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Firefly Services: Firefly SDK Reference

Firefly Services: Firefly SDK Reference

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Type Aliases

Type Aliases


Ƭ ApiError: Object

The error within the error response.

Type declaration

Name Type
error_code ErrorCode
message? string
validation_errors? ValidationErrorMessage[]


Ƭ BaseInputImage: Object

Source image which will be used to generate similar images

Type declaration

Name Type Description
source PublicBinaryInput Source of the reference image used to generate similar images. You can either use a url or an uploadId as the source for the uploaded image. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:


Ƭ ExpandImageRequest: Object

Images expand payload

Type declaration

Name Type Description
image ExpandInputImage The image to be expanded. You can either use a url or an uploadId as the source for the uploaded image. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:
numVariations? number The number of variations to generate. numVariations will default to the number of seeds, or to 1 if seeds is not specified.
placement? Placement Specifies how the source image will be positioned and sized in the final generation. The value should describe the placement and dimensions of the image within the output.

Note: Placement for source images cannot be used when a mask image is being applied.

prompt? string The prompt used to generate the image. The longer the prompt - the better
seeds? number[] Array of seed(s) that ensure consistent image generation across multiple API calls. For example, you can use the same seed to generate a similar image with different styles. If specified alongside with numVariations, the number of seeds must be the equal to numVariations
size? Size Specifies the desired width and height for the final, expanded image.


Ƭ ExpandImageResponse: Object

Images expand response

Type declaration

Name Type Description
outputs OutputImage[] Each image will have a storage item.
size Size If size was passed as input, this value should be the same as the one passed as input.


Ƭ ExpandInputImage: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
mask? PublicBinaryInput Defines the expanding area where the source image should expand towards. Mask has to be larger than the source image, and the target size has to match the size of the mask, or it will be inferred from the mask.
source PublicBinaryInput Source of the image to be expanded.


Ƭ FillImageRequest: Object

Fill images payload

Type declaration

Name Type Description
image InputImage Input image to fill with generative content. You can either use a url or an uploadId as the source for the uploaded image. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:
negativePrompt? string Inference will try to generate against this prompt
numVariations? number The number of variations to generate. numVariations will default to the number of seeds, or to 1 if seeds is not specified.
prompt? string The prompt used to generate the image. The longer the prompt - the better
promptBiasingLocaleCode? string A hyphen-separated string combining the ISO 639-1 language code and the ISO 3166-1 region, such as "en-US". When a locale is set, the prompt will be biased to generate more relevant content for that region. The locale will be auto-detected if not specified based on the user's profile and Accept-Language header.
seeds? number[] Array of seed(s) that ensure consistent image generation across multiple API calls. For example, you can use the same seed to generate a similar image with different styles. If specified alongside with numVariations, the number of seeds must be the equal to numVariations


Ƭ FillImageResponse: Object

Fill images response.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
outputs OutputImage[] Each image will have a storage item.
size Size If size was passed as input, this value should be the same as the one passed as input.


Ƭ GenerateImagesRequest: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
contentClass? ContentClass Will guide the generation to being more photographic or more like art.
negativePrompt? string Inference will try to generate against this prompt.
numVariations? number The number of variations to generate. numVariations will default to the number of seeds, or to 1 if seeds is not specified.
prompt string The prompt used to generate the image. The longer the prompt - the better.
promptBiasingLocaleCode? string A hyphen-separated string combining the ISO 639-1 language code and the ISO 3166-1 region, such as "en-US". When a locale is set, the prompt will be biased to generate more relevant content for that region. The locale will be auto-detected if not specified based on the user's profile and Accept-Language header.
seeds? number[] Array of seed(s) that ensure consistent image generation across multiple API calls. For example, you can use the same seed to generate a similar image with different styles. If specified alongside with numVariations, the number of seeds must be the equal to numVariations.
size? Size The size of the requested generations. The supported dimensions for image generations are: | Dimensions | Description | | -----------| ----- | | { "width": 2048, "height": 2048} | Square (1:1) | | { "width": 2304, "height": 1792 } | Landscape (4:3) | | { "width": 1792, "height": 2304 } | Portrait (3:4) | | { "width": 2688, "height": 1536 } | Widescreen (16:9) | | { "width": 1344, "height": 768 } |(7:4) | |{ "width": 1152, "height": 896 } |(9:7) | |{ "width": 896, "height": 1152 } |(7:9) | | { "width": 1024, "height": 1024} | Square (1:1) |
structure? StructureReference Use structure to ensure the generated image maintains a similar layout and organization as the reference image, providing a cohesive and visually balanced result.
style? Styles You can specify a preset, a reference image or both.
tileable? boolean An image is tileable if it can be repeated infinitely in any direction without showing visible seams or edges.
visualIntensity? number Adjusts the overall intensity of your photo's existing visual characteristics.


Ƭ GenerateImagesResponse: Object

text-to-image response

Type declaration

Name Type Description
contentClass? ContentClass Will be same as input, if input was specified
outputs OutputImage[] Each image will have a storage item.
promptHasBlockedArtists? boolean The user may see that the generation does not comply to its full prompt
promptHasDeniedWords? boolean The user may see that the generation does not comply to its full prompt
size Size If size was passed as input, this value should be the same as the one passed as input.


Ƭ GenerateObjectCompositeRequest: Object

Generating object composite from prompt

Type declaration

Name Type Description
contentClass? ContentClass Will guide the generation to being more photographic or more like art
image ObjectCompositeInputImage An image of an object that needs to be rendered on a scene. You can either use a url or an uploadId as the source for the uploaded image. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:
numVariations? number The number of variations to generate. numVariations will default to the number of seeds, or to 1 if seeds is not specified.
placement? Placement Specifies how the image will be positioned and sized in the final generation. You can specify both inset and alignment, only inset, only alignment or none of them.
prompt string The prompt used to generate the image. The longer the prompt - the better
seeds? number[] Array of seed(s) that ensure consistent image generation across multiple API calls. For example, you can use the same seed to generate a similar image with different styles. If specified alongside with numVariations, the number of seeds must be the equal to numVariations
size? Size The size of the requested generations. The supported dimensions for image generations are: | Dimensions | Description | | -----------| ----- | | { "width": 2048, "height": 2048} | Square (1:1) | | { "width": 2304, "height": 1792 } | Landscape (4:3) | | { "width": 1792, "height": 2304 } | Portrait (3:4) | | { "width": 2688, "height": 1536 } | Widescreen (16:9) | | { "width": 1344, "height": 768 } |(7:4) | |{ "width": 1152, "height": 896 } |(9:7) | |{ "width": 896, "height": 1152 } |(7:9) | | { "width": 1024, "height": 1024} | Square (1:1) |
style? Styles You can specify a preset, a reference image or both


Ƭ GenerateObjectCompositeResponse: Object

Generating object composite from prompt response

Type declaration

Name Type Description
contentClass? ContentClass Will be same as input, if input was specified
outputs OutputImage[] Each image will have a storage item.
size Size If size was passed as input, this value should be the same as the one passed as input.


Ƭ GenerateSimilarImagesRequest: Object

Generating similar images from a reference image

Type declaration

Name Type Description
image BaseInputImage Firefly will generate similar variations based on the reference input image.
numVariations? number The number of variations to generate. numVariations will default to the number of seeds, or to 1 if seeds is not specified.
seeds? number[] Array of seed(s) that ensure consistent image generation across multiple API calls. For example, you can use the same seed to generate a similar image with different styles. If specified alongside with numVariations, the number of seeds must be the equal to numVariations
size? Size The size of the requested generations. The supported dimensions for image generations are: | Dimensions | Description | | -----------| ----- | | { "width": 2048, "height": 2048} | Square (1:1) | | { "width": 2304, "height": 1792 } | Landscape (4:3) | | { "width": 1792, "height": 2304 } | Portrait (3:4) | | { "width": 2688, "height": 1536 } | Widescreen (16:9) | | { "width": 1344, "height": 768 } |(7:4) | |{ "width": 1152, "height": 896 } |(9:7) | |{ "width": 896, "height": 1152 } |(7:9) | | { "width": 1024, "height": 1024} | Square (1:1) |
tileable? boolean An image is tileable if it can be repeated infinitely in any direction without showing visible seams or edges.


