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adding meta-code module with SM 2-loop corrections
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taken from arxiv:1205.6497 and arxiv:1504.05200.
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Alexander Voigt authored and Alexander Voigt committed Feb 16, 2017
1 parent 383295c commit 3827dba
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 0 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions meta/TwoLoopSM.m
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

GetSMHiggsMass::usage = "Returns the loop corrections to the Higgs
mass in the Standard Model. The loop-corrections are taken from
arxiv:1205.6497 and arxiv:1504.05200.
Note: The return value contains the contributions from tadpole
Usage: GetSMHiggsMass[loopOrder -> {1,1,1}, corrections -> {1,1}, simplifications -> { p -> 0 }]
- loopOrder (optional): List of factors multiplied by each loop order.
#1: tree-level
#2: 1-loop level
#3: 2-loop level
(default: {1,1,1})
- corrections (optional): List of factors multiplied by each 2-loop
correction. (default: {1, 1})
#1: alpha_t * alpha_s (arxiv:1205.6497, Eq. (20))
#2: alpha_t^2 (arxiv:1504.05200, Eq. (20))
- simplifications (optional): List of replacement rules to simplify
the result (default: { p -> 0, B0[0,m12_,m22_,Q2_] :>
B0zero[Sqrt[m12],Sqrt[m22],Sqrt[Q2]] }).
Example: simplifications -> {} (* no simplifications *)

(* MS-bar parameters *)
{ p, yt, mt, g3, Q };

(* loop functions *)
{ B0 };

(* options *)
{ loopOrder, corrections };


(* B0 for p = 0 *)
B0zero[m1_, m2_, mu_] :=
Which[PossibleZeroQ[m1 - m2],
1 + Log[mu^2/m2^2],
1 + Log[mu^2/m1^2],
1 + (m1^2 Log[mu^2/m1^2] - m2^2 Log[mu^2/m2^2])/(m1^2 - m2^2)

Options[GetSMHiggsMass] = {
loopOrder -> {1,1,1},
corrections -> {1,1},
simplifications -> { p -> 0,
B0[0,m12_,m22_,Q2_] :> B0zero[Sqrt[m12],Sqrt[m22],Sqrt[Q2]] }

GetSMHiggsMass1LAlphaT[] :=
Module[{h = 1/(4 Pi)^2},
h 3 yt^2 (4 mt^2 - p^2) B0[p^2,mt^2,mt^2,Q^2]

GetSMHiggsMass2LAlphaTAlphaS[] :=
Module[{LogT = Log[mt^2/Q^2], h = 1/(4 Pi)^2},
h^2 2 mt^2 16 g3^2 yt^2 (3 LogT^2 + LogT)

GetSMHiggsMass2LAlphaTAlphaT[] :=
Module[{LogT = Log[mt^2/Q^2], h = 1/(4 Pi)^2},
h^2 2 mt^2 (-3 yt^4 (3 LogT^2 - 7 LogT + 2 + Pi^2/3))

GetSMHiggsMass[OptionsPattern[]] :=
OptionValue[loopOrder][[1]] 0 +
OptionValue[loopOrder][[2]] GetSMHiggsMass1LAlphaT[] +
OptionValue[loopOrder][[3]] OptionValue[corrections][[1]] GetSMHiggsMass2LAlphaTAlphaS[] +
OptionValue[loopOrder][[3]] OptionValue[corrections][[2]] GetSMHiggsMass2LAlphaTAlphaT[]
) //. OptionValue[simplifications];


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