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Inductive Types

Inductive Types

Inductive types are types that satisfy a certain universal property that tells you how to map out of them. There is a purely categorical characterization which you can look at, if you are so inclined.

In Lean, we declare inductive types with the inductive keyword, following by a number of so-called constructors. The constructors are the various ways in which you can build terms of the given inductive type.

The key thing to keep in mind is that the universal property of inductive types explain how to map out of them. So, whenever you have a type which such a universal property, it can often be modeled with an inductive type.

Examples of inductive types

We will look at various examples of inductive types, of increasing complexity.

Single term types

Let's start with the most basic example.

inductive Foo where
  | foo : Foo

This defines a type Foo with a single term called In fact, the built-in type PUnit is defined in a similar way:

inductive PUnit : Sort u where
  | unit : PUnit

How can we argue about terms of Foo? Well, whenever we define an inductive type, Lean automatically creates the type itself, as well as a number of auxiliary lemmas and constructions. I'll mention a few below. For now, let's see how we can prove that any term of Foo is equal to

example (a b : Foo) : a = b := by
  cases a
  cases b

The use of cases indicates that some pattern matching has taken place. In fact, we can use pattern matching explicitly to prove the same thing, as follows:

example (a b : Foo) : a = b := 
  match a, b with 
    | .foo, .foo => rfl

Two term types

We can have multiple constructors.

inductive Bar where
  | a : Bar 
  | b : Bar

Again, this is similar to something from the library, name the type Bool of booleans, defined as follows:

inductive Bool : Type where
  | false : Bool
  | true : Bool

Let's now see how to define functions from inductive types in a number of ways. First, we can use pattern matching similar to the example above to construct such a function.

example (x : Bar) : Nat := 
  match x with 
    | .a => 0
    | .b => 1

This is a bit verbose, and we can compress it with the so-called equation compiler, as follows:

example : Bar → Nat 
  | .a => 0
  | .b => 1

As I mentioned above, when declaring an inductive type a number of declarations are added automatically. In this case, the relevant one is called Bar.rec, and its type is:

Bar.rec.{u} {motive : Bar → Sort u} (a : motive Bar.a) (b : motive Bar.b) (t : Bar) : motive t

What this gives us is a way to construct arbitrary dependent functions out of Bar. The "motive" here refers to the family of types (really, sorts, since we want to be able to construct maps to propositions or types) which is the "codomain" of our desired dependent function. In this case, if motive : Bar -> Type is such a family (to Types, for simplicity), this says that in order to obtain a dependent function to motive from Bar, it suffices to provide a term of motive .a (the image of .a) and a term of motive .b (the image of .b).

Here I am using a Lean4 trick which allows me to write .a or .b instead of Bar.a or Bar.b as long as Lean knows to expect a term of Bar.

Here is the above example constructed using Bar.rec:

example : Bar → Nat :=  
  Bar.rec 0 1

This will result in an error in Lean4, saying

code generator does not support recursor 'Bar.rec' yet, consider using 'match ... with' and/or structural recursion

but this is just because compiler support for explicitly using .rec functions has not been implemented yet. In terms of the underlying type theory, the three functions above are equivalent.

The Natural Numbers

So far we have talked about inductive types whose terms do not involve other terms of the given type. But the power of inductive types, as the name suggests, comes from the fact that they are related to induction. There are some technical conditions on where terms of an inductive type can appear in its own definition, and Lean will give you errors if you try to use such a term where it cannot be used.

Let's look at an example:

inductive MyNat where
  | zero : MyNat
  | succ : MyNat → MyNat 

In this case, MyNat (my version of the naturals) is an inductive type with two constructors, zero which is just a term of MyNat, and succ which takes a term of MyNat and produces a new term of MyNat.

We can use pattern matching to define "addition" of terms of MyNat reflecting the usual addition of natural numbers:

def MyNat.add : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat 
  | .zero, b => b
  | (.succ a), b => .succ (MyNat.add a b)

So, zero.add b is defined to be b, while (succ a).add b is defined to be succ (a.add b). This is a recursive definition.

The same definition can be given using match as follows:

def MyNat.add (a b : MyNat) : MyNat :=
  match a, b with
    | .zero, b => b
    | (.succ a), b => .succ (MyNat.add a b) 

Here is another common example of an inductive type:

inductive MyList (α : Type) where
  | nil : MyList α 
  | cons : α → MyList α → MyList α 

This is the type of lists of terms of α. Such a list is either empty (nil), or has the form cons x xs where x : α and xs : MyList α. Think of cons x xs as sticking x on the left of xs to obtain a list whose length is increased by one. Note that the inductive type MyList is parameterized by a type (α : Type).