Ƭ GenerateSimilarImagesResponse: Object

Generating similar images response

Type declaration

Name Type Description
outputs OutputImage[] Each image will have a storage item.
size Size If size was passed as input, this value should be the same as the one passed as input.


Ƭ InputImage: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
mask PublicBinaryInput Mask image which will be used replace the background of the image.
Note: The minimum accepted size for the larger side of the image is 600 px.
source PublicBinaryInput Upload an image you want to fill.


Ƭ ObjectCompositeInputImage: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
mask? PublicBinaryInput Provide a mask that hides part of the object like the background.
source PublicBinaryInput An image of an object that needs to be rendered on a scene.


Ƭ OutputImage: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
image PublicBinaryOutput A valid storage item containing a pre-signed URL. The pre-signed URL will expire in one hour.
seed number Identifier used to customize image generation processes.


Ƭ Placement: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
alignment? PlacementAlignment Specifies how the image will be anchored within the available space for each direction. For horizontal, (0,1,2)=(center, left, right). For vertical, (0,1,2)=(center, top, bottom).
inset? PlacementInset Defines the inward displacement applied to the image's edges. This parameter specifies the distance by which each edge of the image will be pushed inward, thereby reducing the visible area by the specified amount on all sides.


Ƭ PlacementAlignment: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
horizontal? AlignmentHorizontal
vertical? AlignmentVertical


Ƭ PlacementInset: Object

Margin values in target size

Type declaration

Name Type Description
bottom? number The space between bottom edge of the result image and bottom edge of the placed object image.
left? number The space between left edge of the result image and left edge of the placed object image.
right? number The space between right edge of the result image and right edge of the placed object image.
top? number The space between top edge of the result image and top edge of the placed object image.


Ƭ PublicBinaryInput: Object

You can either use a url or an uploadId as the source for the uploaded image.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
uploadId? string UUID of the uploaded object
url? string This URL of an uploaded image.


Ƭ PublicBinaryOutput: Object

A valid storage item containing a pre-signed URL. The pre-signed URL will expire in one hour.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
url? string The reference to signed url of the image.


Ƭ Size: Object

Dimensions of the generated image

Dimensions Description
{ "width": 2048, "height": 2048} Square (1:1)
{ "width": 2304, "height": 1792 } Landscape (4:3)
{ "width": 1792, "height": 2304 } Portrait (3:4)
{ "width": 2688, "height": 1536 } Widescreen (16:9)

Type declaration

Name Type
height number
width number


Ƭ StructureImageReference: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
source? PublicBinaryInput


Ƭ StructureReference: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
imageReference? StructureImageReference An image with a structure you want to use as a reference for generating image variations. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:
strength? number Control the amount of adherence to the reference image when generating the image variations. 0 means no adherence. 100 means full adherence.


Ƭ Styles: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
imageReference? StylesImageReference Firefly will detect the style in the image and apply the same style in the generated image. Note: Only allow listed domains are allowed to be accepted as input URL in the request. The allow-listed domains are as follows:
presets? string[] You can specify a preset ID for a style. Refer to Image Model Styles under Concepts for the list of supported Preset IDs.
strength? number The strength of the style to be applied.


Ƭ StylesImageReference: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
source? PublicBinaryInput


Ƭ UploadResponse: Object

Upload response

Type declaration

Name Type Description
images? UploadedResource[] Array of objects containing asset ID


Ƭ UploadedResource: Object

Uploaded Media Details

Type declaration

Name Type Description
id string ID associated with the asset (generate this ID using the upload API).


Ƭ ValidationErrorMessage: Object

Validation error message

Type declaration

Name Type
ctx? Record<string, any>
loc number | string[]
msg string
type string