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Deprecated. There is no direct replacement, please contact the Origami team if you have any questions or requests.

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o-chat Build Status MIT licensed

o-chat is deprecated. There is no direct replacement, please contact the Origami team if you have any questions or requests.

A simple chat client integrated with FT's membership systems. If you simply wish to add a chat client to some content this is the component to use.



  • You must be on an domain or sub-domain for authentication to work

Adding chat to your product


Use the following markup to enable chat:

<div data-o-component="o-chat"

        <div class="o--if-no-js">To participate in this chat, you need to upgrade to a newer web browser. <a href="">Learn more.</a></div>
  • data-o-chat-config-title the title of your article/post/thing
  • data-o-chat-config-article-id a unique id for your content, ideally a UUID for FT content
  • data-o-chat-config-url The canonical URL for your article/page/thing
  • data-o-chat-config-{key} for any other configuration
  • data-o-chat-auto-init="false" a module which has this attribute with a false value will not be initialized on the o.DOMContentLoaded event. This allows you to defer component initialisation.
  • id preferable to be set, but if missing it will be generated

If you defer initialising oChat by using data-o-chat-auto-init="false" then you can initialise the component by calling



Create an instance of the component with the parameters that are available:

var oChatComponent = new oChat(document.querySelector('.chat'), {
    title: document.title,
    url: document.location.href,
    articleId: 'article-id',
    initExtension: {
        datetimeFormat: {
            minutesUntilAbsoluteTime: -1,
            absoluteFormat: 'MMM dd hh:mm a'

The widget is automatically initialized, unless you specify in the configuration autoInit: false. In this case you can initialize this particular object at a later time by calling the following:


More about the constructor config object

The configuration object which is passed to the contructor can/should have the following fields:

Mandatory fields:
  • articleId: ID of the article, any string
  • url: canonical URL of the page
  • title: Title of the page
Optional fields:
  • order: This specifies how the widget is built. It can have two values:

    • normal: the commenting box is placed on top of the comment stream, and the comments are ordered as newest on top.
    • inverted: the commenting box is placed at the bottom of the comment stream, and the comments are ordered newest on bottom.

    Default value is 'normal'.

  • layout: Specifies the layout style of the widget. It can have two values:

    • normal: When placed in the main area of the page.
    • side: When placed in the side area of the page.

    Default value is 'side'.

  • datetimeFormat: How to format the timestamps. This is an object and has two fields:

    • minutesUntilAbsoluteTime: specifies after how many minutes to switch from relative time to absolute. If -1 is specified, the timestamps will be in the absolute format immediately. By default it is set to -1.
    • absoluteFormat: specifies the format with which the absolute timestamp is rendered. The default value hh:mm a. For more information about the possible values please visit:
  • autoInit: if this is set to false, the object will be created, but it will not be initialized automatically (the DOM will not be populated, call to backend services will not be made). In this case you should call the init method on the instance when you want to initialize it.

Login integration

Users need to have a valid FT session in order to post comments. The default behavior for a user without a valid session is to redirect to the FT's login page ( However you may wish to integrate with your product's authentication process for a slicker UX in which case you can override the default behaviour.

  1. Override the auth.loginRequiredDefaultBehavior function
oChat.auth.loginRequiredDefaultBehavior = function (evt) {
    // do login in a nicer way

    if (success) {
    } else {
        callback(new Error("Failed")); // provide an error as parameter

Important: if the log in needs a page reload, don't call the callback at all (there's no success/failure, it's still pending)!

  1. Add an event handler and stop executing other handlers


oChat.on('auth.loginRequired', function (evt) {
    // the user is not logged in, but an action was performed within the comment widget that requires the user to be logged in

    if (loggedIn) {
    } else if (loginRefused) {
        evt.detail.callback(new Error("Refused")); // provide an error as parameter
    } else if (loginFailure) {
        evt.detail.callback(new Error("Failed")); // provide an error as parameter


Important: if the log in needs a page reload, don't call the failure function!


Local events

These events are triggered on the instance's DOM element. All events have a payload of data which helps getting the ID of the instance and the instance object itself:

    detail: {
        id: "idOfTheComponent",
        instance: componentInstance,
        data: {...} //data specific to the event

Triggered when loading the widget exceeded a given time.


Error while loading the initialization data and the comments. Event detail data: error object/message.


Triggered when any error appear (triggered together with the above mentioned error events). Event detail data: error object/message.

