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1. Introduction

Hassan Ali edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Fizz is a platform aimed at improving user acquisition, retention, and conversion. Fizz provides different services that work together to achieve these goals. However, it is also possible to opt in the services individually to add value to your products (depending on your needs). Following is a brief description of the Fizz services:


Chat is a multilingual chat solution for powering global audiences in games. The Chat service is segregated into a RESTful API that allows performing different operations on the service (e.g. publish a message) and a messaging system that implements the MQTT protocol. It is possible to perform operations on the service without integrating the messaging system. This allows systems to perform operations (such as to send custom messages based on game events in a channel) without needing to integrate the messaging (MQTT) system.


Provides insights into user behavior by running analyses on application events. These events are collected via the ingestion API. The platform specializes in allowing user chat data to be mined for insights by cross-referencing user behavioral data with the chat logs.

Cloud Messaging

Creates channels of communication that allows messages to be sent to different segments of users, e.g. push in-app messages to all whales or to a user in their first week of usage, etc.


Translate text in 36 languages in real-time with slang support.


Using segmented application configurations engineer custom experiences for users. For instance, run different tutorials based on user age, perform A/B tests, etc