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added sesame and poobah option to .load
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marcmaxson committed Mar 24, 2020
1 parent fbb6147 commit ed0e537
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Showing 3 changed files with 321 additions and 198 deletions.
127 changes: 119 additions & 8 deletions methylcheck/
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@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
# import modin.pandas as pd # claims to be 4X faster loading csvs, using all processor cores
# print('modin.pandas active')
#except ImportError:
import re # for sesame filename extraction
import pandas as pd
from .progress_bar import * # context tqdm
Expand All @@ -17,7 +14,7 @@

## modified this from methylprep on 2020-02-20 to allow for data_containers to be returned as option
def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=False, column_names=None):
def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=False, column_names=None, no_poobah=False, pval_cutoff=0.05):
"""When methylprep processes large datasets, you use the 'batch_size' option to keep memory and file size
more manageable. Use the `load` helper function to quickly load and combine all of those parts into a single
data frame of beta-values or m-values.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +50,15 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
Note: if you csv data has probe names in a column that is not the FIRST column, or is not named "IlmnID",
you should specify it with column_names and put it first in the list, like ['illumina_id', 'noob_meth', 'noob_umeth'].
if loading from CSVs, and there is a column for probe p-values (the poobah_pval column),
the default is to filter out probes that fail the p < 0.05 cutoff. if you specify 'no_poobah'=True,
it will load everything, regardless of p-values.
if applying poobah (pvalue probe detection based on poor signal to noise)
this specifies the threashold for cutoff (0.05 by default)
outputs more processing messages.
Expand All @@ -74,14 +80,34 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
format = meth (dataframe)
you have processed CSV files in the path specified and want a dataframe returned
take the data_containers object returned and run `methylcheck.container_to_pkl(containers, save=True)` function on it.
format = sesame
for reading csvs processed using R's sesame package. It has a different format (Probe_ID, ind_beta, ind_negs, ind_poob) per sample.
Only those probes that pass the p-value cutoff will be included.
- BUG: custom fields cannot auto detect the -pval- column and this isn't supplied in kwargs
- DONE: meth_df deal with batches of files
formats = ('beta_value', 'm_value', 'meth', 'meth_df', 'noob_df')
formats = ('beta_value', 'm_value', 'meth', 'meth_df', 'noob_df', 'sesame')
if format not in formats:
raise ValueError(f"Check the spelling of your format. Allowed: {formats}")
if format == 'sesame':
return load_sesame(
processed_csv = False # whether to use individual sample files, or beta pkl files.
total_parts = []

# bug: total_parts will match 'meth_values' for format='meth' instead of reading csvs.
# looking for multiple pickled files (beta/m)
if format in ('beta_value', 'm_value'):
total_parts = list(Path(filepath).rglob(f'{file_stem}{format}*.pkl'))
elif format == 'meth_df':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,6 +169,10 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
columns = ['IlmnID', 'm_value']
elif format == 'meth':
columns = ['IlmnID', 'noob_meth', 'noob_unmeth']
raise ValueError(f"format {format} not supported. fix.")
if no_poobah == False:
index_column = 'IlmnID' if 'IlmnID' in columns else columns[0] # fragile assumption: first column is index
sample = pd.read_csv(part,
# this param assigns the index from one column
Expand All @@ -151,7 +181,7 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
dtype={'illumina_id': str, 'IlmnID':str, 'noob_meth':np.float16,
'noob_unmeth':np.float16, 'meth':np.float16, 'unmeth':np.float16,
'beta_value':np.float16, 'm_value':np.float16},
'beta_value':np.float16, 'm_value':np.float16, 'poobah_pval':np.float16},
memory_map=True, # load all into memory at once for faster reading (less IO)
#na_filter=False, # disable to speed read, if not expecting NAs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,13 +212,19 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
# incorporate .load_both() here

if 'beta_value' in sample.columns and format == 'beta_value':
if no_poobah == False and 'beta_value' in sample.columns and 'poobah_pval' in sample.columns:
sample.loc[sample['poobah_pval'] >= pval_cutoff, 'beta_value'] = np.nan

