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Conversation with ChatGPT to generate a PHP class that queries a whois server.



can you generate me a php class to query a whois server


Sure, here's an example PHP class you can use to query a WHOIS server:

class Whois {
  private $server;

  public function __construct($server) {
    $this->server = $server;

  public function query($domain) {
    $socket = fsockopen($this->server, 43);
    if (!$socket) {
      return false;
    fwrite($socket, "$domain\r\n");
    $response = '';
    while (!feof($socket)) {
      $response .= fgets($socket, 128);
    return $response;

To use this class, you would first create an instance of it, passing in the WHOIS server you want to query:

$whois = new Whois('');

Then you can call the query method on the instance to query a domain name:

$response = $whois->query('');
echo $response;

The query method opens a socket connection to the WHOIS server, sends a query for the specified domain name, reads the response, and returns it as a string. If the connection cannot be opened, the method returns false. Note that different WHOIS servers may have different query formats, so you may need to modify the query method for different servers.


can you add php docblock comments to the above code?


 * Class for querying a WHOIS server.
class Whois {
   * The hostname of the WHOIS server to query.
   * @var string
  private $server;

   * Constructor for the Whois class.
   * @param string $server The hostname of the WHOIS server to query.
  public function __construct($server) {
    $this->server = $server;

   * Queries the WHOIS server for the specified domain name.
   * @param string $domain The domain name to query.
   * @return string|false The response from the WHOIS server, or false on failure.
  public function query($domain) {
    $socket = fsockopen($this->server, 43);
    if (!$socket) {
      return false;
    fwrite($socket, "$domain\r\n");
    $response = '';
    while (!feof($socket)) {
      $response .= fgets($socket, 128);
    return $response;


Can you improve the above code?


Sure, here are a few improvements you can make to the class:

Use stream_socket_client() instead of fsockopen(): stream_socket_client() is a newer and more flexible function for creating socket connections. It provides more options and can be used with various types of transport protocols, including TCP, SSL/TLS, and Unix sockets.

Add error handling and logging: When a socket connection cannot be established or the response from the WHOIS server is invalid, the current implementation returns false, which doesn't provide much information about the error. To improve error handling, you can throw an exception with a specific message and code, or log the error to a file or database.

Sanitize the domain name: The query() method currently takes a domain name as a parameter and sends it to the WHOIS server without any validation or sanitization. However, WHOIS servers may expect domain names in a specific format or with certain characters removed. To avoid errors and potential security issues, you can sanitize the domain name before sending it to the server.

Here's an updated version of the Whois class with these improvements:

 * Class for querying a WHOIS server.
class Whois {
   * The hostname of the WHOIS server to query.
   * @var string
  private $server;

   * Constructor for the Whois class.
   * @param string $server The hostname of the WHOIS server to query.
  public function __construct(string $server) {
    $this->server = $server;

   * Queries the WHOIS server for the specified domain name.
   * @param string $domain The domain name to query.
   * @return string The response from the WHOIS server.
   * @throws Exception If the connection or query fails.
  public function query(string $domain): string {
    $sanitized_domain = trim($domain, " \t\n\r\0\x0B.");
    if ($sanitized_domain === '') {
      throw new Exception("Invalid domain name: $domain", 400);

    $context = stream_context_create([
      'ssl' => [
        'verify_peer' => false,
        'verify_peer_name' => false,

    $socket = stream_socket_client("tcp://$this->server:43", $errno, $errstr, 5, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
    if (!$socket) {
      throw new Exception("Connection failed: $errstr", $errno);

    fwrite($socket, "$sanitized_domain\r\n");

    $response = '';
    while (!feof($socket)) {
      $response .= fgets($socket, 128);

    if ($response === '' || strpos($response, 'Error: ') === 0) {
      throw new Exception("Query failed: $response", 500);

    return $response;

In this updated version, I've made the following changes:

In the __construct() method, I've added a type hint to the $server parameter to enforce that it is a string.

In the query() method, I've added input validation to sanitize the domain name before sending it to the server. I've also added error handling with exceptions, which provides more context about the errors and allows the caller to handle them more gracefully.

I've used stream_socket_client() instead of fsockopen() to establish the socket connection. I've also added an SSL context with options to disable peer verification, which may be necessary for some


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