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Jaybird 3.0.11

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@mrotteveel mrotteveel released this 20 Mar 14:09
· 1140 commits to master since this release

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.10:

  • Changed: Closing a statement will now be sent to the server immediately (JDBC-638)
    For the v11 protocol and up (Firebird 2.1 or higher), Jaybird applied an optimization copied from Firebird to not flush 'free' packets that are used to close a cursor or close a statement. The packet will then be sent at a later time when something else is sent to the server.
    Unfortunately, this has the side effect that if the statement close is the last thing to happen in a long time (e.g. the connection is idle, or returned to a pool), then the statement may retain locks on metadata objects longer than necessary, which can prevent DDL from succeeding.
    This change only affects Jaybird's implementation of the Firebird wire protocol; connections with the 'native' protocol will still delay sending the 'free' packet.

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7