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Website/blog for


This is the source code for the website that is hosted at It aims to showcase modern web development techniques and best practices around Nextjs 13 web development and website/MDX blog creation.


  • Complete CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions
  • Automatic build of application Docker image and deployment to Kubernetes cluster

CI/CD pipeline

The CI/CD pipeline is defined in the .github/workflows directory. It has two files test.yml and deploy.yml. Former is used for testing the code and the latter for deploying the code to the Kubernetes cluster after each closed pull request from dev to main branch. Bellow you can find the description for pipeline:


Testing GitHub action which runs on every commit. It caches node_modules/ and cypress/, then starts e2e tests with cypress.

2. Building and deploying

Builds the application docker image with buildx and authenticates to private Docker registry where registry url, username and password are handled with GitHub secrets. After building phase successfully completes, new version of website is deployed to privately managed Kubernetes cluster. For that we use script that works like this: