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System and OS Requirements:

  1. Windows 10 and above
  2. Minimum 2 cores
  3. 2GB RAM
  4. 30GB SSD
  5. Java version 11 and above must be installed in your VPS. If your windows VPS doesn't have it, download it from Here and set java in your windows environment.

Installing and configuring a Blockchain Natzionale Sarda BNS full node for mining FFTs (Food Forest Token) on a Windows PC/VPS

Step 1: Click Here and Download the jar file.
Step 2: Modify the configuration file to activate your node in mainnet.conf
Step 3: Click the file inside the folder named as "start.bat"

How to run a BNS Node with Windows OS

Step 1: Download the BNS Desktop Wallet on yours Windows PC. Open the Desktop Wallet of the BNS, and create a new account inside the Mainnet chain
Step 2: Notedown/copy the Encoded Seed of your account from the BNS wallet settings area. (This Seed will be used within the edits to be done inside the mainnet.conf file, to run the node)
Step 3: Open the mainnet.conf file in any text editor. (Text Note, NotePad etc)
Step 4: Edit the mainnet.conf file accordingly, in the lines showed below, and save it
a) node-name = "Type Your Node Name Here"
(Line 78 of the mainnet.conf file) b) declared-address = "" #declared ip address of your node
(Line 79 of the mainnet.conf file) c) seed = "Enter_Your_Encoded_Backup_Seed_Here_From_The_BNS_Wallet"
(Line 89 of the mainnet.conf file) d) password = "Enter any Random Password Here to protect your wallet" #Enter a 15 minimum characters strong password to protect your Wallet
(Line 90 of the mainnet.conf file) e) save the mainnet.conf file after making the changes needed indicated above
f) run the file start.bat by double clicking it, and the node should start downloading the blocks to get in synch with the Blockchain Natzionale Sarda BNS.

If an error occurs while the node is starting up, it means that some error has been made in the mainnet.conf file edits.

If no errors occur, congratulations, you are now officially operating a node inside the BNS, and your node will appear inside the dedicated section of the connected peers inside the BNS Explorer area.

Installing and configuring a Blockchain Natzionale Sarda BNS full node for mining FFTs (Food Forest Token) on a Linux PC/Server

System and OS Requirements:

  1. Ubuntu 20 VPS in case of Linux
  2. Minimum 2 cores
  3. 2GB RAM
  4. 30GB SSD

All commands are issued as root. If you do not use your root account most commands would probably require 'sudo' to work. Eg. "sudo apt update"

How to run a BNS node with Linux OS

Step 1: login into your Linux pc/server terminal with the root account

Step 2: Type the command showed below

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 3: Install the needed Java development kit, using the following commands

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
sudo apt update

Once the Java kit its installed, check if the version is the latest by using this command:

java -version

Linux Server Step

Step 4: Download the latest jar and mainnet.conf file.
Enter the following commands one by one inside your linux server/pc to download both files accordingly

sudo wget
sudo wget

Windows PC Step

Step 5: Download the BNS Desktop Wallet on yours Windows PC.
Open the Desktop Wallet of the BNS, and create a new account inside the Mainnet chain. Notedown/copy the Encoded Seed of your account from the BNS wallet settings area. (This Seed will be used within the edits to be done inside the mainnet.conf file, to run the node)

Linux Server Step

Type the linux commands provided below, and press the “Enter” button after each of them, to be able to make the required changes inside the mainnet.conf file

sudo vi mainnet.conf

Once the file is opened, press the Insert button to edit the mainnet.conf file itself

Step 6: Edit the mainnet.conf file accordingly, in the lines showed below, and save it
a) node-name = "Type Your Node Name Here"
(Line 78 of the mainnet.conf file) b) declared-address = "" #declared ip address of your node
(Line 79 of the mainnet.conf file) c) seed = "Enter_Your_Encoded_Backup_Seed_Here_From_The_BNS_Wallet"
(Line 89 of the mainnet.conf file) d) password = "Your Password Here" #Enter a 15 minimum characters strong password to protect your Wallet
(Line 90 of the mainnet.conf file) e) use the commands below to save the changes inside the mainnet.conf file

Press the Escape (Esc) button and type the below command


Next press the Enter button. Now type :qa! and press Enter to get back into the writing mode.

Note: if something went wrong during the editing or you don't wanna to save it, just press the "Esc" button and type :qa! to exit it by pressing the Enter button after. Use the command sudo vi mainnet.conf again to edit the file if necessary. Be assured that your server have the latest or the mentioned java version (see Step 3).

Now to start the node simply use the following command:

java -jar fft-all-1.5.3.jar mainnet.conf

The node will start downloading and synching the Blockchain Natzionale Sarda BNS. If an error occurs while the node is starting up, it means that some error has been made in the mainnet.conf file edits. Use the “Note” indications to edit the file again. If no errors occur, congratulations, you are now officially operating a node inside the BNS, and your node will appear inside the dedicated section of the connected peers inside the BNS Explorer area. When all blocks are synched, you can detach the screen by pressing CTRL+d and close the window. The node has been set to run in the background processes of your Linux PC/VPS.

Updating a node from old version to new version

⚠️Warning : Be assured that you have noted down your Encoded seed of your node, which is available in Step 6 (c). Losing the encoded seed means losing access to your node account, which leads inevitably to the loss of node funds.

Step1 : Enter into the linux server

Step2 : Type the following command, next press enter, to see and attach the screen of a running BNS node

screen -ls

it will show the list of the running screen, note down that number

Step 3: Type below command, press enter

screen -r -d screennumber

Where screennumber = From Step 2

Step 4: Press ”ctrl+c” to stop the running node.

Step 5: Type the following command to delete the existing bns folder containing all nodes files. Warning: ⚠️ Be assured before deleting this folder, as deleting this folder will lead to delete all entire blockchain data and wallet, please ensure you have saved your Encoded Seed and all the other important informaionts regarding your account!

sudo rm -rf /opt/fft

Step6: Follow the steps from Here to install node

Congratulations on your choice, because it is thanks to free individuals like you that the BNS is decentralised and strong in its actions.