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adding SMtower testing model used as a consistency check
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It checks whether the SM model yields the same as the SMtower, where
the SM is matched to the SM at the high scale.
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Alexander Voigt authored and Alexander Voigt committed Jul 25, 2016
1 parent a217f17 commit 62a10ed
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Showing 5 changed files with 239 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ model_files/complexMSSM export-ignore
model_files/cCMSSM export-ignore
model_files/CMSSMCPV export-ignore
model_files/NMSSMCPV export-ignore
model_files/SMtower export-ignore

models/fmssm export-ignore
models/fmssmn export-ignore
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions model_files/SMtower/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

FSModelName = "@CLASSNAME@";
FSEigenstates = SARAH`EWSB;
FSDefaultSARAHModel = SM;
OnlyLowEnergyFlexibleSUSY = True;
SMTower = True;

(* SM input parameters *)

MINPAR = { {1, LambdaIN} };
EXTPAR = { {0, Qin} };

EWSBOutputParameters = { mu2 };

SUSYScale = Qin;

SUSYScaleFirstGuess = Qin;

SUSYScaleInput = {
{\[Lambda], LambdaIN}

LowScale = LowEnergyConstant[MT];

LowScaleFirstGuess = LowEnergyConstant[MT];

LowScaleInput = {
{v, 2 MZDRbar / Sqrt[GUTNormalization[g1]^2 g1^2 + g2^2]},
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic},

InitialGuessAtLowScale = {
{v, LowEnergyConstant[vev]},
{Yu, Automatic},
{Yd, Automatic},
{Ye, Automatic}

SUSYScaleUserMatching = {
{v, vev}

SMParticles = {
Electron, TopQuark, BottomQuark,
VectorP, VectorZ, VectorG, VectorW, Neutrino,
Hp, Ah, (* goldstones *)
hh (* Higgs *)

UseSM3LoopRGEs = True;
UseHiggs2LoopSM = True;

DefaultPoleMassPrecision = HighPrecision;
HighPoleMassPrecision = {hh};
MediumPoleMassPrecision = {};
LowPoleMassPrecision = {};

SARAH`ParameterDefinitions = Append[
Cases[SARAH`ParameterDefinitions, {p_ /; p =!= SARAH`\[Lambda], ___}],
{SARAH`\[Lambda], { Description -> "SM Higgs Selfcouplings" } }
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions model_files/SMtower/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Block MODSEL # Select model
# 12 1000 # parameter output scale (GeV)
Block FlexibleSUSY
0 1.000000000e-04 # precision goal
1 0 # max. iterations (0 = automatic)
2 0 # algorithm (0 = two_scale, 1 = lattice)
3 1 # calculate SM pole masses
4 2 # pole mass loop order
5 2 # EWSB loop order
6 3 # beta-functions loop order
7 2 # threshold corrections loop order
8 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_t alpha_s)
9 0 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_b alpha_s)
10 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O((alpha_t + alpha_b)^2)
11 0 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_tau^2)
12 0 # force output
13 1 # Top quark 2-loop corrections QCD
14 1.000000000e-11 # beta-function zero threshold
15 0 # calculate observables (a_muon, ...)
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279340000e+02 # alpha^(-1) SM MSbar(MZ)
2 1.166370000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.176000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.200000000e+00 # mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 1.733400000e+02 # mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # mtau(pole)
8 0.000000000e+00 # mnu3(pole)
9 80.404 # MW pole
11 5.109989020e-04 # melectron(pole)
12 0.000000000e+00 # mnu1(pole)
13 1.056583570e-01 # mmuon(pole)
14 0.000000000e+00 # mnu2(pole)
21 4.750000000e-03 # md(2 GeV) MS-bar
22 2.400000000e-03 # mu(2 GeV) MS-bar
23 1.040000000e-01 # ms(2 GeV) MS-bar
24 1.270000000e+00 # mc(mc) MS-bar
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 0.192 # Lambda(Qin)
Block EXTPAR # Input parameters
0 1000 # input scale Qin
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions test/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@

BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)


# prints SLHA block
is_block = 0;
if (block == "") {
print "Error: block name not defined";
print " Please define the block name with -v block=<block-name>";
exit 1
pattern = "^block[[:blank:]]*" tolower(block) "([^[:graph:]].*)?$";
not_pattern = "^block[[:blank:]]*.*$";
if (tolower($0) ~ pattern) {
is_block = 1
} else if (tolower($0) ~ not_pattern) {
is_block = 0
if (is_block)
print $0

# prints block entry
# expects block entry keys in the form x or x:y or x:y:z etc.
len = split(keys,k,":");
matches = 1;
for (i in k) {
if ($(i) != k[i])
matches = 0
if (matches == 1)
print $(len + 1)

Block MODSEL # Select model
# 12 1000 # parameter output scale (GeV)
Block FlexibleSUSY
0 1.000000000e-04 # precision goal
1 0 # max. iterations (0 = automatic)
2 0 # algorithm (0 = two_scale, 1 = lattice)
3 1 # calculate SM pole masses
4 1 # pole mass loop order
5 1 # EWSB loop order
6 3 # beta-functions loop order
7 2 # threshold corrections loop order
8 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_t alpha_s)
9 0 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_b alpha_s)
10 1 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O((alpha_t + alpha_b)^2)
11 0 # Higgs 2-loop corrections O(alpha_tau^2)
12 0 # force output
13 1 # Top quark 2-loop corrections QCD
14 1.000000000e-11 # beta-function zero threshold
15 0 # calculate observables (a_muon, ...)
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
1 1.279340000e+02 # alpha^(-1) SM MSbar(MZ)
2 1.166370000e-05 # G_Fermi
3 1.176000000e-01 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
4 9.118760000e+01 # MZ(pole)
5 4.200000000e+00 # mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 1.733400000e+02 # mtop(pole)
7 1.777000000e+00 # mtau(pole)
8 0.000000000e+00 # mnu3(pole)
9 80.404 # MW pole
11 5.109989020e-04 # melectron(pole)
12 0.000000000e+00 # mnu1(pole)
13 1.056583570e-01 # mmuon(pole)
14 0.000000000e+00 # mnu2(pole)
21 4.750000000e-03 # md(2 GeV) MS-bar
22 2.400000000e-03 # mu(2 GeV) MS-bar
23 1.040000000e-01 # ms(2 GeV) MS-bar
24 1.270000000e+00 # mc(mc) MS-bar
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 0.192 # Lambda(Qin)
Block EXTPAR # Input parameters
0 1000 # input scale Qin
1 173.34 # scale QEWSB

run_sg() {
local SG="$1"
local slha_input="$2"
local slha_output=
local block=
local value=
local output_block=MASS
local output_entry=25

# run the spectrum generator
slha_output=$(echo "$slha_input" | $SG --slha-input-file=- 2>/dev/null)

block=$(echo "$slha_output" | awk -v block="$output_block" "$print_slha_block_awk")
value=$(echo "$block" | awk -v keys="$output_entry" "$print_block_entry_awk" | tail -n 1)

[ "x$value" = "x" ] && value="-"

echo $value


MhSM=$(run_sg "$MODELDIR/SM/run_SM.x" "$input")
MhSMtower=$(run_sg "$MODELDIR/SMtower/run_SMtower.x" "$input")

echo "Mh in the SM : $MhSM"
echo "Mh in the SMtower: $MhSMtower"

CHECK_EQUAL_FRACTION "$MhSM" "$MhSMtower" "0.0001" || error=$(expr $error + 1)

if [ "x$error" != "x0" ] ; then
echo "Test FAILED: There were $error errors."
echo "All tests passed."

exit $error
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ SM,_DEFAULT_,0
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