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Releases: FirebirdSQL/saturnin


05 Oct 15:08
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  • Update dependencies to protobuf >=4.24.3, firebird-butler-protobuf>=1.0.0,
    firebird-base>=1.7.0, firebird-uuid>=0.3.0, typer>=0.9.0, rich>=13.6, pyzmq>=25.1.1,
    psutil>=5.9.5, prompt-toolkit>=3.0.39, firebird-driver>=1.10 and firebird-lib>=1.5
  • Build system changed from setuptools to hatch

v0.8.0 - Milestone 5

31 Mar 13:04
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Saturnin can now be considered as early beta. There will be more additions, extensions and improvements before the 1.0 release, but the platform is almost feature-complete, and the functionality provided is considered stable and ready for testing. However, some backwards incompatible changes in future releases are still possible.