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mattt edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 6 revisions


An amount of money in a given currency.

public struct Money<Currency: CurrencyType>: Equatable, Hashable


Codable, Comparable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, ExpressibleByFloatLiteral, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral, Hashable, LosslessStringConvertible



Creates an amount of money with a given decimal number.

public init(_ amount: Decimal)


public init?(_ description: String)


public init(integerLiteral value: Int)


Creates a new value from the given floating-point literal.

public init(floatLiteral value: Double)


public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: Unicode.Scalar)


public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: Character)


public init(stringLiteral value: String)


public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws



The amount of money.

var amount: Decimal


The currency type.

var currency: CurrencyType.Type


A monetary amount rounded to the number of places of the minor currency unit.

var rounded: Money<Currency>


var description: String



public static func <(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Bool


The sum of two monetary amounts.

public static func +(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


Adds one monetary amount to another.

public static func +=(lhs: inout Money<Currency>, rhs: Money<Currency>)


The difference between two monetary amounts.

public static func -(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


Subtracts one monetary amount from another.

public static func -=(lhs: inout Money<Currency>, rhs: Money<Currency>)


Subtracts one monetary amount from another.

public static prefix func -(value: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Decimal) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Double) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Money<Currency>, rhs: Int) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


The product of a monetary amount and a scalar value.

public static func *(lhs: Int, rhs: Money<Currency>) -> Money<Currency>


Multiplies a monetary amount by a scalar value.

public static func *=(lhs: inout Money<Currency>, rhs: Decimal)


Multiplies a monetary amount by a scalar value.

public static func *=(lhs: inout Money<Currency>, rhs: Double)
   Multiplies a monetary amount by a scalar value.

   - Important: Multiplying a monetary amount by a floating-point number
                results in an amount rounded to the number of places
                of the minor currency unit.
                To produce a smaller fractional monetary amount,
                multiply by a `Decimal` value instead.


Multiplies a monetary amount by a scalar value.

public static func *=(lhs: inout Money<Currency>, rhs: Int)


public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
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