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Fork of Go Ethereum

FinTechToken edited this page Aug 21, 2018 · 5 revisions

To setup make sure you install Go so you can run: make geth

This builds geth to the following location: build/bin/geth (copy geth from here to the private node)

Remove this PR once we reset the blockchain on Byzantium.

  1. The "test" blockchain is running Homestead and NOT Byzantium. PR10 optimizes the Solidity compiler for Homestead. Otherwise things don't compile correctly because Byzantium features are not supported by a Homestead blockchain.

This fork does the following.

  1. Removes the "difficulty bomb". (This is a private network so we don't want the difficulty bomb)
  2. Changes the time per second difficulty calc to be 1 block per second.
  3. Mining gets 0 Ether. (All ether is granted at block creation to a central bank address. This moves to accounts as people deposit and withdraw dollars)
  4. Difficulty is dramatically lowered. (This lowers energy usage and improves TPS)
  5. Enable Solidity Compiling through websocket. (This way the website can compile and publish smart contracts through the web3.js)
  6. Add Admin.Exec function so that local JavaScript can execute curl commands. (Geth allows scripts to be run when subscribed to certain blockchain events. The problem is the JavaScript is very basic and unable to curl an external API. This let's a blockchain event trigger an external API through a curl command.)
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