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Power in numbers

This web application was thought of because I'm always trying to find ways to track my training plans and training sessions, but I always lose track or it takes too long to write up the workout. This will hopefuly save me time, help me be more organized and gain knowledge of others training sessions for better progression. Also collect an array of training plans from different users and see their progression.

Also I have changed my database password as the got uploaded to github.


This site is designed for people of all ages, the goal for this site is to motivate people to train by tracking their progress. Also being able to see that other users are contributing to the site goals should hopfully influence people to continue. I have added a section on the home page that will add up all the user's distance travelled and display this for everyone to see. I think this will help people because as they log a session, they can watch this amount grow and feel part of a team.

This project is hosted on heroku Power-in-numbers Please feel free to create an account and start making progression as soon as possible.

Each user will have to create their account before gaining access to this site after they have completed the necessary steps, they will then be taken to their profile. The profile page will allow the user to: add a session, add a record, create a training plan, seeing all their sessions logged, watch their stats grow and see or edit their basic information.

  • When the user would like to add a session all they need to press is the 'add' tab on their profile and select 'Add Session' then fill out the form.

The form the user will have to fill out, to add a session will change depending on what session type the user is adding, the required information from the user will change and be stored to the database differently. Walking, running, cycling these are pretty much the same as they are units of distance and the user's inputs will be used to calculate their average speed. The user can choose from two different options miles and km, this information will be saved to the DB and used later on for the conversions. The Weightlifting session type is different because one session might consist of three exercises and the next workout might consist of forty-three so it was important to make sure the form could handle this type of scalability. After the form has been completed the user will be redirected to their profile to view their sessions.

  • To log a record is very similar to adding a session, a record is added by clicking on the 'Add' tab on the their profile and pressing 'Save Record' then filling out the form.

This form had to be a little different because the user will be saving just one record so the table for 'weightlifting' doesn't have to scale the same way, but I have added a dropdown from the exercise, so that later on I can create a stats page for the records. After the form had been been saved the user will be redirected to the 'PRs' page.

  • finally creating a training plan, again the user will need to be on their 'Profile' and press the 'Add' tab and select 'Create Program'.

This form had to be a little more complicated because first I have to find out how many weeks the user wants to create the training plan over and also what days are going to be training days and rest days. After this infomration has been given the tables for the days can be appended to the page and filled in by the user. When completed, this training plan will be saved to the 'Training Plans' page for all the users to use.

  • Setting up a training plan, When on the 'Training Plans' page the user can select one of the many training plans available on the page. After they have selected a training plan that suits their goals the user will need to add the weight that they would like to use and this will be saved to 'Your Training Plans' page.

Technologies Used

To create Power In Numbers i used the following:


  • Adobe XD

    • The project uses Abode XD to build the wireframes.
  • Photoshop

    • I used Photoshop to edit the header image and create the background image.
  • Adobe Illustrator

    • I used Adobe Illustrator to create the seamless background image.


  • Font Awesome

    • The project uses Font Awesome for the icons.
  • Google Font

    • The project uses Google font to change the style of the text.

Frontend framework

  • Bootstrap4
    • The project uses Bootstrap4 which is a front-end framework, to speed up the development process and keep the code easy to read.


  • HTML 5

    • This project uses HTML 5 for the mark up language.
  • CSS

    • CSS is used for the syle and the layout.
  • SCSS

    • SCSS was used to speed up the development process and to save time when change theme colours and more.
  • Javascript

    • Javascript is the programing language for this project.
  • JQuery

    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
  • Python

    • This HLL Python was used for the backend of this project, dealing with pulling data from mongoDB and managing the routes.

Backend Framework

  • Flask

    • Flask is a back-end micro framework and is used in this project.
  • jinja

    • The project uses jinja for the templating language.

Testing and bugs

Testing and bugs



Features Not Implement Yet

Features Not Implemented

Database Schema

Database schema

How to run locally:


  1. Go to
  2. Click on

clone or download

  1. Click download zip
  2. Extract zip file
  3. Import in to preferred IDE
  4. you will need to add a file call '' containing 'os.environ["pinDB"] = "withTheLinkToTheDataBase"'
  5. This command will install the dependencies for this project: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. In the terminal write 'pyhton' to run the application.

Using Git:

  1. Open terminal in preferred IDE
  2. Write "git clone"
  3. Press enter
  4. you will need to add a file call '' containing 'os.environ["pinDB"] = "withTheLinkToTheDataBase"'
  5. This command will install the dependencies for this project: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. In the terminal write 'pyhton' to run the application.


This python project is dependent on a few packages.

First these need to be installed, we can achieve this with the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

This project is hosted on heroku, I achieved this by:

  1. Going to the heroku dashboard and creating a new app.
  2. Then the 'Deploy' section and down to 'deployment method' select github and link heroku to this repository.
  3. Create a 'config vars' under the 'setttings' tab and add the variable 'pinDB' with the link and password to the database.
  4. Back to the 'Deploy' tab, continuing down to 'manual deploy' and pressing 'deploy branch'.



The header image is taken from:


This content was used to help implement the scroll to element function.

This was then using to add the smooth scroll to this function.

Organizing the file.

checkbox taken from codepen and then edited by me.

Helped when using a for loop with an array.

navigation bar.

This video was used to help understand passlib and hashing sensitive information.


Data Centric Development Milestone Project






No releases published
