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Signed-off-by: Nicolas Höning <>
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nhoening committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent f04fc65 commit ef39abb
Showing 1 changed file with 223 additions and 0 deletions.
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions documentation/features/scheduling.rst
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.. _scheduling:


Scheduling is the main value-drive of FlexMeasures. We have two major types of schedulers built-in, for storage devices (usually batteries or hot water storage) and processes (usually in industry).

FlexMeasures computes schedules for energy systems that consist of multiple devices that consume and/or produce electricity.
We model a device as an asset with a power sensor, and compute schedules only for flexible devices, while taking into account inflexible devices.

.. contents::
:depth: 2

.. _describing_flexibility:

Describing flexibility

To compute a schedule, FlexMeasures first needs to assess the flexibility state of the system.
This is described by:

- the ``flex-context`` ― information about the system as a whole, in order to assess the value of activating flexibility.
- the ``flex model`` ― information about the state and possible actions of the flexible device. We will discuss these per scheduled device type.

This information goes beyond the usual time series recorded by an asset's sensors. It's being sent through the API when triggering schedule computation.
Some parts of it can be persisted on the asset & sensor model as attributes (that's design work in progress).

The flex-context

The ``flex-context`` is independent of the type of flexible device which is optimized.
With the flexibility context, we aim to describe the system in which the flexible assets operates:

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 25 90

* - Field
- Example value
- Description
* - ``inflexible-device-sensors``
- ``[3,4]``
- Power sensors that are relevant, but not flexible, such as a sensor recording rooftop solar power connected behind the main meter, whose production falls under the same contract as the flexible device(s) being scheduled.
* - ``consumption-price-sensor``
- ``5``
- The sensor which defines costs/revenues of consuming energy.
* - ``production-price-sensor``
- ``6``
- The sensor which defines cost/revenues of producing energy.
* - ``site-power-capacity``
- ``"45kW"``
- Maximum/minimum achievable power at the grid connection point [#asymmetric]_. Defaults to the Asset attribute ``capacity_in_mw``
* - ``site-consumption-capacity``
- ``"45kW"``
- Maximum consumption power at the grid connection point [#consumption]_. If ``site-power-capacity`` is defined, the minimum between the ``site-power-capacity`` and ``site-consumption-capacity`` will be used. Defaults to the Asset attribute ``consumption_capacity_in_mw``
* - ``site-production-capacity``
- ``"0kW"``
- Maximum production power at the grid connection point [#production]_. If ``site-power-capacity`` is defined, the minimum between the ``site-power-capacity`` and ``site-production-capacity`` will be used. Defaults to the Asset attribute ``production_capacity_in_mw``

.. [#asymmetric] ``site-consumption-capacity`` and ``site-production-capacity`` allow defining asymmetric contracted transport capacities for each direction (i.e. production and consumption).
.. [#production] Example: with a connection capacity (``site-power-capacity``) of 1 MVA (apparent power) and a production capacity (``site-production-capacity``) of 400 kW (active power), the scheduler will make sure that the grid outflow doesn't exceed 400 kW.
.. [#consumption] Example: with a connection capacity (``site-power-capacity``) of 1 MVA (apparent power) and a consumption capacity (``site-consumption-capacity``) of 800 kW (active power), the scheduler will make sure that the grid inflow doesn't exceed 800 kW.
.. warning:: If no (symmetric, consumption and production) site capacity is defined (also not as defaults), the scheduler will not enforce any bound on the site power.

The flex-models & corresponding schedulers


For *storage* devices , the FlexMeasures scheduler deals with the state of charge (SoC) for an optimal outcome.
You can do a lot with this ― examples for storage devices are:

- batteries
- :abbr:`EV (electric vehicle)` batteries connected to charge points
- hot water storage ("heat batteries", where the SoC relates to the water temperature)
- pumped hydro storage (SoC is the water level)
- water basins (here, SoC is supposed to be low, as water is being pumped out)
- buffers of energy-intensive chemicals which are needed in other industry processes

The ``flex-model`` for storage describes to the scheduler what the flexible asset's state is,
and what constraints or preferences should be taken into account.

