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Sketch for MKR1000 network coordinator
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ForceTronics committed Oct 26, 2016
1 parent f61e6d4 commit a790f15
Showing 1 changed file with 212 additions and 0 deletions.
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions MKR1000_nRF24L01_Cloud.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
/*10/24/16 This code was written for the YouTube video "Creating a Sensor Network that Connects to the Cloud Part 1"
* on the ForceTronics channel. This code is public domain and free to others to use and modify at your own risk
#include <RF24.h> //nRF24L01 library:
#include <RF24NetworkNoSleep.h> //modified verision of the RF24Network library to work on non-AVR platform
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi101.h> //used for WiFi on MKR1000 and WiFi shield

char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "YourNetworkPassword"; // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; //set status variable

//global variables for holding sensor data
int tempNode1 = 0;
int tempNode2 = 0;
int tempNode3 = 0;

//define some constant variables for pins and node number
const int LED_PIN = 6; // MKR1000's built-in LED

//define areas for phant cloud address and security keys
const char PhantHost[] = "";
const char PublicKey[] = "YourPublicKey";
const char PrivateKey[] = "YourPrivateKey";

//these variables were leveraged from Phant library for ESP8266, created by Sparkfun
String _pub;
String _prv;
String _host;
String _params;
static const char HEADER_POST_URL1[] PROGMEM = "POST /input/";
static const char HEADER_POST_URL2[] PROGMEM = ".txt HTTP/1.1\n";
static const char HEADER_PHANT_PRV_KEY[] PROGMEM = "Phant-Private-Key: ";
static const char HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE[] PROGMEM = "Connection: close\n";
static const char HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE[] PROGMEM = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
static const char HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH[] PROGMEM = "Content-Length: ";

// start RF24 communication layer
RF24 radio(5,7);

// start RF24 network layer
RF24NetworkNoSleep network(radio);

// Coordinator address
const uint16_t thisNode = 00;

// Structure of our payload coming from router and end devices
struct Payload
float aDCTemp; //temperature from onboard sensor
bool batState; //bool to communicate battery power level, true is good and false means battery needs to be replaced

void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Sketch will stop here until open Serial Monitor
Serial.println("Coordinator is online.....");

// check for the presence of the shield:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
// don't continue:
Serial.println("No WiFi Shield detected so stop here....");
while (true);

// Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
//loop until we connect
Serial.println("Connected to WiFi...");

SPI.begin(); //start SPI communication
radio.begin(); //start nRF24L01 communication layer
network.begin(90, thisNode); //start nRF24L01 network layer, "90" is for channel

void loop() {
network.update(); //update network and look for new nodes

RF24NetworkHeader header; //create header variable to read data from node
Payload payload; //create payload variable
payload.aDCTemp = 0;
// Any data on the network ready to read
while ( network.available() )
// If so, grab it and print it out,&payload,sizeof(payload));
Serial.print("The node this is from: ");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print(" Battery status: ");
getNodeData(header.from_node, payload.aDCTemp); //store data in global variable for each node

if(payload.aDCTemp) { //if there is new data (non-zero) post it to cloud
if (!postToPhant()) { Serial.println("failed to post data to Phant cloud....."); }
else { Serial.println("Sent data to cloud successfully...."); }

//This function posts data to the Phant cloud
int postToPhant()
// LED turns on when we enter, it'll go off when we successfully post.
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);

// Declare an object from the Phant library - phant
phant(PhantHost, PublicKey, PrivateKey);
//These calls build the web communication
phantAdd("mnode1", tempNode1); //specify field and data used in that field
phantAdd("mnode2", tempNode2);
phantAdd("mnode3", tempNode3);

WiFiClient client; //Create client object to communicate with the phant server

if (!client.connect(PhantHost, 80)) { //Attempt to connect to phant server using port 80
// If we fail to connect, return 0.
return 0;

//Serial.println(phantPost()); //uncomment this if you want to see text of communication with phant server
//Send post to phant server
client.print(phantPost()); //post datat to phant

// if there are incoming bytes available
// from the server, read them and print them:
while (client.available()) {
String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
//Do something with data
client.stop(); //end the client
// Before we exit, turn the LED off.
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

return 1; // Return success

//this function gets incoming data from the network and stores it in the right global variable
void getNodeData(uint16_t node, float data) {
if(node == 1) tempNode1 = data*10; //data is multiplied by 10 because phant cannot handle decimals
else if(node == 2) tempNode2 = data*10;
else tempNode3 = data*10;

//This is from phant library, initializes variables
void phant(String host, String publicKey, String privateKey) {
_host = host;
_pub = publicKey;
_prv = privateKey;
_params = "";

//From phant library, builds string of field and data
void phantAdd(String field, int data) {

_params += "&" + field + "=" + String(data);


//From phant library, builds the string used to post data to phant over web services
String phantPost() {

String params = _params.substring(1);
String result;
//String result = "POST /input/" + _pub + ".txt HTTP/1.1\n";
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_POST_URL1); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_POST_URL1 + i);
result += _pub;
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_POST_URL2); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_POST_URL2 + i);
result += "Host: " + _host + "\n";
//result += "Phant-Private-Key: " + _prv + "\n";
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_PHANT_PRV_KEY); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_PHANT_PRV_KEY + i);
result += _prv + '\n';
//result += "Connection: close\n";
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE + i);
//result += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE + i);
//result += "Content-Length: " + String(params.length()) + "\n\n";
for (int i=0; i<strlen(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); i++)
result += (char)pgm_read_byte_near(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH + i);
result += String(params.length()) + "\n\n";
result += params;

_params = "";
return result;

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