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Weather Forecast Application

This C# code represents a simple weather forecast application. The application uses the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather information for a specified city and display it to the user. It consists of a Windows Forms application with a single form named Form1.

Form1 Class

  • The Form1 class inherits from Form and serves as the main form of the application.
  • It contains an API key (APIKey) that is used to authenticate requests to the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • There are two event handlers defined: searchBtn_Click and two helper methods: getWeather and geForecast.

searchBtn_Click Event Handler

  • This event handler is triggered when the user clicks the "Search" button on the form.
  • It calls two methods: getWeather and geForecast.

getWeather Method

  • This method is responsible for fetching current weather data for a specified city using the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • It uses a WebClient to make a GET request to the API endpoint.
  • The response data, received in JSON format, is deserialized into a custom class WeatherInfo.root using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject.
  • The relevant weather information is extracted from the response and displayed on the form's controls, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and sunset/sunrise times.

convertDateTime Method

  • This method converts a Unix timestamp (milliseconds since 1970) to a DateTime object in the local time zone.
  • It is used to convert the sunrise and sunset timestamps received from the API into human-readable time.

getForecast Method

  • This method fetches weather forecast data for a specific location (latitude and longitude) using the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • Similar to getWeather, it makes a GET request using WebClient, deserializes the JSON response into a custom class ForecastInfo.Forecast, and extracts the relevant forecast data.
  • It then creates instances of a custom user control ForecastUC to display the forecast information for the next 8 days.
  • Each ForecastUC contains details like weather icon, weather description, and the day of the week.

Additional Notes

  • The code follows good practices by utilizing the using statement for the WebClient, which ensures proper disposal of resources after usage.
  • The application fetches weather information in metric units (temperature in degrees Celsius and wind speed in meters per second) by default as the API returns data in this format.


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