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Getting Started


Thing SDK

The Thing SDK enables a thing, which can be either a physical device or a software service, to register and authenticate without human interaction. Once registered, the thing will be represented by a digital identity in the ForgeRock Identity Platform and can authenticate itself in order to interact with the platform tier. The Thing SDK can communicate directly with the platform using HTTP(S) or via the Thing Gateway using CoAP(S).

Thing Gateway

The Thing Gateway is an application that enables more constrained devices to interact with the ForgeRock Identity Platform by acting as a proxy between a thing and the Platform.

Evaluate ForgeRock Things

This section covers the tasks you need to quickly get a test or demo environment running. It will guide you through configuring ForgeRock Access Management (AM) and running the Thing SDK and Gateway examples.

Install prerequisite software

The Thing SDK and Gateway has been developed in the Go programming language and to run the examples you require Go 1.13 or later.

You also require Git for downloading the source code and running the examples.

Get the example code

Clone this repository:

git clone

This will create a directory named iot-edge. The instructions for running the examples will assume this as your current directory:

cd iot-edge

Install and configure AM

The examples require AM to be installed with a fully qualified domain name of, using port 8080. Follow the AM Evaluation Guide to quickly set up an instance.

Log in to AM and go to Services:

  • Add the IoT Service
  • Select Create OAuth 2.0 Client and Create OAuth 2.0 JWT Issuer
  • Save Changes
  • Add the OAuth2 Provider service

Go to the IoT OAuth 2.0 Client:

  • Add publish to Scope(s)
  • Save Changes

Create an authentication tree called auth-tree:

Create a second authentication tree called reg-tree and enable Create Identity for the Register Thing node:

Go to the default keystore mappings and add the mapping: Secret ID:, Alias: es256test. The CA certificate used in this example is one of the test certificates (es256test) that AM includes by default. This mapping tells the Register Thing node what key to use when verifying the registration certificate.

Run the Thing SDK examples

Manual Registration

This example will authenticate and request an access token for the thing. It requires the thing to be in possession of an asymmetric key pair for signing.

Before running the example, register the thing manually using manual-thing as the thing's ID.

Run the example:

./ example "thing/simple" \
    -name "manual-thing" \
    -url "" \
    -audience "/" \
    -realm "/" \
    -tree "auth-tree" \
    -keyfile "./examples/resources/eckey1.key.pem"

Dynamic Registration

This example will create a new identity, authenticate and request an access token for the thing. It requires the thing to be in possession of an asymmetric key pair for signing, and a CA signed X.509 certificate containing the key pair's public key.

Run the example:

./ example "thing/cert-registration" \
    -name "dynamic-thing" \
    -url "" \
    -audience "/" \
    -realm "/" \
    -tree "reg-tree" \
    -keyfile "./examples/resources/eckey1.key.pem" \
    -certfile "./examples/resources/dynamic-thing.cert.pem"

Run the Thing Gateway examples

The Thing Gateway has its own identity in AM, which similar to a Thing, can be manually or dynamically registered. When manually registered, the gateway requires an asymmetric key pair for signing. When dynamically registered, the gateway requires an asymmetric key pair for signing, and a CA signed X.509 certificate containing the key pair's public key.

Manual Registration

This example will start the gateway and authenticate it.

Before running the example, register the gateway manually using manual-gateway as the gateway's ID.

Run the gateway:

./ gateway \
    --name "manual-gateway" \
    --url "" \
    --audience "/" \
    --realm "/" \
    --tree "auth-tree" \
    --kid "pop.cnf" \
    --key "./examples/resources/eckey1.key.pem" \
    --address ":5683" \

The message Thing Gateway server started will appear if the manual-gateway has started up and authenticated itself successfully.

In a different terminal window, connect a thing to the gateway.

To stop the gateway process, press Ctrl+C in the window where the process is running.

Dynamic Registration

This example will start the gateway, register and authenticate it.

Run the gateway:

./ gateway \
    --name "dynamic-gateway" \
    --url "" \
    --audience "/" \
    --realm "/" \
    --tree "reg-tree" \
    --key "./examples/resources/eckey1.key.pem" \
    --cert "./examples/resources/dynamic-gateway.cert.pem" \
    --address ":5683" \

The message Thing Gateway server started will appear if the gateway has started up, registered and authenticated itself successfully.

In a different terminal window, connect a thing to the gateway.

To stop the gateway process, press Ctrl+C in the window where the process is running.

Connect to the Thing Gateway

This example will connect a thing to the Thing Gateway. Once the thing has connected it will authenticate and request an access token.

Before running the example, register the thing manually using gateway-thing as the thing's ID.

Run the SDK example to connect the thing to the gateway:

./ example "thing/simple" \
    -name "gateway-thing" \
    -url "coap://:5683" \
    -keyfile "./examples/resources/eckey1.key.pem"

Register Identity

Use curl and AM's REST endpoints to manually register an identity for a thing or the gateway.

Get an admin SSO token:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-OpenAM-Username: amAdmin' \
--header 'X-OpenAM-Password: changeit' \
--header 'Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0, protocol=1.0'

Save the tokenId received from this request to a variable:


Set the ID of the identity to register. Change the value as specified in the example's instructions:


Register an identity for a thing:

curl -v --request PUT "${ID}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept-Api-Version: resource=4.0, protocol=2.1' \
--cookie "iPlanetDirectoryPro=${tokenId}" \
--data '{
    "userPassword": "5tr0ngG3n3r@ted",
    "thingType": "device",
    "thingKeys": "{\"keys\":[{\"use\":\"sig\",\"kty\":\"EC\",\"kid\":\"pop.cnf\",\"crv\":\"P-256\",\"alg\":\"ES256\",\"x\":\"wjC9kMzwIeXNn6lsjdqplcq9aCWpAOZ0af1_yruCcJ4\",\"y\":\"ihIziCymBnU8W8m5zx69DsQr0sWDiXsDMq04lBmfEHw\"}]}"

Register an identity for the gateway:

curl -v --request PUT "${ID}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept-Api-Version: resource=4.0, protocol=2.1' \
--cookie "iPlanetDirectoryPro=${tokenId}" \
--data '{
    "userPassword": "5tr0ngG3n3r@ted",
    "thingType": "gateway",
    "thingKeys": "{\"keys\":[{\"use\":\"sig\",\"kty\":\"EC\",\"kid\":\"pop.cnf\",\"crv\":\"P-256\",\"alg\":\"ES256\",\"x\":\"wjC9kMzwIeXNn6lsjdqplcq9aCWpAOZ0af1_yruCcJ4\",\"y\":\"ihIziCymBnU8W8m5zx69DsQr0sWDiXsDMq04lBmfEHw\"}]}"

Next Steps