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Add CNMSSM and CE6SSM model files for testing
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Dylan Harries committed Jan 22, 2017
1 parent ece583e commit 2f0b5fe
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Showing 4 changed files with 336 additions and 0 deletions.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions model_files/CE6SSM/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
FSModelName = "@CLASSNAME@";
FSEigenstates = SARAH`EWSB;
FSDefaultSARAHModel = E6SSM;

(* CE6SSM input parameters *)

{3, TanBeta}

{61, LambdaInput},
{62, KappaInput},
{63, MuPrimeInput},
{64, BMuPrimeInput},
{65, vsInput},
{66, Lambda12Input}

FSAuxiliaryParameters = {
{m0Sq, {1}},
{m12, {1}},
{Azero, {1}}

EWSBOutputParameters = { m0Sq, m12, Azero };

SUSYScale = Sqrt[Product[M[Su[i]]^(Abs[ZU[i,3]]^2 + Abs[ZU[i,6]]^2), {i,6}]];

SUSYScaleFirstGuess = vsInput;

SUSYScaleInput = {
{vs, vsInput}

HighScale = g1 == g2;

HighScaleFirstGuess = 1.0 10^16;

HighScaleMinimum = 1.0 10^4;

HighScaleMaximum = 5.0 10^17;

HighScaleInput = {
{gN, g1},
{T[Ye], Azero*Ye},
{T[Yd], Azero*Yd},
{T[Yu], Azero*Yu},
{mq2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{ml2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{md2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mu2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{me2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mDx2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mDxbar2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mH1I2, UNITMATRIX[2] m0Sq},
{mH2I2, UNITMATRIX[2] m0Sq},
{msI2, UNITMATRIX[2] m0Sq},
{mHp2, m0Sq},
{mHpbar2, m0Sq},
{\[Kappa], UNITMATRIX[3] KappaInput},
{\[Lambda]12, UNITMATRIX[2] Lambda12Input},
{\[Lambda], LambdaInput},
{T[\[Kappa]], UNITMATRIX[3] Azero KappaInput},
{T[\[Lambda]12], UNITMATRIX[2] Azero Lambda12Input},
{T[\[Lambda]], Azero LambdaInput},
{MassB, m12},
{\[Mu]Pr, MuPrimeInput},
{B[\[Mu]Pr], BMuPrimeInput}

LowScale = LowEnergyConstant[MZ];

LowScaleFirstGuess = LowEnergyConstant[MZ];

LowScaleInput = {
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic},
{vd, 2 MZDRbar / Sqrt[GUTNormalization[g1]^2 g1^2 + g2^2] Cos[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{vu, 2 MZDRbar / Sqrt[GUTNormalization[g1]^2 g1^2 + g2^2] Sin[ArcTan[TanBeta]]}

InitialGuessAtLowScale = {
{vd, LowEnergyConstant[vev] Cos[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{vu, LowEnergyConstant[vev] Sin[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{vs, vsInput},
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic}

InitialGuessAtHighScale = {};

UseHiggs2LoopNMSSM = True;
EffectiveMu = \[Lambda] vs / Sqrt[2];
EffectiveMASqr = T[\[Lambda]] vs / Sqrt[2] (vu^2 + vd^2) / (vu vd);

PotentialLSPParticles = { Chi, Sv, Su, Sd, Se, Cha, Glu };

