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Zend Server Web API

A Guzzle based wrapper for (a part of) the Zend Server Web API. Has no dependencies with any framework. Check the traits in ZendServer/WebApi/Client/Core/Method for the endpoints that are currently supported.


The package can be installed with composer:

composer require foobarfighters/zend-server-web-api


When making use of the ClientFactory the Zend Server credentials can be passed as an array. Alternatively these values can be passed directly into the constructor of the client when instantiating it manually.


$config = [
    'baseUrl' => 'https://your.zend.server.url',

    //== ZendServer admin > Administration > Web API Keys > UserName
    'username' => 'foobar',

    //== ZendServer admin > Administration > Web API Keys > Hash
    'hash' => 'f1ghtErs6fddd00ccec4eb1b261a8f6cc2dad94c1eb100eab',

    //== see
    'version' => 1.23,

Core Client

The core client is responsible for making the API request, returning the response as an associative array or throwing exceptions if anything goes wrong.

use FooBarFighters\ZendServer\WebApi\Client\ClientFactory;

    //== instantiate a core client
    $client = ClientFactory::createClient($config);
    //== get the raw API data as an associative array
    $res = $client->applicationGetStatus();
    //== do something useful with it

//== one size fits all
catch(Exception $e){
    echo 'stay calm, the internet police has been notified!';

Extended Client

The extended client decorates the core client and maps the raw API output to data models. These models offer additional benefits like filtering, date parsing and autocompletion in IDE's.

use FooBarFighters\ZendServer\WebApi\Client\ClientFactory;

    //== instantiate an extended client
    $client = ClientFactory::createExtendedClient($config);
    //== reduce the list of applications to a single app model
    $myApp = $client->getAppList()->filterByName('myAppName');
    //== do something very exciting with it
    echo $myApp->getId();

//== several types of specific exceptions can be thrown, like Guzzle or Api related
catch(\FooBarFighters\ZendServer\WebApi\Exception\ApiException $e){
    echo 'You broke the API!';

Custom Guzzle

A custom Guzzle client can be passed to either the ClientFactory, or the Client class. This can be useful for adding headers, middleware or custom handlers. See the examples bootstrap file for how to add Monolog logging middleware.

$handlerStack = HandlerStack::create();
//== add middleware or custom handlers
$client = ClientFactory::createExtendedClient($config, new Guzzle(['handler' => $handlerStack]));


For more examples see the examples folder.

cd vendor/foobarfighters/ZendServer
php -S localhost:8080 -t examples

The examples can make actual calls to a Zend Server instance or be run either in mocked mode.

Mock mode

When running an example in mocked mode all the API responses are injected from a set of json files instead of connecting to a Zend Server instance.

Live mode

Note that in live mode:

  • ZS credentials need to be stored in vhost environmentals or alter the config array in the bootstrap file.
  • Requests/responses are logged in the logs folder. This requires write access.