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Supermarket IPS App

  • ⭳ Download (APK)
  • A React Native app which uses Expo's bare workflow.
  • This app is part of a demonstration for an indoor positioning system (IPS) in supermarkets. The IPS relies on visible light communication (VLC) to determine the customers' relative positions in the supermarket.
  • The app's features include:
    • Viewing product listings
    • 3D view of the supermarket layout with path visualizations
    • Customer support chat


  • expo install [package_name] to install a package
  • yarn remove [package_name] to remove a package
  • expo prebuild to generate Android/IOS specific project files
  • expo run:android to test the app on an Android phone via USB.
  • expo run:android --variant release to test the minified app on an Android phone via USB.

Building with Expo

Building Locally without Expo

  1. As discussed in Issue #1 and Issue #2, React Native's release build causes image files (.jpg, .png, etc) to be moved by gradlew to the Android project's drawable assets folder and will possess a different URI scheme which expo-three's asset loader does not recognise. Hence, the map will fail to load properly. As a hacky solution, rename texture image extensions from .jpg to .xjpg. Likewise, .png becomes .xpng. The addition of x is arbitrary and to avoid the images from being affected by the different URI scheme.

  2. When loading a texture image, make sure to set its type, width and height as follows:

    const textureAsset  = Asset.fromModule(require("../../assets/textures/tiles.xjpg")); // Change this
    if (textureAsset.type === 'xjpg') {
        textureAsset.type = 'jpg';
        // Use an image editor to find out the image dimensions
        textureAsset.width = 300; // Change this
        textureAsset.height = 300; // Change this
  3. Before building the release, clean the Android project:

    cd android
    gradlew clean
    cd ..
  4. Generate the Javascript bundle:

    npx react-native bundle --platform android --minify true --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
  5. Delete all drawable-* folders and also the raw folder in android\app\src\main\res. This is to address the duplicate resources issue as highlighted here.

  6. Build the APK:

    cd android
    gradlew assembleRelease
    gradlew assembleDebug
  7. The release apk should be located at android\app\build\outputs\apk\release

  8. Install the APK with adb install [apk_file_path]

  9. View the phone's logs with adb logcat


  1. In a normal React Native project without Expo, it should be possible to create a debug build without the dev server. In android\app\build.gradle, add the following:
    project.ext.react = [
        bundleInDebug: true, // add this line,
        devDisabledInDev: true, // add this line,
  2. Generate the debug build with the following:
    npx react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
  3. However, it seems that it does not work in Expo even after ejecting it. I can't seem to get rid of Expo's dev client in debug builds 😔.