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20190930 Community Meeting Minutes

Ewout Kramer edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Technical correction planning

Will Technical corrections go in 2.x or 1.4?

  • "they are breaking changes": 2.x would be correct, because it's a major change
  • Publish as 1.5, and document/blog about the changes. They break, but it's Hl7's fault ;-)

Action items

  • Brian will check the impact of the Technical correction for R3 and R4
  • Marco will add a page about using submodules (and link to it from the homepage)
  • Ewout: LambdaExpression.Compile does work on MacOS, see here:
  • Kenneth: Discuss changes to terminology service interface
  • Brian - generate an implementation of ISummaryDefProvider
  • Brian will do an experimental run on code generation of an "unknown code" in all enums.
  • Brian/Kenneth to set up a targeted meeting to discuss these different interfaces for WebApi. Ewout to send contact details of interested parties (Vonk, MS, Kenneth, BrianP, Mottini).
  • George creating an issue on github to sync the IBackboneElement/FhirType(namedBackboneElement) approaches
  • Brian to help review gstoians work
    • It's in secondary class, original code remains
    • It will use the "new" .NET http client
    • It should use the new middleware feature to make it more configurable
    • Yes, it should be async.

New agenda setup

  • Tasks from last time
  • Go through the project boards
  • Go through the new issues.
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