We can construct the length function on MyList by recursion as follows:

def MyList.length {α : Type} : MyList α → MyNat 
  | .nil => .zero
  | .cons _ xs => .succ (MyList.length xs)

Similarly, we can define the function which takes a natural number n and returns the constant list all of whose terms are zero, of length n:

def MyList.constant : MyNat → MyList MyNat 
  | .zero => .nil
  | .succ n => .cons .zero (MyList.constant n)

The word My in the names of MyNat and MyList are just there to avoid name clashes. In the rest of this note I will use the built-in types Nat and List for natural numbers and lists.

Inductive functions

It's also possible to define inductive functions as long as the target is a sort. For example, here is a definition of a type equivalent to Fin n using inductive types:

inductive Fin' : Nat → Type where 
  | zero {n : Nat} : Fin' (n+1)
  | succ {n : Nat} : Fin' n -> Fin' (n+1)

As an exercise, try to construct an equivalence between Fin n and Fin' n. Here is a full skeleton with the necessary imports:

import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic

inductive Fin' : Nat → Type where 
  | zero {n : Nat} : Fin' (n+1)
  | succ {n : Nat} : Fin' n -> Fin' (n+1)

example (n : Nat) : Fin' n ≃ Fin n := sorry

Note that the type of equivalences between two types X Y is denoted X ≃ Y. This is a notation for Equiv X Y, where Equiv is a structure defined essentially as follows:

structure Equiv (α : Sort _) (β : Sort _) where
  toFun : α → β
  invFun : β → α
  left_inv : LeftInverse invFun toFun
  right_inv : RightInverse invFun toFun

Defining inductive functions is particularly useful when the target is Prop. For example, we can define sets inductively, since a subset of X is modeled as X → Prop. For example, the underlying set of a submonoid generated by a subset S : Set M of a monoid M can be defined inductively as follows:

import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs

variable {M : Type} [Monoid M] 

inductive gen (S : Set M) : M → Prop where
  | of (m : M) (hm : m ∈ S) : gen S m
  | one : gen S 1
  | mul (m n : M) : gen S m → gen S n → gen S (m * n)

The first constructor of says that whenever m : M is in S, then m is in gen S. The second constructor one says that 1 is in gen S. And the third constructor mul says that if m and n are in gen S, then so is m * n, i.e. that gen S is closed under multiplication.


While quotients are not inductive types, they are closely related, and indeed they satisfy a similar universal property. Quotients are part of Lean's type theory itself. This is extremely convenient, as it means that we do not have to define quotients as sets of equivalence classes, which quickly becomes tedious and error-prone. Do a google search for "setoid hell" to see some discussion for why this is the case.

We have two ways to construct quotients in Lean: using Quot, which lets us take a quotient by an arbitrary relation, and Quotient, which lets us take a quotient by an equivalence relation. In fact, Quotient is defined in terms of Quot, but the fact that the relation in question is an equivalence relation simplifies the interface when working with Quotient as opposed to Quot. Having said that, there are still some situations where Quot is more convenient.

Let's start with Quot. Let α be a type, and let r : α → α → Prop be a relation on α. We can form the quotient of α by r using Quot r.

import Mathlib.Init.Data.Quot

variable (α : Type) (r : α → α → Prop)

example : Type := Quot r

The import will be needed in some of the examples below.

The universal property of Quot r says that in order to map out of Quot r to a type β, it suffices to provide a function f : α → β such that f x = f y whenever r x y. We use Quot.lift to obtain such a function:

example (β : Type) (f : α → β) (hf : ∀ a b, r a b → f a = f b) : 
    Quot r → β :=
  Quot.lift f hf

The terms of Quot r are all represented by terms of α, and we can use to construct a term of Quot r from a term of α:

example (a : α) : Quot r := r a

Furthermore, if we apply Quot.lift f hf as above to r a, we get back f a:

example (a : α) (β : Type) (f : α → β) (hf : ∀ a b, r a b → f a = f b) :
    Quot.lift f hf (.mk _ a) = f a := 

Finally, whenever we have two terms a b : α such that r a b, then r a = r b:

example (a b : α) (h : r a b) : r a = r b := 
  Quot.sound h

Conversely, suppose that r a = r b. In this case, we don't get that r a b holds true. Rather, we get:

example (a b : α) (h : r a = r b) :
    EqvGen r a b :=
  Quot.exact r h

Here EqvGen r a b is the equivalence relation generated by r. It is defined inductively (in mathlib) as follows:

inductive EqvGen : α → α → Prop
  | rel : ∀ x y, r x y → EqvGen x y
  | refl : ∀ x, EqvGen x x
  | symm : ∀ x y, EqvGen x y → EqvGen y x
  | trans : ∀ x y z, EqvGen x y → EqvGen y z → EqvGen x z

The main benefit of using Quotient as opposed to Quot is that Quotient takes an equivalence relation as an input, and so in this case we don't have to use EqvGen. The API for Quotient is similar to that of Quot, except that it takes a setoid as its input as opposed to a bare relation.

