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Flavio Lionel Rita edited this page May 18, 2024 · 2 revisions
Function Description
curTime Get the current time
today Get the current date
now Get the current dateTime
dateToString Convert date to string with ISO 8601 format
time Convert string to time
date Convert string to date
dateTime Convert string to dateTime
year Get year from date
month Get month from date
day Get day of month from date
weekday Get date of week from date
hour Get hour from date
minute Get minute from date
second Get second from date
millisecond Get millisecond from date
addYear Add years to a date
addMonth Add months to a date
addDay Add days to a date
addHour Add hours to a date
addMinute Add minutes to a date
addSecond Add seconds to a date
addMillisecond Add milliseconds to a date
addTime Add time to a date
subtractTime subtract time to a date
dayDiff difference between two dates in days
hourDiff difference between two dates in hours
secondDiff difference between two dates in seconds
millisecondDiff difference between two dates in milliseconds
dayToDate days to Date
hourToDate hours to Date
secondToDate seconds to Date
millisecondToDate milliseconds to Date


Example Result
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:today()}) [{"result":"2022-08-14T22:00:00.000Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:now()}) [{"result":"2022-08-15T09:54:22.000Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:curTime()}) [{"result":"11:54:22"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:time("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":"00:20:21"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:date("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":"2021-09-05T22:00:00.000Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dateTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":"2021-09-06T12:39:11.000Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dateToString(dateTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z"))}) [{"result":"2021-09-06T14:39:11Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:year("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":2021}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:month("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":9}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:day("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":6}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:weekday("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":2}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hour("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":0}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:minute("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":20}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:second("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":21}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")}) [{"result":0}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addYear("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2023-09-06 14:39:11.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMonth("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-11-06 14:39:11.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addDay("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-09-08 14:39:11.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addHour("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-09-06 16:39:11.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMinute("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-09-06 14:41:11.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addSecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-09-06 14:39:13.444000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMillisecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)}) [{"result":"2021-09-06 14:39:11.446000"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z","08:22:12")}) [{"result":"08:42:33"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:subtractTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z","08:22:12")}) [{"result":"-08:01:51"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dayDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")}) [{"result":4}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hourDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")}) [{"result":98}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:secondDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")}) [{"result":353341}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecondDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")}) [{"result":353341000}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dayToDate(2000)}) [{"result":"1975-06-24T00:00:00Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hourToDate(2000)}) [{"result":"1970-03-25T08:00:00Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:secondToDate(2000)}) [{"result":"1970-01-01T00:33:20Z"}]
Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecondToDate(2000)}) [{"result":"1970-01-01T00:00:02Z"}]



Query to select the current date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:today()})

SQL Result:

FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the current dateTime from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:now()})

SQL Result:

SELECT NOW() AS result 
FROM Countries c 
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the current time from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:curTime()})

SQL Result:

FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the time from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:time("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT CONVERT('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', TIME) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:date("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT CONVERT('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', DATE) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the dateTime from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dateTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT CONVERT('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', DATETIME) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the date as string from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dateToString(dateTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z"))})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', DATETIME), '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the year from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:year("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the month from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:month("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the day from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:day("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT DAYOFMONTH('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the date of week from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:weekday("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT DAYOFWEEK('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the hour from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hour("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the minute from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:minute("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the second from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:second("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT EXTRACT(SECOND FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to select the millisecond from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z")})

SQL Result:

SELECT ROUND(EXTRACT(MICROSECOND FROM '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z')/1000,0) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add years to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addYear("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_ADD('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', INTERVAL 2 YEAR) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add months to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMonth("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_ADD('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', INTERVAL 2 MONTH) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add days to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addDay("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_ADD('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', INTERVAL 2 DAY) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add hours to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addHour("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z' + interval '2' HOUR AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add minutes to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMinute("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z' + interval '2' MINUTE AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add seconds to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addSecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT '2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z' + interval '2' SECOND AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add milliseconds to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addMillisecond("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z",2)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_ADD('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z', INTERVAL (2 * 1000) MICROSECOND) AS result 
FROM Countries c 
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to add time to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:addTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z","08:22:12")})

SQL Result:

SELECT ADDTIME('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z','08:22:12') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to subtract time to a date from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:subtractTime("2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z","08:22:12")})

SQL Result:

SELECT SUBTIME('2021-09-06T14:39:11.444Z','08:22:12') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the difference between two dates in days from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dayDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATEDIFF('2021-09-06T14:39:11','2021-09-02T12:30:10') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the difference between two dates in hours from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hourDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")})

SQL Result:

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, '2021-09-02T12:30:10','2021-09-06T14:39:11') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the difference between two dates in seconds from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:secondDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")})

SQL Result:

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, '2021-09-02T12:30:10','2021-09-06T14:39:11') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecondDiff("2021-09-06T14:39:11","2021-09-02T12:30:10")})

SQL Result:

SELECT ROUND(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MICROSECOND, '2021-09-02T12:30:10','2021-09-06T14:39:11')/1000,0) AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the date from days from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:dayToDate(2000)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(2000*24*3600), '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the date from hours from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:hourToDate(2000)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(2000*3600), '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the date from seconds from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:secondToDate(2000)})

SQL Result:

FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 


Query to get the date from milliseconds from the Countries entity where the iso3 is equal to "BRA".

Countries.filter(p=> p.iso3 == "BRA").map(p=> {result:millisecondToDate(2000)})

SQL Result:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(2000/1000), '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') AS result 
FROM Countries c  
WHERE c.iso3 = 'BRA' 



  • description: Get the current time
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date


  • description: Get the current date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date


  • description: Get the current dateTime
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date


  • description: Convert date to string with ISO 8601 format
  • deterministic: true
  • return: string
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Convert string to time
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: string


  • description: Convert string to date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: string


  • description: Convert string to dateTime
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: string


  • description: Get year from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Get month from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Get day of month from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: get date of week from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: get hour from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Get minute from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Get second from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Get millisecond from date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: number
  • params:
    • value: Date


  • description: Add years to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add months to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add days to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add hours to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add minutes to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add seconds to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add milliseconds to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • value: number


  • description: Add time to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • time: Date


  • description: subtract time to a date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • time: Date


  • description: difference between two dates in days
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • date: Date
    • date2: Date


  • description: difference between two dates in hours
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • time: Date
    • time2: Date


  • description: difference between two dates in seconds
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • time: Date
    • time2: Date


  • description: difference between two dates in milliseconds
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • time: Date
    • time2: Date


  • description: days to Date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: number


  • description: hours to Date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: number


  • description: seconds to Date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: number


  • description: milliseconds to Date
  • deterministic: true
  • return: Date
  • params:
    • value: number
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