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mcabbott committed Oct 5, 2022
1 parent 604f2b4 commit 6d3156f
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Showing 2 changed files with 47 additions and 85 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Flux.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ include("layers/show.jl")

export @autosize

using .Data
Expand Down
131 changes: 46 additions & 85 deletions src/outputsize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,32 +147,14 @@ outputsize(m::AbstractVector, input::Tuple...; padbatch=false) = outputsize(Chai

## bypass statistics in normalization layers

# for layer in (:LayerNorm, :BatchNorm, :InstanceNorm, :GroupNorm)
# @eval (l::$layer)(x::AbstractArray{Nil}) = x
# end
for layer in (:BatchNorm, :InstanceNorm, :GroupNorm)
for layer in (:BatchNorm, :InstanceNorm, :GroupNorm) # LayerNorm works fine
@eval function (l::$layer)(x::AbstractArray{Nil})
l.chs == size(x, ndims(x)-1) || throw(DimensionMismatch(
string($layer, " expected ", l.chs, " channels, but got ", _channelsize(x))))
string($layer, " expected ", l.chs, " channels, but got size(x) == ", size(x))))

_channelsize(x::AbstractArray) = size(x, ndims(x)-1)
_channelsize(x::AbstractVector) = size(x, 1)

function (l::LayerNorm)(x::AbstractArray{Nil,N}) where N
l.affine || return x
n = length(l.size)
l.size[1:min(n,N)] == size(x)[1:min(n,N)] || throw(DimensionMismatch(
string("LayerNorm expected size of input starting with ", l.size, ", but got size(x) == ", size(x))))
if n <= N
return x
return similar(x, l.size)

## fixes for layers that don't work out of the box

for (fn, Dims) in ((:conv, DenseConvDims),)
Expand All @@ -192,25 +174,25 @@ for (fn, Dims) in ((:conv, DenseConvDims),)

export @autosize

@autosize (size...,) Chain(Layer(_ => 2), Layer(_), ...)
Returns the specified model, with each `_` replaced by an inferred number,
for input of the given size.
for input of the given `size`.
The unknown sizes are always the second-last dimension (or the length of a vector),
of that layer's input, which Flux usually regards as the channel dimension.
The unknown sizes are usually the second-last dimension of that layer's input,
which Flux regards as the channel dimension.
(A few layers, `Dense` & [`LayerNorm`](@ref), instead always use the first dimension.)
The underscore may appear as an argument of a layer, or inside a `=>`.
It may be used in further calculations, such as `Dense(_ => _÷4)`.
# Examples
julia> @autosize (3,) Chain(Dense(_ => 2, sigmoid), Flux.Scale(_))
julia> @autosize (3, 1) Chain(Dense(_ => 2, sigmoid), BatchNorm(_, affine=false))
Dense(3 => 2, σ), # 8 parameters
Scale(2), # 4 parameters
) # Total: 4 arrays, 12 parameters, 304 bytes.
BatchNorm(2, affine=false),
julia> img = [28, 28];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,15 +226,13 @@ julia> outputsize(ans, (28, 28, 1, 32))
* Won't work yet for Bilinear, except like `@autosize (5, 32) Flux.Bilinear(_ => 7)`
* Beyond a matrix it gets Dense wrong, e.g. `@autosize (2, 3, 4) Dense(_ => 5)`
* `LayerNorm(_,_)` probably won't work, needs first few input dims.
* RNN: `@autosize (7, 11) LSTM(_ => 5)` fails, but `outputsize(RNN(3=>7), (3,))` also fails.
* While `@autosize (5, 32) Flux.Bilinear(_ => 7)` is OK, something like `Bilinear((_, _) => 7)` will fail.
* RNNs won't work: `@autosize (7, 11) LSTM(_ => 5)` fails, because `outputsize(RNN(3=>7), (3,))` also fails.
macro autosize(size, model)
Meta.isexpr(size, :tuple) || error("@autosize's first argument must be a tuple, the size of the input")
Meta.isexpr(model, :call) || error("@autosize's second argument must be something like Chain(layers...)")
ex = makelazy(model)
ex = _makelazy(model)
@gensym m
$m = $ex
Expand All @@ -261,38 +241,49 @@ macro autosize(size, model)
end |> esc

