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Foxikle edited this page Sep 23, 2022 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the FoxRank wiki!

here I will guide you through the installation of the FoxRank plugin. This guide assumes you already have a spigot server set up.

Step 1.

Head over the the releases page found here. Download the file and store it somewhere.

Step 2.

This step depends on who's hosting your server.

Self Hosted servers

If you're hosting your own server, be sure to stop your server using the /stop command. Next, navigate to the server directory. Move or paste the file FoxRank v1.x to the folder or directory named plugins.

Third party Host

If you're using a server host, make sure to shut down your server. Navigate to your file manager. This might be called sftp or ftps. Click upload file and select the file your downloaded. It should be named something like FoxRank v1.x.

Step 2.

You can now start up your server and enjoy your newly installed plugin.

NOTE: When you join the server your rank will be set to DEFAULT. To change this DO NOT edit the player's data file.

Instead go to the file FoxRank/config.yml. Change the line SetRankPermissions: to 1. Reload or restart the server. Run the command /setrank <RankID> This will set your rank to the specified rank. Go back to your config.yml and change SetRankPermissions: to your desired powerlevel.

  • OWNER: 100
  • ADMIN: 90
  • YOUTUBE: 70
  • TWITCH: 70
  • MVP_PLUS: 65
  • MVP: 60
  • VIP_PLUS: 45
  • VIP: 40
  • DEFAULT: 1