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adding Mathematica script to perform an uncertainty estimate in HSSUSY
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which takes all three sources into account:

 * SM uncertainty: Missing higher order corrections from the
   extraction of the running SM parameters and to the calculation of
   the Higgs pole mass.

 * EFT uncertainty: Missing terms of the order O(v^2/MSUSY^2).

 * SUSY uncertainty: Missing 3-loop contributions to the quartic Higgs
   coupling \[Lambda] from SUSY particles.
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Alexander Voigt authored and Alexander Voigt committed Sep 18, 2017
1 parent ceb375f commit 39e479d
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 0 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions model_files/HSSUSY/HSSUSY_uncertainty_estimate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
(* :Copyright:
This file is part of FlexibleSUSY.
FlexibleSUSY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
FlexibleSUSY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FlexibleSUSY. If not, see

Functions to perform an uncertainty estimate of HSSUSY.

The function takes the parameter point as input (same syntax as
FSHSSUSYOpenHandle[]) and returns the 2-component list { Mh, DMh }
where Mh is the Higgs mass and DMh is an uncertainty estimate of
missing 3-loop corrections.
The uncertainty estimate takes three sources into account:
* SM uncertainty: Missing higher order corrections from the
extraction of the running SM parameters and to the calculation of
the Higgs pole mass.
* EFT uncertainty: Missing terms of the order O(v^2/MSUSY^2).
* SUSY uncertainty: Missing 3-loop contributions to the quartic Higgs
coupling \[Lambda] from SUSY particles.
Important note: The uncertainty estimate assumes that all 2-loop
threshold corrections at the SUSY scale are enabled:
fsModelParameters -> {
LambdaLoopOrder -> 2,
TwoLoopAtAs -> 1,
TwoLoopAbAs -> 1,
TwoLoopAtAb -> 1,
TwoLoopAtauAtau -> 1,
TwoLoopAtAt -> 1
Example: Peform a parameter scan over the SUSY scale in the interval
[1000, 10^10] GeV for tan(beta) = 20 and Xt/MS = Sqrt[6].
CalcMh[MS_, TB_, Xt_] :=
fsSettings -> {
precisionGoal -> 1.*^-5,
thresholdCorrectionsLoopOrder -> 2,
thresholdCorrections -> 122111121
fsModelParameters -> {
TanBeta -> TB,
MEWSB -> 173.34,
M1Input -> MS,
M2Input -> MS,
M3Input -> MS,
MuInput -> MS,
mAInput -> MS,
AtInput -> (Xt + 1/TB) MS,
msq2 -> MS^2 IdentityMatrix[3],
msu2 -> MS^2 IdentityMatrix[3],
msd2 -> MS^2 IdentityMatrix[3],
msl2 -> MS^2 IdentityMatrix[3],
mse2 -> MS^2 IdentityMatrix[3],
LambdaLoopOrder -> 2,
TwoLoopAtAs -> 1,
TwoLoopAbAs -> 1,
TwoLoopAtAb -> 1,
TwoLoopAtauAtau -> 1,
TwoLoopAtAt -> 1
data = ParallelMap[
{ N[#], CalcMh[#, 20, Sqrt[6]] }&,
LogRange[10^3, 10^10, 50]

(* get digit of [num] at position [pos] *)
GetDigit[num_, pos_, base_:10] :=
IntegerPart[Mod[num / base^pos, base]];

(* set digit of [num] at position [pos] to [val] *)
SetDigit[num_, pos_, val_, base_:10] :=
num + (val - GetDigit[num,pos,base]) base^pos;

(* generate logarithmically spaced range [start, stop] *)
LogRange[start_, stop_, steps_] :=
Exp /@ Range[Log[start], Log[stop], (Log[stop] - Log[start])/steps];

(* calculate Higgs mass *)
CalcHSSUSYMh[a___, (fsSettings | fsSMParameters | fsModelParameters) -> s_List, r___] :=
CalcHSSUSYMh[a, Sequence @@ s, r];

CalcHSSUSYMh[ytLoops_?NumericQ, Qpole_?NumericQ, Qm_?NumericQ, eft_?NumericQ, args__] :=
Module[{handle, spec, tc},
tc = thresholdCorrections /. { args };
tc = If[IntegerQ[tc], tc,
thresholdCorrections /. Options[FSHSSUSYOpenHandle]];
handle = FSHSSUSYOpenHandle[args];
fsSettings -> {
calculateStandardModelMasses -> 1,
thresholdCorrectionsLoopOrder -> 3,
poleMassScale -> Qpole,
thresholdCorrections -> SetDigit[tc, 6, ytLoops]
fsModelParameters -> {
DeltaEFT -> eft,
Qmatch -> Qm
spec = FSHSSUSYCalculateSpectrum[handle];
If[spec === $Failed, $Failed,
Pole[M[hh]] /. (HSSUSY /. spec)]

(* calculate Higgs mass and uncertainty estimate *)
CalcHSSUSYDMh[a___, (fsSettings | fsSMParameters | fsModelParameters) -> s_List, r___] :=
CalcHSSUSYDMh[a, Sequence @@ s, r];

CalcHSSUSYDMh[args__] :=
Module[{Mh, MhYt3L, MhEFT, varyQpole, varyQmatch,
MS = MSUSY /. { args }, Mlow = MEWSB /. { args }},
Mh = CalcHSSUSYMh[2, 0, 0, 0, args];
MhYt3L = CalcHSSUSYMh[3, 0, 0, 0, args];
MhEFT = CalcHSSUSYMh[2, 0, 0, 1, args];
varyQpole = CalcHSSUSYMh[2, #, 0, 0, args]& /@
LogRange[Mlow/2, 2 Mlow, 10];
varyQmatch = CalcHSSUSYMh[2, 0, #, 0, args]& /@
LogRange[MS/2, 2 MS, 10];
(* combine uncertainty estimates *)
DMhSM = Abs[Min[varyQpole] - Max[varyQpole]] +
Abs[Mh - MhYt3L];
DMhEFT = Abs[Mh - MhEFT];
DMhSUSY = Abs[Min[varyQmatch] - Max[varyQmatch]];
{ Mh, DMhSM + DMhEFT + DMhSUSY }

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