col = sample.loc[:, ['beta_value']]
col.rename(columns={'beta_value': sample_name}, inplace=True)
if verbose and not silent:
print(f'{sample_name}, {col.shape} --> {len(sample_betas)}')
elif 'm_value' in sample.columns and format == 'm_value':
if no_poobah == False and 'm_value' in sample.columns and 'poobah_pval' in sample.columns:
sample.loc[sample['poobah_pval'] >= pval_cutoff, 'm_value'] = np.nan

col = sample.loc[:, ['m_value']]
col.rename(columns={'m_value': sample_name}, inplace=True)
Expand All @@ -200,6 +236,11 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
column_names[0] in sample.columns and
format in ('beta_value', 'm_value')):
# HERE: loading beta_value or m_value from csvs using a custom column_names option
# BUG::: cannot auto detect the -pval- column and isn't supplied in kwargs

if no_poobah == False and 'poobah_pval' in sample.columns:
sample.loc[sample['poobah_pval'] >= pval_cutoff, col_name] = np.nan

col_name = column_names[0]
col = sample.loc[:, [col_name]]
col.rename(columns={col_name: sample_name}, inplace=True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +291,9 @@ def load(filepath='.', format='beta_value', file_stem='', verbose=False, silent=
return df
elif not silent:
LOGGER.warning(f"No pickled files of type ({format}) found in {filepath} (or sub-folders).")
return # wrapped up _processed.csv and _calls.csv.gz version of load()

# does this apply only to batches of beta/m-val.pkl files???
start = time.process_time()
parts = []
#for i in range(1,total_parts):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,3 +637,71 @@ def _data_source_type(data_source):

raise ValueError("Unknown data structure.")

def load_sesame(filepath='.',
# these are not passed in from .load() but can be overridden if calling this directly.
""" called within .load() for loading sesame-processed samples in csvs (optionally gzipped).
returns a dataframe of betas, with failing probes filtered out (unless overridden). """
SESAME_RGLOB_PATTERN = '*_R0[0-9]C0[0-9]*_calls.csv*'
SESAME_FILENAME_REGEX = '(.*_R0[0-9]C0[0-9]).*_calls\.csv(\.gz)?'

# files are Sentrix_ID ... manifest code ... _calls.csv.gz
total_parts = list(Path(filepath).rglob(SESAME_RGLOB_PATTERN))
if verbose and not silent:
print(len(total_parts),'files matched')
if total_parts != []:
sample_betas = []
sample_names = []
columns = [index_column, beta_column, poobah_column]
for part in (tqdm(total_parts, desc='Files', total=len(total_parts)) if (not verbose and not silent) else total_parts):
sample = pd.read_csv(part,
# this param assigns the index from one column
# usecols param speeds up reading
# compression='infer' by default; works for .gz files
dtype={index_column: str,
beta_column: np.float16,
poobah_column: np.float16
engine='c', #fastest
memory_map=True, # load all into memory at once for faster reading (less IO)
#na_filter=False, # disable to speed read, if not expecting NAs
if no_poobah == False:
# remove all failed probes by replacing with NaN before building DF.
sample.loc[sample[poobah_column] >= pval_cutoff, beta_column] = np.nan

fname = str(Path(part).name)
pattern = re.match(SESAME_FILENAME_REGEX, fname, re.I)
if pattern and len(pattern.groups()) >= 1:
sample_name = pattern.groups(1)
sample_name = ''

col = sample.loc[:, [beta_column]]
col.rename(columns={'beta_value': sample_name}, inplace=True)
if verbose and not silent:
print(f'{sample_name}, {col.shape} --> {len(sample_betas)}')
if len(sample_betas) > 30:
df = pd.concat(sample_betas, axis='columns', join='inner').progress_apply(lambda x: x)
df = pd.concat(sample_betas, axis='columns', join='inner')
return df
print("No sesame files found.")

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