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o-comments MIT licensed

This component has moved to the Origami Component System.

A component, integrated with FT authentication and Coral Talk, to add a comment stream or comment count to content.


Check out how to include Origami components in your project to get started with o-comments.

Unlike other Origami components o-comments requires additional peer dependencies.

Additional dependencies

o-comments is dependant on sass from o-overlay and o-forms and requires them to be included by the parent application.


These elements will be initialized automatically on the o.DOMContentReady event meaning you're unable to defer component initialisation.


Use the following markup to enable a comment stream:

<div class="o-comments"

Coral needs a parent element id when initialising the comment stream embed script.

Article IDs and URLs

Coral Talk can use either an ID or a URL for the story in order to try to find the underlying content to comment on. The ID is the preferred method as this allows matching of content regardless of the domain in use, and is required for initialisation as either a data-o-comments-article-id attribute or an articleId option passed to the JavaScript initialiser. The URL may optionally also be supplied to help identify content, and should be the canonical URL of the content, given as either a data-o-comments-article-url attribute or a articleUrl option.


Add the following attribute to the markup to enable a comment count:

<div class="o-comments"
-	id="{element-id}"
+	data-o-comments-count="true">

The comment count is rendered when the data-o-comments-count attribute value is true.


If you need the count as a value, use the getCount method which returns an integer.

	.then(count => console.log(count));

Use staging environment

Add the following attribute to the markup to use Coral staging environment:

For stream:

<div class="o-comments"
+	data-o-comments-use-staging-environment="true">

For count:

<div class="o-comments"
+	data-o-comments-use-staging-environment="true">

Pass a display name into Coral Talk

In rare cases, a user may have already set their display name in a different part of the website. In this instance, add the following attribute to pass the display name into Coral Talk when creating a user account:

<div class="o-comments"
+	data-o-comments-display-name="{display-name}">


No code will run automatically unless you are using the Build Service. You must either construct an o-comments object or fire the o.DOMContentLoaded event, which o-comments listens for.

Constructing an o-comments

Assuming you have an HTML element on the page to represent your comment stream or count:

import oComments from '@financial-times/o-comments';
const commentsElement = document.querySelector('#element');
const Comments = new oComments(commentsElement, {
	articleId: 'article-id',
	articleUrl: 'optional-article-url'

Add useStagingEnvironment: true to the options if you want to use Coral staging environment.

If you want to initialise every comment stream or count element on the page (based on the presence of the attribute: data-o-component="o-comments"):

import oComments from '@financial-times/o-comments';

Firing an oDomContentLoaded event

import '@financial-times/o-comments';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
	document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o.DOMContentLoaded'));


Events are emitted during key events or interactions and can be listened to by listening for events on the document.

document.addEventListener('oComments.ready', (event) => {
	console.log('This comments have rendered');

Global / Component

These events are anything to do with the component itself.

  • oComments.ready - Emitted when the component has finished rendering and is ready for the user to interact with comments


These events are anything to do with comment interactions.

  • oComments.postComment - Emitted when a users has successfully left a comment
  • oComments.replyComment - Emitted when a user has successfully left a comment which is a reply to an existing comment
  • oComments.editComment - Emitted when a user has successfully edited their existing comment
  • oComments.likeComment - Emitted when a users has liked a comment
  • oComments.reportComment - Emitted when a user reports a comment to the moderators
  • oComments.ignoreUser - Emmitted when a user ignores another user
  • oComments.toxicComment - Emitted when a user attempted to leave a comment that was flagged as toxic by the auto moderation


To keep tracking consistent across applications o-comments will emit o-tracking events for all of the events. If your application is already using o-tracking then then there is no need to do anything to track common events.

Disable tracking

If you want to disable the o-tracking events and manage tracking / analytics yourself this can be done by passing the disableOTracking option to the o-comments instance.


import oComments from '@financial-times/o-comments';
const commentsElement = document.querySelector('#element');
const comments = new Comments(commentsElement, {
	disableOTracking: true


<div class="o-comments"
+	data-o-comments-disable-o-tracking="true">


Include all styles for o-comments with the mixin oComments:

@include oComments()

Styling of Coral Talk iframe

This component contains a sass file (/src/scss/coral-talk-iframe/main.scss) that provides custom styling for Coral Talk components inside their own iframe. That file must only be referenced from Coral Talk admin panel by specifying the path of the file in Origami Build Service.

Example: modules=o-comments@6.0.0-beta.24:/src/scss/coral-talk-iframe/main.scss

Encoded URL:


State Major Version Last Minor Release Migration guide
✨ active 8 N/A migrate to v8
⚠ maintained 7 7.7 migrate to v7
╳ deprecated 6 N/A migrate to v6
╳ deprecated 5 5.0.1 migrate to v5
╳ deprecated 4 4.2.0 -
╳ deprecated 3 3.5.0 -
╳ deprecated 2 2.5.0 -
╳ deprecated 1 1.0.10 -


If you have any questions or comments about this component, or need help using it, please either raise an issue, visit #origami-support or email Origami Support.


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.