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Implemented ContributingDiagrams[]
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iolojz committed Jan 26, 2017
1 parent ce2eafd commit 574fe5f
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 0 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions meta/EDM.m
Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,141 @@ If you add new kinds of vertices (e.g for new diagram types):

<<<<<<< 379db5394ffb4373e1ea0bcc6a72e5a0ce7ee357
(* Find all diagrams of the type type_, testing all corresponding combinations of fields *)
(************************ Begin helper routines *******************************)

(* Return the name of the SARAH particle family containing the muon *)
GetMuonFamily[] := If[TreeMasses`GetDimension[SARAH`Electron] =!= 1,
{p_, {Description -> "Muon", ___}} -> p, 1][[1]]
(* If the muon has a generation index, return it, otherwise return Null.
e.g. CMSSMNoFV has no muon generation index *)
GetMuonIndex[] := If[TreeMasses`GetDimension[SARAH`Electron] =!= 1, 2, Null];

GetPhoton[] := SARAH`Photon;

IsLorentzIndex[index_] := StringMatchQ[ToString @ index, "lt" ~~ __];

StripLorentzIndices[p_Symbol] := p;
StripLorentzIndices[SARAH`bar[p_]] := SARAH`bar[StripLorentzIndices[p]];
StripLorentzIndices[Susyno`LieGroups`conj[p_]] := Susyno`LieGroups`conj[StripLorentzIndices[p]];
StripLorentzIndices[p_] := Module[{remainingIndices},
remainingIndices = Select[p[[1]], (!IsLorentzIndex[#] &)];
If[Length[remainingIndices] === 0, Head[p],
SetAttributes[StripLorentzIndices, {Listable}];

(* Takes a SARAH particle and returns its antiparticle *)
AntiParticle[SARAH`bar[p_]] := p;
AntiParticle[Susyno`LieGroups`conj[p_]] := p;
AntiParticle[p_] := Module[{pNoIndices = Vertices`StripFieldIndices[p]},
If[IsScalar[pNoIndices] || IsVector[pNoIndices],
SetAttributes[AntiParticle, {Listable}];

(* Return a string corresponding to the c++ class name of the particle.
Note that "bar" and "conj" get turned into anti<...>::type! *)
ParticleToCXXName[p_] := SymbolName[p];
ParticleToCXXName[SARAH`bar[p_]] := "anti<" <> SymbolName[p] <> ">::type";
ParticleToCXXName[Susyno`LieGroups`conj[p_]] := "anti<" <> SymbolName[p] <> ">::type";

(* Return a string corresponding to the name of the particle.
Note that "bar" and "conj" are left as they are! *)
ParticleToSARAHString[p_] := SymbolName[p];
ParticleToSARAHString[SARAH`bar[p_]] := "bar" <> SymbolName[p];
ParticleToSARAHString[Susyno`LieGroups`conj[p_]] := "conj" <> SymbolName[p];

(* Change Symbol[indexNameNUMBEROLD] to Symbol[indexNameNUMBERNEW] *)
ChangeIndexNumber[index_Symbol, number_Integer] := Symbol @ StringReplace[ToString[index],
Shortest[name__] ~~ NumberString :> name ~~ ToString[number]];

(* Returns the rules to change p[{iN,jN,kN}] to p[{iM,jM,kM}] *)
IndexReplacementRulesForNewParticleIndexNumber[particle_, number_Integer] :=
((# -> ChangeIndexNumber[#, number] &) /@ Vertices`FieldIndexList[particle]);

(* Returns the rules that are needed to change order of a prticle list.
i.e turn {p1[{i1,j1,k1}], p2[{l2,m2,n2}]} to {p2[{l1,m1,n1}], p1[{i2,j2,k2}]}
For some reason SARAH expects the indices to always be in that order... *)
IndexReplacementRulesForParticleReordering[particles_List, ordering_] :=
Module[{indices = Table[i, {i, Length[particles]}], index, fieldIndexList},
Flatten[(IndexReplacementRulesForNewParticleIndexNumber[particles[[ordering[[#]]]], #] &) /@ indices]];

(* Perform the actual transformation initiated by IndexReplacementRulesForParticleReordering[] *)
OrderParticles[particles_List, ordering_] := Module[{indexRules},
indexRules = IndexReplacementRulesForParticleReordering[particles, ordering];
Return[particles[[ordering]] /. indexRules];

(* Essentially the same as above, but using the obtained rules,
transform a whole vertex expression, as returned by SARAH`Vertex[] *)
OrderVertex[vertex_, ordering_] :=
Module[{indexRules, particles, expr, newVertex},
indexRules = IndexReplacementRulesForParticleReordering[vertex[[1]], ordering];

particles = vertex[[1]][[ordering]];
expr = vertex[[2;;]];

newVertex = (Join[{particles}, expr] /. indexRules);

(* MemoizingVertex[] works just like SARAH`Vertex[], but it caches the results *)
(* MemoizingVertex[] only works when __no__ indices are specified!!! *)
(* Use of memoization gives ~30% speedup for the MSSM! *)
memoizedVertices = {};
MemoizingVertex[particles_List, options : OptionsPattern[SARAH`Vertex]] :=
Module[{memo, ordering, orderedParticles},
(* First we sort the particles *)
ordering = Ordering[particles];
orderedParticles = particles[[ordering]];

memo = Select[memoizedVertices, MatchesMemoizedVertex[orderedParticles], 1];
If[memo =!= {}, memo = memo[[1]],
(* Create a new entry *)
memo = SARAH`Vertex[orderedParticles, options];
AppendTo[memoizedVertices, memo];];

(* Now return the particles to their original order *)
memo = OrderVertex[memo, Ordering[ordering]];

MatchesMemoizedVertex[particles_List][vertex_] := MatchQ[particles, Vertices`StripFieldIndices /@ vertex[[1]]];

(* Test whether a SARAH Vertex[] result is nonzero (exact) *)
IsNonZeroVertex[v_] := MemberQ[v[[2 ;;]][[All, 1]], Except[0]];

(* Returns the name of the coupling function that FlexibleSUSY generates for
a specific vertex in a canonical order! *)
NameOfCouplingFunction[particles_List] :=
((* FIXME: Not upwards compatible if naming conventions change *)
"Cp" <> StringJoin @ (ParticleToSARAHString /@ Sort[particles]));

(********************** End helper routines **************************)

(* The different vertex types that are supported.
They have the same names as their c++ counterparts. *)
vertexTypes = {

(* The different diagram types that should be taken into consideration *)
(* They need to be called DIAGRAMTYPENAME[_Integer]! See CreateDiagramClasses[] below. *)
(* There is no bounds check done on the integers, so they have to fit
into a standard c++ unsigned (!) int *)
contributingDiagramTypes = {

(* Find all diagrams of the type type_, testing all corresponding combinations of particles *)
>>>>>>> Implemented ContributingDiagrams[]
(* IMPORTANT: Return value should have the format
{{edmField1, {Diagram[DIAGRAMTYPENAME[_Integer], Fields___], Diagram[...], ...}},
{edmField2, {...}},
Expand Down

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