function makelazy(ex::Expr)
n = underscoredepth(ex)
function _makelazy(ex::Expr)
n = _underscoredepth(ex)
n == 0 && return ex
n == 1 && error("@autosize doesn't expect an underscore here: $ex")
n == 2 && return :($LazyLayer($(string(ex)), $(makefun(ex)), nothing))
n > 2 && return Expr(ex.head, ex.args[1], map(makelazy, ex.args[2:end])...)
n == 2 && return :($LazyLayer($(string(ex)), $(_makefun(ex)), nothing))
n > 2 && return Expr(ex.head, ex.args[1], map(_makelazy, ex.args[2:end])...)
makelazy(x) = x
_makelazy(x) = x

function underscoredepth(ex::Expr)
function _underscoredepth(ex::Expr)
# Meta.isexpr(ex, :tuple) && :_ in ex.args && return 10
ex.head in (:call, :kw, :(->), :block) || return 0
ex.args[1] == :(=>) && ex.args[2] == :_ && return 1
m = maximum(underscoredepth, ex.args)
m = maximum(_underscoredepth, ex.args)
m == 0 ? 0 : m+1
underscoredepth(ex) = Int(ex == :_)
_underscoredepth(ex) = Int(ex == :_)

@autosize (3,) Chain(one = Dense(_ => 10)) # needs kw
@autosize (10,) Maxout(() -> Dense(_ => 7, tanh), 3) # needs ->, block
@autosize (3,) Chain(one = Dense(_ => 4), two = softmax) # needs kw
@autosize (3, 45) Maxout(() -> Dense(_ => 6, tanh), 2) # needs ->, block

function makefun(ex)
@gensym s
Expr(:(->), s, replaceunderscore(ex, s))
function _makefun(ex)
T = Meta.isexpr(ex, :call) ? ex.args[1] : Type
@gensym x s
Expr(:(->), x, Expr(:block, :($s = $autosizefor($T, $x)), _replaceunderscore(ex, s)))

replaceunderscore(e, s) = e == :_ ? s : e
replaceunderscore(ex::Expr, s) = Expr(ex.head, map(a -> replaceunderscore(a, s), ex.args)...)
autosizefor(::Type, x)
If an `_` in your layer's constructor, used withing `@autosize`, should *not* mean the 2nd-last dimension,
then you can overload this, like `autosizefor(::Type{<:Dense}, x::AbstractArray) = size(x, 1)`.
autosizefor(::Type, x::AbstractArray) = size(x, max(1, ndims(x)-1))
autosizefor(::Type{<:Dense}, x::AbstractArray) = size(x, 1)
autosizefor(::Type{<:LayerNorm}, x::AbstractArray) = size(x, 1)

_replaceunderscore(e, s) = e == :_ ? s : e
_replaceunderscore(ex::Expr, s) = Expr(ex.head, map(a -> _replaceunderscore(a, s), ex.args)...)

mutable struct LazyLayer
Expand All @@ -301,19 +292,10 @@ mutable struct LazyLayer

function (l::LazyLayer)(x::AbstractArray)
if l.layer != nothing
return l.layer(x)
# s = channelsize(x)
s = size(x, max(1, ndims(x)-1))
lay = l.make(s)
y = try
catch e
@error l.str
return nothing
l.layer = striplazy(lay) # is this a good idea?
l.layer == nothing || return l.layer(x)
lay = l.make(x)
y = lay(x)
l.layer = lay # mutate after we know that call worked
return y

Expand All @@ -329,39 +311,18 @@ Flux.outputsize(Dense(2=>3), (4,)) # no nice error
@autosize (3,5,6) LayerNorm(_,_) # no complaint, but
ans(rand(3,5,6)) # this fails
julia> Flux.outputsize(LayerNorm(2), (3,))
julia> LayerNorm(2)(rand(Float32, 3))
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths 2 and 3
julia> BatchNorm(2)(fill(Flux.nil, 3)) |> size
julia> BatchNorm(2)(rand(3))
ERROR: arraysize: dimension out of range

# channelsize(x) = size(x, max(1, ndims(x)-1))

using Functors: functor, @functor

@functor LazyLayer # (layer,)
@functor LazyLayer

function striplazy(x)
fs, re = functor(x)
re(map(striplazy, fs))
striplazy(l::LazyLayer) = l.layer == nothing ? error("should be initialised!") : l.layer

# Could make LazyLayer usable outside of @autosize
# For instance allow @lazy
# Could make LazyLayer usable outside of @autosize, for instance allow Chain(@lazy Dense(_ => 2))?
# But then it will survive to produce weird structural gradients etc.

function, l::LazyLayer)
printstyled(io, "LazyLayer(", color=:light_black)
Expand Down

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