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Chrome OS allows managed users to login to their accounts on a device level with their 3p IdP account.

Setting up SAML

In the ForgeRock tenant, set up a remote SP with Google and hosted IDP. Docs for setting up a hosted IDP and remote SP can be found here.

Once it is created, you will be able to use an IDP initiated URL in this format should look like this: https:///idpssoinit?metaAlias=(idp meta alias)&spEntityID=(sp entity id)

In the google admin tenant, go to security -> authentication, SSO with third party IDP. Enable it, and copy the IDP initiated URL as the sign in URL.

After setting up SAML, users can leverage authentication journeys in their flow.

Setting up a service account

A service account will need to be created and set up in google. Steps for that can be found here:

After a service account is created and a key is added, a json file will be downloaded containing information about the service account. This information will need to be added as ESVs in the ForgeRock environment:

Automatic provisioning of usernames to google

Users can be automatically provisioned from ForgeRock to Google using the Google directory api: This can be done through a ForgeRock IDM on create script. This script will be triggered every time a user is created to also create the user in Google. To do so, here are the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the ForgeRock Identity Management console
  2. Navigate to Managed Objects -> alpha_user -> scripts
  3. Under add script for managed events, select onCreate and click add script
  4. Copy and paste the script from scripts/on-create.js and click save
function buildJwt(claims) {
  var privateBytes = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.privatekey"));

  /* Generate private key. */
  var ks = new;
  var kf ="RSA");
  var pvt = kf.generatePrivate(ks);

  var signingKey = new org.forgerock.secrets.keys.SigningKey(new org.forgerock.secrets.SecretBuilder()

  var jwtString = new org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.handlers.SecretRSASigningHandler(signingKey))
  var theParams = {
    'url': '',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    'body': "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=" + jwtString
  var access_token = null;
     var theResponse = openidm.action('external/rest', 'call', theParams);
     access_token = theResponse.access_token;
  } catch(e) {
    logger.error("Exception during REST call: ");
  try {
  	var theBody2 = {
      "name": {
        "givenName": object.givenName

      "password": object.password,
      "primaryEmail": object.mail


    var theParams2 = {
      'url': '',
      'method': 'POST',
      'body': JSON.stringify(theBody2),
      'headers': {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    var theResponse = openidm.action('external/rest', 'call', theParams2);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error("-----onCreate Script an error occurred: " + e);
  return jwtString;

function generateJwtToken() {
  try {
    var iat = new Date();
    var iatTime = iat.getTime();
    var expTime = iat.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000);

    var claims = new org.forgerock.json.JsonValue(java.util.Map.of(
      "iss", identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.iss"),
      "scope", "",
      "aud", "",
      "sub", identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.adminemail"),
      "exp", new java.util.Date(expTime),
      "iat", new java.util.Date(iatTime),

    return buildJwt(claims);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Failure generating JWT : " + e);
    throw e;

try {
  var theJWT = generateJwtToken();
} catch (e) {
  console.log("Exception encountered");
  console.log("Exception: " + e);
  throw e;
Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 9 27 38 AM

Notify Chrome OS about password changes

  1. Navigate to the ForgeRock Identity Management console
  2. Navigate to Managed Objects -> alpha_user -> scripts
  3. Under add script for managed events, select onUpdate and click add script
  4. Copy and paste the script from scripts/updated-password.js and click save
function buildJwt(claims) {
  var privateBytes = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.privatekey"));

  /* Generate private key. */
  var ks = new;
  var kf ="RSA");
  var pvt = kf.generatePrivate(ks);

  var signingKey = new org.forgerock.secrets.keys.SigningKey(new org.forgerock.secrets.SecretBuilder()

  var jwtString = new org.forgerock.json.jose.jws.handlers.SecretRSASigningHandler(signingKey))
  var theParams = {
    'url': '',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    'body': "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=" + jwtString
  var access_token = null;
     var theResponse = openidm.action('external/rest', 'call', theParams);
     access_token = theResponse.access_token;
     logger.error("-----token Script theResponse-----  " + theResponse);
  } catch(e) {
    logger.error("Exception during REST access call: ");
  logger.error("ACCESS TOKEN" + access_token);
  try {
    var theBody3 = {
      "token_type": "SAML_PASSWORD"


    var theParams3 = {
      'url': '',
      'method': 'POST',
      'body': JSON.stringify(theBody3),
      'headers': {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    if(object.password != null && (typeof oldSource === undefined || openidm.decrypt(object.password) != oldSource.password)) {
    	openidm.action('external/rest', 'call', theParams3);
  } catch (e) {
    logger.error("-----onCreate Script an error occurred: " + e);
  return jwtString;

function generateJwtToken() {
  try {
    var iat = new Date();
    var iatTime = iat.getTime();
    var expTime = iat.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000);

    var claims = new org.forgerock.json.JsonValue(java.util.Map.of(
      "iss", identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.iss"),
      "scope", "",
      "aud", "",
      "sub", identityServer.getProperty("esv.x.adminemail"),
      "exp", new java.util.Date(expTime),
      "iat", new java.util.Date(iatTime),

    return buildJwt(claims);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Failure generating JWT : " + e);
    throw e;

try {
  var theJWT = generateJwtToken();
} catch (e) {
  console.log("Exception: " + e);
  throw e;


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