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Angular OAuth

Ngx-oauth is a fully OAuth 2.1 compliant angular library. The library supports all the 4 flows:

  • resource
  • implicit
  • authorization code
  • client credentials

Supports OIDC

PKCE support for authorization code with code verification

How to

Configure your oauth client

import { createOAuth } from 'vue-oidc'

const oauth = createOAuth({
  config: {
    issuerPath: '',
    clientId: '<your_client_id>'
app = createApp(App)
  • for oauth Authorization flow, add the oauth_callback to router
  path: '/oauth_callback',
  name: 'oauthCallback',
  component: () => null as any,
  beforeEnter: oauthCallbackGuard

where oauthCallbackGuard can be something like this:

import type { NavigationGuardWithThis, RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router'
import { useOAuth } from 'vue-oidc'

export const oauthCallbackGuard: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined> = async (to: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
  const appId = 'app'
  const { oauthCallback } = useOAuth()
  await oauthCallback(`${appId}:${to.fullPath}`)
  const { returnUrl } = to.query
  return ((returnUrl && { path: returnUrl }) || { name: 'main', params: to.params }) as RouteLocationRaw

Use oauth store

const oauth = useOAuth()
  • other miscellaneous stores: useOAuthConfig(), useOAuthToken(), useOAuthUser(), useOAuthHttp() and useOAuthInterceptors()

Use Oauth functions (Optional)

import { inject } from 'vue'

const login = inject('login') //oauth login function
const logout = inject('logout') //oauth logout function
const http = inject('http') //axios http which will append authorization token  
const oauthCallback = inject('oauth-callback') // if you want to call this from vue component not guard

OAuth component

OAuth component is provided to quickly bootstrap oauth functionality

<OAuth type="code" :redirect-uri="redirectUri" :logout-redirect-uri="logoutRedirectUri" />

if logout-redirect-uri is not used than token revoke endpoint will be used for logout

for oauth resource flow should be the following

<OAuth type="password" />

To use the component correctly, make sure of the following:

import 'vue-oidc/dist/style.css'
import '@mdi/font/scss/materialdesignicons.scss'
import 'vuetify/styles'

import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify'
import { createI18n, useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { createVueI18nAdapter } from 'vuetify/locale/adapters/vue-i18n'
import { md1 } from 'vuetify/blueprints'

const i18n = createI18n({
  messages: {
    en: {
      oauth: {
        login: 'Login',
        logout: 'Logout',
        username: 'Username',
        password: 'Password',
        usernameRequired: 'Name is required',
        passwordRequired: 'Password is required',
        usernameLength: 'Name must be less than {0} characters',
        passwordLength: 'Password must be less than {0} characters'

  locale: {
    adapter: createVueI18nAdapter({ i18n, useI18n } as any)
  blueprint: md1,

Sample configs

Keycloak example for oidc with autodiscovery

const keycloakOpenIDConfig = {
  config: {
    issuerPath: 'http://localhost:8080/realms/<some-realm>',
    clientId: '<your_client_id>',

Azure example

const azureOpenIDConfig = {
  config: {
    issuerPath: '', // for common make sure you app has "signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount",
    clientId: '<your_client_id>',
    scope: 'openid profile email offline_access',
    pkce: true // manually, since is required, but code_challenge_methods_supported is not in openid configuration

Google example

const googleOpenIDConfig = {
  config: {
    issuerPath: '',
    clientId: '<your_client_id>',
    clientSecret: '<your_client_secret>',
    scope: 'openid profile email'


npm install vue-oidc --save

App Requirements

  • vue3
  • vuetify/vue-18n if using the OAuth component


MIT License


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