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Roderick Monje edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

This document briefly describes how we make decisions for @vaccinesignup.


In terms of governance models (Gardler and Hanganu), @vaccinesignup is a bazaar—contributions are gladly welcomed from everyone. The project is led by a single technical lead designated by the project's author. The technical lead has final say on decisions (and thus is something of a benevolent dictator), but the technical lead is subject to being overruled or replaced by the project author. Also, since the project is FLOSS, the project can be forked; this ability to fork also provides a check against despotism. The technical lead's job is focus on doing what's best for this project, and the project's goal is to help the FLOSS community overall.

The technical lead has commit rights on the software, and administrative rights to the canonical distribution at, and can add or remove those rights to others. Those with commit rights can make changes (subject to caveats described below) and accept changes (typically pull requests) submitted by others. These changes include changes to the process and contribution requirements.


We generally use the GitHub issue tracker and pull requests for managing changes. For details, including contribution requirements, see Note that we emphasize two-person review for anything other than low-risk contributions.

@vaccinesignup requires two-factor authentication (2FA). In addition, this project does not accept SMS as the second factor.

Issues that we have determined are especially important, particularly if they will take a while, are added to the "next" milestone (which identifies "what should be prioritized next").

We expect people to focus on improving the project, not attacking other people. Please strive to "Be excellent to each other." For more information, see our Code of Conduct.

Current people

The current technical lead is the project author, Roderick Monje.

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