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 25 90

* - Field
- Example value
- Description
* - ``soc-at-start``
- ``"3.1"``
- The (estimated) state of charge at the beginning of the schedule (defaults to 0).
* - ``soc-unit``
- ``"kWh"`` or ``"MWh"``
- The unit which the schedule should be in.
* - ``soc-min``
- ``"2.5"``
- A constant lower boundary for all values in the schedule (defaults to 0).
* - ``soc-max``
- ``"7"``
- A constant upper boundary for all values in the schedule (defaults to max soc target, if provided)
* - ``soc-minima``
- ``[{"datetime": "2024-02-05T08:00:00+01:00", value: 8.2}]``
- Set point(s) which form lower boundaries, e.g. to target a full car battery in the morning. Can be single values or a range (defaults to NaN values).
* - ``soc-maxima``
- ``{"value": 51, "start": "2024-02-05T12:00:00+01:00","end": "2024-02-05T13:30:00+01:00"}``
- Set point(s) which form upper boundaries at certain times Can be single values or a range (defaults to NaN values).
* - ``soc-targets``
- ``[{"datetime": "2024-02-05T08:00:00+01:00", value: 3.2}]``
- Exact set point(s) which the scheduler needs to realize (defaults to NaN values).
* - ``soc-gain``
- ``.1kWh``
- Encode SoC gain per time step. A constant gain every time step, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``soc-usage``
- ``{"sensor": 23}``
- Encode SoC reduction per time step. A constant loss every time step, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``roundtrip-efficiency``
- ``"90%"``
- Below 100%, this represents roundtrip losses (of charging & discharging), usually used for batteries. Can be percent or ratio ``[0,1]``. Defaults to 100%.
* - ``charging-efficiency``
- ``".9"``
- Apply efficiency losses only at time of charging, not across roundtrip (defaults to 100%). A constant loss at every step, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``discharging-efficiency``
- ``"90%"``
- Apply efficiency losses only at time of discharging, not across roundtrip (defaults to 100%). A constant loss at every step, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``storage-efficiency``
- ``"99.9%"``
- This can encode losses over time, so each time step the energy is held longer leads to higher losses (defaults to 100%) [#storage_efficiency]_
* - ``prefer-charging-sooner``
- ``True``
- Policy to apply if conditions are stable (defaults to True, which also signals a preference to discharge later)
* - ``power-capacity``
- ``50kW``
- Device-level power constraint. How much power can be applied to this asset (defaults to the Sensor attribute ``capacity_in_mw``). A constant limit, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``consumption-capacity``
- ``{"sensor": 56}``
- Device-level power constraint on consumption. How much power can be drawn by this asset. A constant limit, or see [#sensor_field]_.
* - ``production-capacity``
- ``0kW`` (only consumption)
- Device-level power constraint on production. How much power can be supplied by this asset. A constant limit, or see [#sensor_field]_.

.. [#sensor_field] For some fields, it is possible to supply a sensor instead of one fixed value (``{"sensor": 51}``), which allows for more dynamic contexts, for instance power limits which change over time.
.. [#storage_efficiency] The storage efficiency (e.g. 95% or 0.95) to use for the schedule is applied over each time step equal to the sensor resolution. For example, a storage efficiency of 95 percent per (absolute) day, for scheduling a 1-hour resolution sensor, should be passed as a storage efficiency of :math:`0.95^{1/24} = 0.997865`.
Usually, not the whole flexibility model is needed. FlexMeasures can infer missing values in the flex model, and even get them (as default) from the sensor's attributes.

If you model devices which *buffer* energy (e.g. thermal energy storage systems connected to heat pumps), we can use the same flexibility parameters described above for storage devices.
However, here are some tips to model a buffer correctly:

- Describe the thermal energy content in kWh or MWh.
- Set ``soc-minima`` to the accumulative usage forecast.
- Set ``charging-efficiency`` to the sensor describing the :abbr:`COP (coefficient of performance)` values.
- Set ``storage-efficiency`` to a value below 100% to model (heat) loss.

What happens if the flex model describes an unfeasible problem for the storage scheduler? Excellent question! It is highly important for a robust operation that these situations still lead to a somewhat good outcome.
From our practical experience, we derived a ``StorageFallbackScheduler``. It simplifies an unfeasible situation by just starting to charge, discharge, or do neither,
depending on the first target state of charge and the capabilities of the asset.

Of course, we also log a failure in the scheduling job, so it's important to take note of these failures. Often, mis-configured flex models are the reason.

For some examples, see the :ref:`v2g` use case and `the API documentation for triggering schedules <../api/v3_0.html#post--api-v3_0-sensors-(id)-schedules-trigger>`_.

Finally, are you interested in the linear programming details behind the storage scheduler? Then head over to :ref:`storage_device_scheduler`!
You can also review the current flex-model for storage in the code, at ````.

Shiftable loads (processes)

For *processes*, which can be shifted or interrupted, but have to happen at a constant rate (of consumption), FlexMeasures provides the ``ShiftabelLoad`` scheduler.
Some examples from practice (usually industry) could be:

- A centrifuge's daily work of combing through sludge water. Depends on amount of sludge present.
- Production processes with a target amount of output until the end of the current shift. The target usually comes out of production planning.
- Application of coating under hot temperature, with fixed number of times it needs to happen before some deadline.

.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 25 90

* - Field
- Example value
- Description
* - ``power``
- ``15kW``
- Nominal power of the load.
* - ``duration``
- ``PT4H``
- Time that the load needs to lasts.
* - ``optimization_direction``
- ``MAX``
- Objective of the scheduler, to maximize (``MAX``) or minimize (``MIN``).
* - ``time_restrictions``
- ``[{"start": "2015-01-02T08:00:00+01:00", "duration": "PT2H"}]``
- Time periods in which the load cannot be scheduled to run.
* - ``process_type``
- Is the load inflexible? Or is there flexibility, to interrupt or shift it?

You can review the current flex-model for processes in the code, at ````.

.. note:: See :ref:`flexibility_types` for more info on shifting and curtailment.

In addition, folks who write their own custom scheduler (see :ref:`plugin_customization`) might also require their custom flexibility model.
That's no problem, FlexMeasures will let the scheduler decide which flexibility model is relevant and how it should be validated.

.. note:: We also aim to model situations with more than one flexible asset, with different types of flexibility.
This is ongoing architecture design work, and therefore happens in development settings, until we are happy
with the outcomes. Thoughts welcome :)

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