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Blinka makes her debut on the big screen! With this library you can use CircuitPython displayio code on PC and Raspberry Pi to output to a PyGame window instead of a hardware display connected to I2C or SPI. This makes it easy to to use displayio elements on HDMI and other large format screens.


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PyGame + Blinka


This library has not been updated to work with Blinka_DisplayIO 1.0.0+ yet. The most recent version of Bliaka_DisplayIO that is supported is 0.11.1.


Blinka makes her debut on the big screen! With this library you can use CircuitPython displayio code on PC and Raspberry Pi to output to a PyGame window instead of a hardware display connected to I2C or SPI. This makes it easy to to use displayio elements on HDMI and other large format screens.

Warning: you must check display.check_quit() in the main loop and break if it's true in order to correctly handle the close button!


This driver depends on:

Please ensure all dependencies are available they can be installed with pip3

Optional Dependencies

This driver can optionally make use of these displayio module libraries:

They can be installed with pip3.

Installing from PyPI

On supported GNU/Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi, you can install the driver locally from PyPI. To install for current user:

pip3 install blinka-displayio-pygamedisplay

To install system-wide (this may be required in some cases):

sudo pip3 install blinka-displayio-pygamedisplay

To install in a virtual environment in your current project:

mkdir project-name && cd project-name
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install blinka-displayio-pygamedisplay

Usage Example

import displayio
from blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay import PyGameDisplay

display = PyGameDisplay(width=320, height=240)
splash = displayio.Group()

color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(display.width, display.height, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = 0x00FF00  # Bright Green

bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap, pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0)
# Must check display.running in the main loop!

while True:
    if display.check_quit():


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For information on building library documentation, please check out this guide.


Blinka makes her debut on the big screen! With this library you can use CircuitPython displayio code on PC and Raspberry Pi to output to a PyGame window instead of a hardware display connected to I2C or SPI. This makes it easy to to use displayio elements on HDMI and other large format screens.



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