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flightdeck-logo-flat-brand Flightdeck for Android


Add the following line to the dependencies section in app/build.gradle:

implementation 'cc.flightdeck:flightdeck-kotlin:1.+'

Request permission to access internet by adding the following line to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Initialize Flightdeck

Import FlightDeck into your main activity and initialize it in your code by calling Flightdeck.getInstance() with the correct configuration. You can find your projectId and projectToken in your Flightdeck project settings. Make sure to include your application context exactly as in the example below.

import cc.flightdeck.kotlinlib.Configuration
import cc.flightdeck.kotlinlib.Flightdeck

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

                projectId = "FLIGHTDECK_PROJECT_ID",
                projectToken = "FLIGHTDECK_PROJECT_TOKEN",
                context = applicationContext

Advanced initialization



The Configuration object can have the following parameters:

Parameter Required Type Description
projectId Required String Project ID¹
ProjectToken Required String Project write API token¹
addEventMetadata Optional Bool default true Enable device, timezone, and app version metadata to be added to each event
trackAutomaticEvents Optional Bool default true Enable tracking automatic events (e.g. Session start)
trackUniqueEvents Optional Bool default false Enable tracking daily and monthly unique events²

¹ Project ID and project token are generated on project creation and can be found in the project settings by team admins and owners.

² To track whether an event has been sent before during the current day or month, a list of previously sent events is stored on the device. The information stored includes event names only. No idenfitying information or metadata is stored. However, legislation in some countries forbids storing information on a user's device without explicit permission, even when this information does not contain personal data. If you want to run Flightdeck without making any use of permanent storage, keep this option disabled. Note that session uniqueness is always tracked, because it doesn't require storing any inromation.

Track event

Track an event

Flightdeck.getInstance().trackEvent("New project created", mapOf(
  "Subscription type" to "premium",
  "Active projects" to 12,


Parameter Required Type Description
event Required String Name of the event
properties Optional Map<String, Any>¹ Any metadata you want to attach to the event

¹ The properties map expects keys as String and any type that can be converted to string (e.g. String, Int, Double, Bool) as value.

Set super properties

Set properties that are automatically sent with each event.

  "Subscription type" to "premium",
  "Active projects" to 12,

When you pass a similarly named property with trackEvent() as one of the super properties, the super proerty will be overwritten for that specific trackEvent() call.