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Collection Subaccounts

Abraham Olaobaju edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 2 revisions


Flutterwave's split payments feature allows you to split an incoming payment between one or more bank accounts and a commission fee. This can be useful in many ways.

To use split payments, you'll need to first set up one or more subaccounts (the bank accounts you want to split to). Then when collecting payment, you can specify how you would like to split the money. Any funds you direct to them will be settled into their account based on your settlement cycle.

Create a Collection SubAccount

This document shows you how to create a SubAccount on Flutterwave.

use Flutterwave\Subaccount;

$array = array(
        "account_number"=> "0690000030",
        "business_name"=> "JK Services",
        "business_email"=> "",
        "business_contact"=> "Seun Alade",
        "business_contact_mobile"=> "090890382",
        "business_mobile"=> "09087930450",
        "meta" => ["metaname"=> "MarketplaceID", "metavalue"=>"ggs-920900"],
        "seckey"=> "****YOUR**SECRET**KEY****"

$subaccount = new Subaccount();
$result = $subaccount->subaccount($array);