DefaultPoleMassPrecision = MediumPrecision;
HighPoleMassPrecision = {hh, Ah, Hpm};
MediumPoleMassPrecision = {};
LowPoleMassPrecision = {};
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions model_files/CE6SSM/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Block MODSEL # Select model
# 12 1000 # DRbar parameter output scale (GeV)
Block FlexibleSUSY
0 1.000000000e-04 # precision goal
1 0 # max. iterations (0 = automatic)
2 0 # algorithm (0 = two_scale, 1 = lattice)
3 0 # calculate SM pole masses
4 2 # pole mass loop order
5 2 # EWSB loop order
6 2 # beta-functions loop order
7 2 # threshold corrections loop order
8 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_t alpha_s)
9 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_b alpha_s)
10 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O((alpha_t + alpha_b)^2)
11 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_tau^2)
12 0 # force output
13 1 # Top pole mass QCD corrections (0 = 1L, 1 = 2L, 2 = 3L)
14 1.000000000e-11 # beta-function zero threshold
15 0 # calculate observables (a_muon, ...)
16 0 # force positive majorana masses
17 0 # pole mass renormalization scale (0 = SUSY scale)
18 0 # pole mass renormalization scale in the EFT (0 = min(SUSY scale, Mt))
19 0 # EFT matching scale (0 = SUSY scale)
20 2 # EFT loop order for upwards matching
21 1 # EFT loop order for downwards matching
22 0 # EFT index of SM-like Higgs in the BSM model
23 1 # calculate BSM pole masses
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279340000e+02 # alpha^(-1) SM MSbar(MZ)
2 1.166370000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.176000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.200000000e+00 # mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 1.733000000e+02 # mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # mtau(pole)
8 0.000000000e+00 # mnu3(pole)
9 80.404 # MW pole
11 5.109989020e-04 # melectron(pole)
12 0.000000000e+00 # mnu1(pole)
13 1.056583570e-01 # mmuon(pole)
14 0.000000000e+00 # mnu2(pole)
21 4.750000000e-03 # md(2 GeV) MS-bar
22 2.400000000e-03 # mu(2 GeV) MS-bar
23 1.040000000e-01 # ms(2 GeV) MS-bar
24 1.270000000e+00 # mc(mc) MS-bar
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
3 6 # TanBeta
61 0.1 # LambdaInput
62 0.2 # KappaInput
63 10000 # MuPrimeInput
64 10000 # BMuPrimeInput
65 8000 # vsInput
66 0.3 # Lambda12Input
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions model_files/CNMSSM/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@

FSModelName = "@CLASSNAME@";
FSEigenstates = SARAH`EWSB;
FSDefaultSARAHModel = NMSSM;

FSBVPSolvers = { SemiAnalyticSolver };

(* CNMSSM input parameters *)

{2, m12},
{3, TanBeta},
{4, Sign[vS]},
{5, Azero}

{61, LambdaInput}

FSAuxiliaryParameters = {
{m0Sq, {1}}

EWSBOutputParameters = { \[Kappa], vS, m0Sq };

EWSBInitialGuess = {
{m0Sq, LowEnergyConstant[MZ]^2}

SUSYScale = Sqrt[Product[M[Su[i]]^(Abs[ZU[i,3]]^2 + Abs[ZU[i,6]]^2), {i,6}]];

SUSYScaleFirstGuess = Sqrt[14 m12^2 - 3 m12 Azero + Azero^2];

SUSYScaleInput = {};

HighScale = g1 == g2;

HighScaleFirstGuess = 2.0 10^16;

{T[Ye], Azero*Ye},
{T[Yd], Azero*Yd},
{T[Yu], Azero*Yu},
{mq2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{ml2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{md2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mu2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{me2, UNITMATRIX[3] m0Sq},
{mHu2, m0Sq},
{mHd2, m0Sq},
{ms2, m0Sq},
{\[Lambda], LambdaInput},
{T[\[Kappa]], Azero \[Kappa]},
{T[\[Lambda]], Azero LambdaInput},
{MassB, m12},

LowScale = LowEnergyConstant[MZ];

LowScaleFirstGuess = LowEnergyConstant[MZ];

LowScaleInput = {
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic},
{vd, 2 MZDRbar / Sqrt[GUTNormalization[g1]^2 g1^2 + g2^2] Cos[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{vu, 2 MZDRbar / Sqrt[GUTNormalization[g1]^2 g1^2 + g2^2] Sin[ArcTan[TanBeta]]}

InitialGuessAtLowScale = {
{vd, LowEnergyConstant[vev] Cos[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{vu, LowEnergyConstant[vev] Sin[ArcTan[TanBeta]]},
{\[Lambda], LambdaInput},
{\[Kappa], 0.1},
{vS, 1000},
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic}

InitialGuessAtHighScale = {};

UseHiggs2LoopNMSSM = True;
EffectiveMu = \[Lambda] vS / Sqrt[2];
EffectiveMASqr = (T[\[Lambda]] vS / Sqrt[2] + 0.5 \[Lambda] \[Kappa] vS^2) (vu^2 + vd^2) / (vu vd);

PotentialLSPParticles = { Chi, Sv, Su, Sd, Se, Cha, Glu };

DefaultPoleMassPrecision = MediumPrecision;
HighPoleMassPrecision = {hh, Ah, Hpm};
MediumPoleMassPrecision = {};
LowPoleMassPrecision = {};

ExtraSLHAOutputBlocks = {
{FlexibleSUSYOutput, NoScale,
{{0, Hold[HighScale]},
{1, Hold[SUSYScale]},
{2, Hold[LowScale]} } },
{EWSBOutputs, NoScale,
{{1, \[Kappa]},
{2, vS},
{3, m0Sq} } },
{{0, FlexibleSUSYObservable`aMuon} } },
{{1, FlexibleSUSYObservable`CpHiggsPhotonPhoton},
{2, FlexibleSUSYObservable`CpHiggsGluonGluon},
{3, FlexibleSUSYObservable`CpPseudoScalarPhotonPhoton},
{4, FlexibleSUSYObservable`CpPseudoScalarGluonGluon} } },
{{1, \[Lambda]},
{2, \[Kappa]},
{3, T[\[Lambda]] / \[Lambda]},
{4, T[\[Kappa]] / \[Kappa]},
{5, \[Lambda] vS / Sqrt[2]},
{10, ms2} } }
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions model_files/CNMSSM/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Block MODSEL # Select model
6 0 # flavour violation
# 12 1000 # DRbar parameter output scale (GeV)
Block FlexibleSUSY
0 1.000000000e-04 # precision goal
1 0 # max. iterations (0 = automatic)
2 0 # algorithm (0 = two_scale, 1 = lattice)
3 0 # calculate SM pole masses
4 2 # pole mass loop order
5 2 # EWSB loop order
6 2 # beta-functions loop order
7 2 # threshold corrections loop order
8 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_t alpha_s)
9 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_b alpha_s)
10 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O((alpha_t + alpha_b)^2)
11 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_tau^2)
12 0 # force output
13 1 # Top pole mass QCD corrections (0 = 1L, 1 = 2L, 2 = 3L)
14 1.000000000e-11 # beta-function zero threshold
15 0 # calculate observables (a_muon, ...)
16 0 # force positive majorana masses
17 0 # pole mass renormalization scale (0 = SUSY scale)
18 0 # pole mass renormalization scale in the EFT (0 = min(SUSY scale, Mt))
19 0 # EFT matching scale (0 = SUSY scale)
20 2 # EFT loop order for upwards matching
21 1 # EFT loop order for downwards matching
22 0 # EFT index of SM-like Higgs in the BSM model
23 1 # calculate BSM pole masses
Block FlexibleSUSYInput
0 0.00729735 # alpha_em(0)
1 125.09 # Mh pole
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279340000e+02 # alpha^(-1) SM MSbar(MZ)
2 1.166370000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.176000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.200000000e+00 # mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 1.733000000e+02 # mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # mtau(pole)
8 0.000000000e+00 # mnu3(pole)
9 80.404 # MW pole
11 5.109989020e-04 # melectron(pole)
12 0.000000000e+00 # mnu1(pole)
13 1.056583570e-01 # mmuon(pole)
14 0.000000000e+00 # mnu2(pole)
21 4.750000000e-03 # md(2 GeV) MS-bar
22 2.400000000e-03 # mu(2 GeV) MS-bar
23 1.040000000e-01 # ms(2 GeV) MS-bar
24 1.270000000e+00 # mc(mc) MS-bar
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
2 200 # m12
3 10 # TanBeta
5 -500 # Azero
Block EXTPAR # Input parameters
61 0.1 # LambdaInput

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