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Discussion: Requirement

Fufu Fang edited this page Jun 20, 2020 · 3 revisions

In this page, we discuss the requirements. This wiki page works a bit like the discussion page in Wikipedia. Please do not modify the existing questions listed below. If you want to add more questions, please append to the existing questions, rather than prepending or inserting in the middle of the existing questions. In your answers / discussion, feel free to refer to questions by their abbreviation, e.g. Usability Question 1 would be U1.

When we were talking about the translation system and how the translated texts would be integrated into the website, we ran into several questions and had many different ideas about how to solve it. In the end it comes down to the requirements and the goals for this project. Therefore, it was brought up that we should start at least a light-weight requirements document.

Open Questions

Here are some open questions that might or might not have to be answered this way:

Usability (U)

  1. Who will be making changes to the layout like adding more text blocks? Would it be okay to expect them to have some understanding of HTML or do we need full WYSIWYG support?
  2. Do we allow users to select their own language or is browser-detection sufficient?

Content (C)

  1. Should we have an absolutely fixed layout and only exchange the raw text blocks or is it acceptable if the layouts can (theoretically) be modified separately for each language?
  2. Is the focus only on static content (i.e. pages) or will it also be necessary to support translations for dynamic content, e.g. blog posts?

Process (P)

  1. Do we want some kind of "staging" setup to preview changes to translations or can this be handled by having a separate test system to do sign-offs before pushing changes live?

Technology (T)

  1. What version of PHP is available on the server?


Please write you response to the questions above. You don't have to answer every single question. Please create a second level heading for your own username.


For U1, we should aim to provide full WYSIWYG support, unless somehow it is not feasible.

For U2, yes, we need the user to select their own language, and we need to have separate URL for each language.

For C1, I think it is easier to have a fixed layout across different languages. Otherwise we might as well go to the Media Wiki model, in which each language is completely decoupled from each other. However what do we do with languages that are written from right-to-left?

For C2, I don't see why there would be handling differences between pages and blog posts. We should allow the plugin to be enable in both types of contents.

For P1, I think for FAH, we already use Github to review changes to the translation, so we don't really need another one within Wordpress.

For T1, we will have to wait ask Anton.