Setoids are defined in Lean as follows:

class Setoid (α : Sort u) where
  r : α → α → Prop
  iseqv : Equivalence r

Yes, they are a class, but in practice we mostly use them instead as bare structures.

To start, let's fix a setoid on α:

variable (s : Setoid α)

We can now form the quotient of α by s using Quotient s. This is a type, and we can use Quotient.lift to map out of it, just like we did for Quot.

example (β : Type) (f : α → β) (hf : ∀ a b, S.r a b → f a = f b) : 
    Quotient S → β :=
  Quotient.lift f hf

example (a : α) (β : Type) (f : α → β) (hf : ∀ a b, S.r a b → f a = f b) :
    Quotient.lift f hf ( S a) = f a := 

example (a : α) : Quotient S := S a 

example (a b : α) (h : S.r a b) : S a = S b := 
  Quotient.sound h

Now here is where things differ from Quot:

example (a b : α) (h : S a = S b) : S.r a b := 
  Quotient.exact h

Note that there is EqvGen in sight.

Inductive Proofs

Let's now look at how to prove things about inductive types. The main tactics in this context are cases and induction:

  1. cases splits a goal into one goal for each constructor of the inductive type.
  2. induction is similar, but it also adds inductive hypotheses for each recursive argument of the constructor.

First, let's look at an example using cases. We will construct a permutation of Bool which interchanges true and false. Equivalences in Lean are a structure with four fields: the function in the forward direction, the function in the backward direction, and two proofs saying that they are inverses to eachother.

import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic

def swap : Bool ≃ Bool where
  toFun := _
  invFun := _
  left_inv := _
  right_inv := _

We can use pattern matching to construct toFun and invFun:

import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic

def swap : Bool ≃ Bool where
    | true => false
    | false => true
    | true => false
    | false => true
  left_inv := _
  right_inv := _

Now let's uses cases in the two missing proofs.

import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic

def swap : Bool ≃ Bool where
    | true => false
    | false => true
    | true => false
    | false => true
  left_inv := by
    intro x
    cases x with
    | false => rfl
    | true => rfl
  right_inv := by
    intro x
    cases x with
    | false => rfl
    | true => rfl

Note that once we case split on x : Bool, the two goals are true by definition, hence the use of rfl.

Now let's look at an example using induction. I'll use the construction of the constant list of size n from above, except I will use Lean's built-in List type. I will then prove that the length of this list is actually n, using induction.

import Mathlib.Data.List.Basic

def List.zeros : ℕ → List ℕ 
  | 0 => []
  | n+1 => 0 :: List.zeros n

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := sorry

Note that the length function for lists is defined recursively as follows:

def List.length : List α → Nat
  | nil       => 0
  | cons _ as => HAdd.hAdd (length as) 1

Let's start the proof:

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => sorry
  | succ n ih => sorry

The first case is our base case. Note that the length of the empty list is defined to be zero, and thus we can close the first goal with rfl.

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => rfl
  | succ n ih => sorry

For the second sorry, we have to actually use the inductive hypothesis. The goal state at that sorry is as follows:

n: ℕ
ih: List.length (List.zeros n) = n
⊢ List.length (List.zeros (Nat.succ n)) = Nat.succ n

Recall that List.zeros (Nat.succ n) is defined as 0 :: List.zeros n. Let's write an auxiliary lemma to help us here.

lemma List.zeros_zero (n : ℕ) : List.zeros (n+1) = 0 :: List.zeros n := rfl

We can now use this in our main proof:

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => rfl
  | succ n ih => 
    rw [List.zeros_zero]

The goal state at the sorry is now

n: ℕ
ih: List.length (List.zeros n) = n
⊢ List.length (0 :: List.zeros n) = Nat.succ n

Now we use a lemma from the library called List.length_cons:

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => rfl
  | succ n ih => 
    rw [List.zeros_zero, List.length_cons]

Our state is now

n: ℕ
ih: List.length (List.zeros n) = n
⊢ Nat.succ (List.length (List.zeros n)) = Nat.succ n

And finally we can use our inductive hypothesis to solve the goal:

example (n : ℕ) : (List.zeros n).length = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => rfl
  | succ n ih => 
    rw [List.zeros_zero, List.length_cons, ih]