expose-headers=[Request-Id, Location], connection=[keep-alive], content-length=[673], content-type=[application/json], date=[Tue, 17 Nov 2020 18:19:31 GMT], request-id=[44bd680f93da1ff9df9aaa6e90c041de], server=[nginx], strict-transport-security=[max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload], vary=[Accept-Encoding]} } Body: {"payload":[{"conversation":"12905427-01dd-4a98-8e5d-b75adc91b44e","time":"2020-11-17T14:53:23.691Z","data":{"text": "owABAaEAWCCVJN0qYamLSDqBmhopWrg0891lgd0oRiSlNPfYiR4y/QJY5QKkAAIBoQBYILmLwANkgjyyVJolH9UCF+9G1ja1MiW4OuMM9aZs0FqZAqEAoQBYII1Lb1wwzMdhpQCzpKM4gLopWvqzdyEgoLsJM1dIHxI4A6UAUOqNsgXZ/ise1zt9t1YPu1sBAgIAA6EAWCDYBKe1DeVamTqlVUNB96NlXldvxBTJmlPz2QMfggPfGgRYVb95NFnYaRXqBVOCwRa59HKbAV+vWCbpZ1E7XzxEg0QALdddRxQmuPJ4UI1Oxb20ppeacs8/xesn2kJKFtFIKJaO+4xIojbTQaZCCF51+5TkMVHpmNE=" ,"sender":"2b3f9a4f0d229f4c","recipient":"4c86bfd1b8b25d39"}, "from":"12905427-01dd-4a98-8e5d-b75adc91b44e","type":"conversation.otr-message-add"}],"id":"a42dc393-28e4-11eb-8028-22000a69103a"}

"inspired" by the lithium bot api im taking te far guess that this is a byte stream that has to be utf8 encoded

The Code is a end to end encoded Message that is encoded by the Wire Cryptobox found here Looking at that Project may help findding the Solutions.

Apearently all other wire implementations are using the wire-native cryptobox to implement end to end encryption.

Cryptobox is availible unter the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3 so hopefully usable.

Getting more Inspiration from the Helium and Xenon java wire clients

Cryptobox Is instanced with uuid as parameter.

Looking at Because its java

Found another cryptobox because we hadn't enaugh already... ne jk this one is java and pc and the one were using!

The cryptobox requres sodium, a encryption library. its availible under but it never worked for me

Next thing would be to attempt the wireapp/cryptobox-c lib

After adding maven support, we tried adding the dkovacevic-cryptobox4j true true

hoping that it would add the required stuff by itself like sodium and the original cryptobox its derived from.

Funny Idea

Create a custom client that can communicate with other custom clients but not with any other wire clients