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File metadata and controls

284 lines (210 loc) · 9.77 KB

Integration with Simplifier is a FHIR specification development, collaboration and publishing platform. The documentation for the platform can be found here.

Forge can synchronize the project files in your local folder with the files in your project on Simplifier. The following menu options are available:

Simplifier menu

Some options are also available in the start and session panels and in the project toolbar.

Start panel

The Project tab contains a toolbar with additional Simplifier options.

Project tab

The following paragraphs describe the options in more detail.

Create a FHIR Project on Simplifer

When starting a new project, you first have to create a project on Simplifier. At the moment you can only do that via the Simplifier website. In Forge you can browse to the Simplifier Create project page using one of the following options:

  • Click Create FHIR Project... in the Simplifier menu
  • Click Create FHIR Project on in one of the following places:
    • Start panel
    • Session panel
  • Click Create... in the Simplifier toolbar in the Project tab

Enter you project details on Simplifier and click Create.

Create a project on Simplifier

Open a FHIR Project from Simplifer

If you don’t have a local project folder yet then you can open a project on Simplifier to download all project files to a FHIR project folder on your computer.

  • Click Open FHIR Project... in the Simplifier menu
  • Click Open FHIR Project from in one of the following places:
    • Start panel
    • Session panel

The first time you do this you have to select the parent folder for your FHIR projects. Forge will remember the parent folder you selected but you can change it at any time by opening the Options menu, select Settings... and then Folders.

Select FHIR parent folder

Select the parent folder and click Select Folder. A dialog is opened listing all the available projects on Simplifier you can open. When you select a different project from the list, the project folder name is updated automatically. Note that you can still manually change the project folder name if you want.

Open a project from Simplifier

The project item tooltip displays the project title, description, URL Key URL Key and folder icon information:

  • Folder is empty An empty folder icon indicates that the project folder does not exist or is empty.
  • Folder is not empty A full folder icon indicates that the project folder already contains files and/or subfolders.
  • Folder already linked Project folders that are already linked to Simplifier are disabled for selection.

The Select parent folder FHIR projects... button allows you to change the parent folder for your FHIR projects.. The Filter button hides projects that are not compatible with the FHIR version of Forge. Turn the filter off to list project for all FHIR versions.

Click Open to create the project folder and download all project files from Simplifier.

Connected to a project on Simplifier

Open a FHIR Project from Simplifer when you already have a local project folder with files

If you select a project folder that already contains resource files and one or more files do not match up with the files already on Simplifier, the following dialog will open.

Options when open a project from Simplifier

You have three options to specify what you would like to do:

  • Take the files from your project folder

    If a file exists both in your project folder and on Simplifier, then your local file will be taken. Files on Simplifier that do not exist in your project folder will be deleted the next time you synchronize with Simplifier.

  • Take the files from Simplifier

    If a file exists both in your project folder and on Simplifier, then the Simplifier file will be taken. Files in your project folder that do not exist on Simplifier will be deleted.

  • Let me choose which file changes to keep

Click Advanced view to show a list of all conflicting file changes. When you have selected the option Let me choose which files to keep you have two choices for each listed file conflict:

  • Select the file change from your project folder

    The file from your local project folder will be taken. The file will be uploaded to Simplifier the next time you synchronize.

  • Select the file change from Simplfier

    The file from Simplifier is downloaded and replaces the file in your project folder.


You can select multiple items to apply your choice with one click.

Advanced optionsSimplifier

Click Continue to create a backup of your local project folder and download the relevant project files from Simplifier.

Link to FHIR Project on Simplifer

If you have opened a project folder but you have not yet setup a link with an existing Simplifier project, you can do so by clicking Link... in the Simplifier toolbar or selecting Link to FHIR Project... from the Simplifier menu.

Linking to project on Simplifier

This will open a dialog listing all the available projects on Simplifier you can open.

Link to project on Simplifier

You cannot change the project folder here because you are linking a Simplifier project to your current project folder. Select the correct Simplifier project from the list and click Link to continue.

Status of project files

When you add new profiles to your project or modify existing profiles, Forge indicates this in the project list view with yellow status icons. A pen indicates a modified file and a pen with a plus sign indicates an added file.

Project file status

Forge is watching for changes in your project folder so any modifications you make outside of Forge will be reflected in the list view. Note that changes to non-resource files (for example mark-down files) in your project folder will be included as well when synchronizing with Simplifier even though Forge does not list them.

Synchronizing project files

By clicking the Synchronize... button Forge will first download updated files from Simplifier and then upload updated files from your folder to Simplifier. You can also download or upload separately by clicking the drop-down arrow and clicking the desired option. The Open... button opens a browser to your project on Simplifier.

Simplifier synchronize options

When you click a synchronize button a dialog is opened showing you a summary of what will be synchronized.

Summary Basic view

By default, the Basic view is displayed. This view will simply describe what will happen without details. If you want to see more details you can switch to the Advanced view by clicking Advanced view.

Summary Advanced view

You can return to the Basic view by clicking Basic view. Click Continue to synchronize with Simplifier.

Conflicting file changes

It can happen that multiple people make modifications to the same resource. Forge can detect this but it has limited options to resolve a conflict. You are not required to resolve conflicts but then these resources will not be synchronized.

Summary conflicts Basic view

To resolve conflicts you have to switch to the Advanced view by clicking Advanced view. For each listed file conflict you have three choices:

  • Select the file change from your project folder

    The file from your local project folder will be uploaded to Simplifier and replaces the file on Simplifier.

  • Select the file change from Simplfier

    The file from Simplifier is downloaded and replaces the file in your project folder.

  • Leave unresolved

    The conflict remains unresolved therefore no file upload or download will take place.


You can select multiple items to apply your choice with one click.

Summary conflicts Advanced view

Miscellaneous options

The Repair link... button allows you to repair the link between your project folder and Simplfiier when somebody has changed the url key for the project on

The Remove link... button allows you to remove the link between your project folder and Simplfiier.