Loaded when the initialization is finished and the necessary data is obtained. Event detail data: initialization data in the following form:

    "collection": {
        "unclassified": false,
        "collectionId": "91440735",
        "lastEvent": 1411541039265900,
        "comments": [{
            "parentId": "",
            "author": {
                "displayName": "roli main",
                "tags": ["FT"],
                "type": 1
            "content": "<p>comment</p>",
            "timestamp": 1411541039,
            "commentId": "216743299",
            "visibility": 1
        "totalPages": "6"

The first time the auth object is loaded, it is broadcasted using this event. Event detail data: authentication and user detail data in the following form:

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJmdC0xLmZ5cmUuY28iLCJleHBpcmVzIjoxNDE3MTE2Nzk5LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiODk0ODc0MzkiLCJkaXNwbGF5X25hbWUiOiJyb2xpIG1haW4ifQ.maN1bKWvDQLA-mvgNp9lSKdI9Izj9rmX3XrEaVwUTNY",
    "expires": 1417116799,
    "displayName": "user pseudonym",
    "settings": {
        "emailcomments": "never",
        "emailreplies": "never",
        "emaillikes": "never",
        "emailautofollow": "off"

The widget is ready to be rendered, the initialization process has finished.


The UI is fully rendered.


A comment is posted. Event detail data: (

    collectionId: "119988167",
    comment: {
        author: {
            displayName: "roli second"
        bodyHtml: "<p>test1533</p>",
        id: "286069596"

A comment is deleted. Event detail data: (

    collectionId: "119988167",
    comment: {
        id: "286069596"

Global events

These events are triggered on the body element and are relevant to all oChat components on a page. They have the same format as the component level events: oChat.nameOfTheEvent, where nameOfTheEvent is one of the following below.

The payload data consists only of event specific data:

    detail: {...} // event specific data

The events are the following:


Triggered when a user is successfully logged in. Payload is the jwt token with which the user is logged in.


Triggered when a user is logged out.


Triggered on any activity which explicitly requires a logged in status. This could mean from the product perspective that the user is not logged in, or his/her login status expired (e.g. session expire).

The payload data contains an object with a callback function. Based on the outcome of the login process, one of these should be called by the handler. Important: if the log in needs a page reload, don't call the callback at all (there's no success/failure, it's still pending)!

oChat.on('auth.loginRequired', function (evt) {
    if (logInSuccess) {

    if (logInFails || logInRefused) {
        evt.detail.callback(new Error("Failed or cancelled."));

Global configuration

This module uses global configuration. These are related configurations for Livefyre and authentication.

The default configuration is the production one:

    "loginUrl": "",
    "livefyre": {
        "network": ""

In order to change to the settings of the TEST environment, then this configuration should be used:

    "loginUrl": "",
    "livefyre": {
        "network": ""

There are two ways for changing the environment:


In order to change the configuration, you can add a script tag in your page source with the format in the example below:

<script data-o-chat-config type="application/json">
        "loginUrl": "",
        "livefyre": {
            "network": ""

This configuration will be loaded on the o.DOMContentLoaded event.

Also, don't forget to also add the configuration for o-comment-api (



The configuration can be changed be using the setConfig static method. Calling this method with an object will merge the current configuration with the object specified (deep merge, primitive type values of the same key will be overwritten).


    "loginUrl": "",
    "livefyre": {
        "network": ""

As on the event o.DOMContentLoaded the widgets declared in the DOM are automatically initialized, it is preferred to call this function before the o.DOMContentLoaded event is triggered.

Also, don't forget to also add the configuration for o-comment-api ( The API of o-comment-api is available by using oChat.dataService.

JavaScript API


Logging can be enabled for debugging purposes. It logs using the global 'console' if available (if not, nothing happens and it degrades gracefully). By default logging is disabled.


This method enables logging of the module.


This method disables logging of the module.


This method sets the logging level. This could be a number from 0 to 4 (where 0 is debug, 4 is error), or a string from the available methods of 'console' (debug, log, info, warn, error). Default is 3 (warn).

Sass API


There is a default font-family set for o-chat: BentonSans, sans-serif Please note that the font itself is not loaded by this module, this should be done by the product.

In order to override the default font, set a value for the following variable:

$o-chat-font-family: font1, font2;

Browser support

Works in accordance with our support policy

Core/Enhanced Experience

Only the enhanced experience offers any kind of commenting functionality. Core functionality will be added in due course.


Deprecated. There is no direct replacement, please contact the Origami team if you have any questions or requests.







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